How many amperes is 1kW equal to and how to calculate?

How many amperes is 1kW equal to and how to calculate?

I think it's 1kwh. Smile
The common unit of electricity consumption is kilowatt / hour (kW / h). The kilowatt hour is the number of kilowatt hours of electricity
Watt (W) is the unit of power
Power X time is power consumption
Amperes are used to represent current
Power is not only related to a (ampere), but also to voltage
The formula is w (power) = u (voltage) × I (current)
So how many watts is also called how many volt ampere
How much is not equal to
Watt is the unit of work
Ampere is the unit of electric current
Ah, the foundation is not up to standard
I think you understand the above
How to calculate in word, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, etc
I make grammatical mistakes every time I do it
This should help you!
After changing the values of some cells, the results of some fields may not be updated at the same time. You can select the whole table, and then press F9 to update the results of all formula fields in the table!
The data in word table can be calculated automatically by formula field
Method 1: "insert" → "field..." → "formula..."
You can use insert → domain , keep the default domain name options, and click "formula..." on the right Button, the formula dialog box will also appear
Method 2: input the field code directly
Place the insertion point in the cell where you want to store the result, press Ctrl + F9 to insert the field identifier "{}" (Note: you can't input it directly with the keyboard), enter the formula composed of "=", function, value and cell name in it, then right-click it and select "switch field code" to display the result calculated by the formula
Some notes:
1. The naming of cells in word table is composed of the serial numbers of the columns and rows in which the cells are located. The column number is in the front and the row number is in the back. For example, the cell name in the second row of the third column is C2. The case of letters is common, and the use method is the same as that in Excel
2. "Left" or "above" will appear by default in the summation formula, which respectively means to calculate the data in the left continuous cell and the upper continuous cell of the cell where the formula field is located
3. After changing the values of some cells, the results of some fields may not be updated at the same time. You can select the whole table, and then press F9 to update the results of all formula fields in the table
4. Formula field is not only used in tables, but also can be used in text, header, footers, and even text boxes
How many joules is 1 cal
four point one eight
4.185851820846 Joule
1 cal = 4.18 J
1 cal = 4.18 J
For more details, please click:
There is a conversion software on it. There are not only cards and joules, but also others. It's very detailed.
According to the thermal work equivalent formula, each calorie is equivalent to 4.18 Joule energy, that is, 1cal = 4.18j.
four point one eight
1 cal=4.1868J。 4.18j is commonly used in general calculation.
It is known that the maximum AC current is 22 A, the frequency is 50 Hz, and the output phase is 30
Why can calculators add, subtract, multiply and divide?
The more detailed the better
Another simple calculator also has five necessary parts of a calculator, namely arithmetic unit, controller, memory, input device and output device. The core part of arithmetic operation is arithmetic unit and controller, that is CPU. The basic function of arithmetic unit is addition operation
When it comes to machine language, that is, 01 string. Calculators are generally calculated by electrical signals of machine language. They convert the input number into 01 string and identify it by electrical signals. After calculation, the result is returned to 01 string and converted back to number. For example, 2-digit calculator, 1 + 2 = 3, the calculator receives 00000001, plus signal, 00000010, electrical signal is 7 low and 1 high, plus signal is 7 high and 1 low, And 6 low 1 high 1 low these three signals, when calculating, the first and the third by bit addition operation, if you don't know how to read a book, explain how to calculate too much trouble, and then finally... Expand
When it comes to machine language, that is, 01 string. Calculators are generally calculated by electrical signals of machine language. They convert the input number into 01 string and identify it by electrical signals. After calculation, the result is returned to 01 string and converted back to number. For example, 2-digit calculator, 1 + 2 = 3, the calculator receives 00000001, plus signal, 00000010, electrical signal is 7 low and 1 high, plus signal is 7 high and 1 low, And 6 low 1 high 1 low these three signals, when the operation of the first and third bit by bit addition operation, if you do not know how to read a book, explain how the operation is too troublesome, and then finally get 000000 11, the output is 3
Do you understand? Put it away
How many degrees is one joule out of 90?
1 degree = 1 kW * H = 1000 * 3600 = 3600000 joules
So, 1 / 90 Joule = 3x10 ^ (- 9) degrees
Let the current be I [ampere], the conductor resistance be r [ohm], and the heat generated in t second be Q [Joule]. According to the physical formula, q = I square RT
If the resistance of the wire is 5 ohm and the wire generates 30 joules of heat in 1 second, calculate the value of current I. [accurate to 0.01 a]
According to the formula P = I2R  30W = I2 × 5 ohm
I2 = 30W △ 5 ohm = 6
I = 2.4494 ≈ 2.45a
What is p?
P is power! That 30J is total work, divided by time 1s, is not power!
And 30W = I2 × 5 ohm, that is, the power is equal to the square of the current times the time
Power [watts]
How to add, subtract, multiply and divide sets?
The operation between sets can't be called addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but the name is different, its essence is the same. There are intersection and complement, etc. if you are a high school student, I suggest you check the operation of "card", which is very helpful for the exam
How to convert small calorie, large calorie, kilocalorie, calorie and Joule?
Small calorie = calorie, large calorie = kilocalorie. 1 calorie = 4.2 Joule
According to the formal similarity between R = u / I and formula I = u / R, some people say that resistance R is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to current. Do you think that's right? Why/
This statement is wrong. Resistance is an inherent property of an object, such as a wire. The resistance is related to the conductivity of the material itself, the cross section and length of the wire. It does not mean that it changes with voltage or current