How to read the unit symbol of "pipe diameter unit 3 / 4"? How many mm is converted into mm Request a reply!

How to read the unit symbol of "pipe diameter unit 3 / 4"? How many mm is converted into mm Request a reply!

The unit is inch 1 inch = 25.4mm 0.75inch = 19.05mm
3 / 4 is read as 6 branches, inner diameter is 20 mm, 1 / 2 is 4 branches, inner diameter is 15 mm, inner diameter of 1 "pipe is 25 mm
It's three quarters of an inch, 19.05mm.
All the symbols, units, formulas of grade three
It's also helpful for physics in the next semester. The symbols, units and all formulas of physical quantities learned in the third grade of junior high school
Physical quantity unit formula name symbol name symbol mass m kg kg m = PV temperature T centigrade ° C velocity v m / S M / S v = s / T density p kg / M & # 179; kg / M & # 179; P = m / V force (gravity) f Newton (cow) n G = mg pressure P Pascal (PA) P = f / s work w Joule
Sophomore in the summary of the second year of the book can not be found, with memory it
H = 0.5gt * t, f = ma, conservation of momentum, conservation of momentum and conservation of energy
That's all mechanics remembers
The relationship between the incident angle, the reflection angle, the normal refraction angle and the refractive index can be calculated
The instantaneous velocity in the middle of a = V initial-v final / T V = at S = VT + 0.5 at * t is equal to the average velocity at this time
All the formulas,
Physical quantity unit formula name symbol name symbol mass m kg kg m = PV temperature T centigrade ° C velocity v m / S v = s / T density p kg / M & sup3; kg / M & sup3; P = m / V force (gravity) f Newton (cow) n g = mg pressure P Pascal (PA) P = f / s work
In fact, all the formulas are better solved by ourselves
Remember what you summed up
Physical formulas on the second day of junior high school
Density definition formula ρ = m / V buoyancy formula method f floating = ρ liquid GV row weighing method f floating = G-F 'floating and suspension f floating = g Archimedes principle f floating = g row cause f floating = f floating up-f sinking to the bottom f floating = G-N power (Mechanical) definition formula P = w / t automobile power P = FV work (Mechanical) definition formula w = FS total work w total = w have