AD0804 digital voltage conversion formula What is the analog voltage to digital voltage formula of AD0804? Does it have anything to do with the input voltage of VREF? Please know your detailed guidance. If you are the one (3) I read the PDF of this chip. They say that some filter capacitors are connected to analog ground and some to digital ground. What should be done when drawing PCB?

AD0804 digital voltage conversion formula What is the analog voltage to digital voltage formula of AD0804? Does it have anything to do with the input voltage of VREF? Please know your detailed guidance. If you are the one (3) I read the PDF of this chip. They say that some filter capacitors are connected to analog ground and some to digital ground. What should be done when drawing PCB?

The maximum voltage value of AD conversion = reference voltage (VREF). The maximum voltage of this chip should be 5V. Every time the analog voltage changes 0.02v, the binary number of digital quantity will be added by 1. The initial value is 0V, corresponding to 255 numbers of digital quantity, 00000000b0xff. Because 00h is 0V, the nine pins of the chip are VREF / 2 = 2.56v.. this is the integer number
Solar cell photoelectric conversion efficiency calculation formula, and the meaning of the parameters
Conversion efficiency = PM / s * 100%. PM -- maximum power output point, s -- area (can be divided into effective area, cell area, module area, etc., depending on which area to choose)
Calculation formula of annular area
If the radius of a semicircle is known, it is necessary to cut the radius of the semicircle into equal n parts, and then draw a ring with each cut point. A general formula for calculating the area of each ring is urgently needed
Notice the annular area of each segment,
"Surface area = base perimeter * (height + base radius)" and "surface area = side area + 2 base areas" have the same meaning, because: surface area = base perimeter * (height + base radius) = base perimeter × height + base perimeter × base radius = base perimeter × height + 2 × base radius × π × base radius
(the square of R minus the square of R) times 3.14
Subtract the area of the small circle from the area of the large circle
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When a power supply is connected with 8 Ω and 2 Ω resistors respectively, the electric power consumed by the two resistors is equal, then the internal resistance of the power supply is 0______ .
Let the internal resistance of the power supply be r. according to Ohm's law of closed circuit: I = E8 + R; I '= E2 + R, if the power consumed by these two resistors is equal, then there is: I2 × 8 = I'2 × 2, that is: (E8 + R) 2 · 8 = (E2 + R) 2 · 2, the solution is: r = 4 Ω, so the answer is: 4 Ω
Excuse me: solar power 1500 W, voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz, heating tube 3 hours can use how much electricity?
I'll calculate it for you. 1 kilowatt hour per kilowatt hour. 1.5kw × 3H = 4.5 degrees
It is stipulated in electrician's operation that copper conductor and aluminum conductor cannot be connected together. Please explain the reason
Why can't aluminum wire and copper wire be connected? 1. The potential of copper and aluminum is different. The copper aluminum contact part will accelerate the oxidation of aluminum wire due to galvanic cell reaction. After a long time, the copper aluminum joint will have poor contact. In order to connect together, we must use copper aluminum transition clamp or transition tube. 2
I want to know how to calculate the area formula of the straightest circle
The area formula takes r square r as radius
Pie times the square of the radius
The square of π * radius.
π can be 3.14.. This is a constant..
When a power supply is connected with 8 Ω and 2 Ω resistors respectively, the electric power consumed by the two resistors is equal, then the internal resistance of the power supply is 0______ .
Let the internal resistance of the power supply be r. according to Ohm's law of closed circuit: I = E8 + R; I '= E2 + R, if the power consumed by these two resistors is equal, then there is: I2 × 8 = I'2 × 2, that is: (E8 + R) 2 · 8 = (E2 + R) 2 · 2, the solution is: r = 4 Ω, so the answer is: 4 Ω
When a kettle works for 10 minutes, the power supply is 220 V, 50 Hz and the rated power is 1500 W, so the consumed electric energy can be calculated
If working at rated voltage
W = Pt = 1500 * 10 * 60 = 900000 joules
Why do we use copper and aluminum as wires instead of iron in our daily life
Metal is the most commonly used conductor, iron is also a conductor, the quantity is large and the price is low, but copper and aluminum are commonly used as conductors in life. Why not choose iron as conductor
The resistivity of copper and aluminum is smaller than that of iron
The same length, thickness of the wire, if the greater the resistivity, the greater the resistance, resulting in the loss of current through this section of wire is greater