How many watts is one ampere?

How many watts is one ampere?

In this circuit, the power is 220W, and the current intensity is 220W
How many watts is a kilowatt hour
one thousand
How to calculate the volume of the light bulb when Edison invented it
The first thing to know is that the volume of a light bulb is equal to its volume,
Put the light bulb into a square container larger than him, measure the volume of the light bulb with water (a), and then take the light bulb away, measure the volume (b) at this time
Finally, a minus B
How do electric motors convert electric energy into kinetic energy?
In fact, the principle of motor and generator is the same, using the electromagnetic induction phenomenon. The rotating electric field generates magnetic field, and the rotating magnetic field generates electric field. The generator cuts the magnetic induction line through the coil to generate current; while the motor makes the rotor rotate continuously under force through the electric field generated by the electrified coil
What is the color code of 1m ohm resistor
Four color ring: Brown, black and blue, five color ring: Brown, black and blue! The reading method of color ring resistance is black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and gray, respectively 0123456789
The fifth power of 10 is brown, black and green. Oh, no, it's the sixth power of 10. I thought the quintic power of 10 is to add five zeros after 10, which is exactly six zeros. Six is blue. Upstairs is right
Is it possible to use a resistor in series with a light-emitting diode (LED) as an indicator light for 220 V AC power supply?
Is there a potential safety hazard in mass production?
It is not recommended to use, because the positive half cycle of 220 V AC makes the LED light-emitting completely, but the negative half cycle makes the LED reverse breakdown. Although the current is very small, the service life of the LED is greatly reduced. A most common diode can be reversely paralleled at both ends of the LED to release the reverse voltage
What truth has the author proved by using the events of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton
It is an infinite process for human beings to know truth, and the pursuit of truth is far more valuable than the possession of truth
How to calculate the motor power by measuring the current of industrial three-phase 380V voltage
For example, we are using three-phase 380V industrial power, and the motor is connected by triangle. Use a power meter to measure the current on a line (it should be line current). How to calculate the output power of the motor and which formula is used? Please explain in detail whether the voltage and current in the formula are phase or line, thank you!
For example, now the power supply is 380V three-phase electricity. Connect the motor with a triangle. Measure the current on a wire with a clamp power meter as 84A, and calculate the output power of the motor
Three phase AC motor: active power = (line voltage) x (line current) x (root 3) x (power factor) x (efficiency)
(power factor is generally 0.85-0.90, efficiency is generally 0.90-0.95)
Closed circular coil with 0.1M radius and 0.2 ohm resistance
When the magnetic induction B increases with time t in a positive proportion from 0, and the current in the coil is 0.1A, then the relationship between B and time is?
The magnetic flux per unit time is the generated electromotive force, u = b * s / T
U: Voltage; B: magnetic induction; s: coil area; t: time
It can be concluded from the above: B = u * t / S = 0.637t
The lamps marked with 6V 3W and 6V 2W are connected in series with a certain power supply. If one lamp lights normally and the other is dark, what is the power supply voltage?
How much resistance does it take to connect 100 LED lights (light emitting diodes) in series with 220 V voltage
Do you have a formula? Thank you
If it's a white or blue tube, the voltage of each tube is 3.3V, then 330V is needed for 100 tubes. If it's divided into two groups and connected in series, it's only 165V. If the resistor needs to divide the voltage of 220-165v according to the working current of 15mA at 3.3V, then R = u / I = 55v / 0.015A =