What is the conversion efficiency of ordinary solar cells?

What is the conversion efficiency of ordinary solar cells?

The conversion efficiency of solar energy is related to semiconductor materials, and the theoretical value is higher than the actual value
Monocrystalline silicon 24%, polycrystalline silicon 16.5%, amorphous silicon 12.3%, GaAs 25.7%, CdTe 15.8%, CIS 16.8%, cratzel element 12%, organic PN element 3.6%
Calculation formula of solar panel area and power
Strictly speaking, there is no formula for calculating the area and power of the panel
Power is related to conversion efficiency
At the same power, the higher the conversion efficiency is, the smaller the battery area is
The power calculation formula is as follows:_________________ Deformation formula:__________ 、_________ The derivation formula of power is as follows______________
The power calculation formula is as follows:________ P=W/t_________ Deformation formula:___ W=Pt_______ 、___ t=W/P______ The derivation formula of power is as follows_______ P=Fv_______
All formulas for calculating the area of a circle
Area; π r square
2 π R
When a power supply is connected with 8 Ω and 2 Ω resistors respectively, the electric power consumed by the two resistors is equal. If the electromotive force of the power supply is 2V, the maximum output power of the power supply is ()
Internal resistance R, I1 = 2 / (8 + R), P1 = I1 ^ 2 * 8, I2 = 2 / (2 + R), P2 = I2 ^ 2 * 2, P1 = P2, r = 4 Ω can be solved
Xiaoming's family bought a water heater of 220V 1500W. Because the installation location was too far away, they went to the store to buy a socket of 220V 6a and a plug of 220V 10A. From a safety point of view, they pointed out two problems of the mobile socket and explained the reasons
1. According to the formula P = UI, the current flowing through the cable is 6.8a for the electric appliance of 220V 1500W
If you use a 6A socket, the contact piece of the cable plug will be heated after a long time of work, which will seriously cause a fire
2. The rated power capacity of the socket must be greater than or equal to the rated capacity of the plug
Metal is the most commonly used conductor, steel is the conductor, more and cheaper, but the most commonly used copper and aluminum conductor, large-scale outdoor overhead conductor commonly used aluminum wire, often using several strands of aluminum wire twisted together, and the center also add a steel wire. As shown in the figure, do you know why to do this?
According to the conductivity, silver is the best conductor, but it is too expensive. Although steel is more and cheaper, it has poor conductivity and is easy to rust. Therefore, copper and aluminum are often used as conductor materials. Copper is commonly used when indoor conductors are installed and the consumption is small. Aluminum is more used for outdoor conductors, especially for large-scale overhead wires, because aluminum not only has better conductivity And the density is small and light. As for adding steel wire in the center, it is to improve the tensile capacity of the wire
Circular area formula
The square of pie R
When a power supply is connected with 8 Ω and 2 Ω resistors respectively, the electric power consumed by the two resistors is equal, then the internal resistance of the power supply is 0______ .
Let the internal resistance of the power supply be r. according to Ohm's law of closed circuit: I = E8 + R; I '= E2 + R, if the power consumed by these two resistors is equal, then there is: I2 × 8 = I'2 × 2, that is: (E8 + R) 2 · 8 = (E2 + R) 2 · 2, the solution is: r = 4 Ω, so the answer is: 4 Ω
Xiao Ming shut down other household appliances, only put an electric stove marked "220V 1000W" into the household circuit to boil water, and observed the meter (see below)
(see above) the panel has turned 150r in 5min. It is known that the electric energy meter is marked with 2000r / kWh. What is the actual power of this electric furnace?
Set the actual power as P, 5min = 1 / 12h
Then p * (1 / 12) * 2000 = 150