How much electricity is a kilowatt!

How much electricity is a kilowatt!

1 kilowatt hour is equal to 1 kilowatt hour, commonly known as degree, is the unit of electric energy, kilowatt is the unit of electric power, hour refers to hour, 1 kilowatt electrical equipment consumes 1 kilowatt hour of electric energy in 1 hour, namely 1 kilowatt hour
1 kWh
How much electricity is a kilowatt?
A kilowatt is a unit of power
Degree is a unit of energy (electric work) and cannot be directly converted,
What is the relationship
1 kwh = 1 kWh
How many kilowatts is a kilowatt
One degree = 1 kWh
One kilowatt of electrical energy per hour
How many watts is an ampere of current
It depends on how much V voltage, 1V voltage, 1A current is 1W
The voltage of 10V is 1a and the current is 10A
What should we learn from Newton, Watt and Zhang Heng
Learn their spirit of being good at finding, thinking and studying hard
The relationship between current, voltage, time and electric energy is expressed by formula
5. Electric work and power: w = uit, P = UI {W: electric work (J), u: voltage (V), I: current (a), t: time (s), P: electric power (W)} 6. Joule's Law: q = i2rt {Q: electrothermal (J), I: current through conductor (a), R: resistance value of conductor (Ω), t: power on time (s)} 7. In pure resistance circuit: because I = u / R, w = q
How much is the current of 120 kW electric heating? How many square cables are needed (the voltage is 380 V)
120 kW divided by 380V voltage and then divided by 1.732 (is the root 2), the calculated value is the current value of 182a
Choose copper wire 75 square wire will be a little hot, summer may be soft wire skin. Your actual load certainly can not reach 180A, so the general 90 square wire is good, and summer wire skin is not easy to heat aging!
The resistance of a wire is 2 ohm. How much is the resistance when it is evenly stretched to 3 times of the original
SL is the volume of the wire and is the fixed value
Then, when l is tripled, the cross-sectional area s becomes 1 / 3
So the current resistance is 18 ohm
How Edison invented the light bulb
As early as 1821, British scientists David and Faraday invented a kind of electric lamp called arc lamp. This kind of electric lamp uses carbon rod as filament. Although it can emit bright light, the light is dazzling and the life span is short. So Edison began to test the material as filament. With great perseverance and patience, Edison tested more than 1600 kinds of materials
Formulas for calculating current, voltage, resistance and electric energy
W=UIt W=Pt=UU/R*t
The formula of electric energy is w = Pt, w = uit, (electric energy = electric power X time)
Sometimes w = u ^ 2T / r = I ^ 2rt can be used
1 degree = 1 kwh = 3.6 * 10 ^ 6 joules
W=UIt W=Pt=UU/R*t