How to calculate the fuel consumption of diesel engine? How to convert the power from kW to HP How about a diesel engine? For example, how much fuel does a 20 hp diesel engine consume in an hour? How many HP is one thousand watts?

How to calculate the fuel consumption of diesel engine? How to convert the power from kW to HP How about a diesel engine? For example, how much fuel does a 20 hp diesel engine consume in an hour? How many HP is one thousand watts?

Fuel consumption has a lot to do with the structure of diesel engine
1 kW = 1.36 HP
1 HP = 0.736 kW
The following is a hypothesis about the ampere molecular current
A. In order to explain the magnetic field produced by magnets, ampere put forward hypothesis C. in fact, there is no similar molecular current inside the object. D. according to the later research of scientists, the circular current formed by the electrons in the atom rotating around the nucleus is consistent with the ampere molecular current hypothesis
How to add, subtract, multiply and divide four numbers equal to 10
What is the relationship between work (joule) in physics and heat (joule) in chemistry
Why is everyone's unit Joule? Is there any relationship between them? What's the relationship~
They are all about the work (joule) in the unit physics of energy, which refers to the sum of the work done in a certain period of time. It contains the changes of a variety of energy, which can be the mutual transformation of electricity, light, heat (internal), machinery and chemistry
They are all members of the energy family
Ampere molecular current hypothesis
Why can't ampere molecular current hypothesis explain [the reason why moving charge is affected by magnetic force]
In the ampere molecular current hypothesis, electrons move in a circle around the nucleus under the action of electrostatic force, not under the Lorentz force in a magnetic field, so it can not be explained that the motion of charge is affected by the magnetic force
How to calculate four four equal to two after using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
The difference between calories and joules
It looks like the same definition. Taka: the heat required to raise the temperature by 1 ℃ at 1 atm per unit mass; specific heat capacity: the heat required to raise the temperature by 1 ℃ per unit mass of a substance
How many amperes is 1kW equal to?
The common unit of electricity consumption is kilowatt / hour (kW / h). The kilowatt hour is the number of kilowatt hours of electricity
Watt (W) is the unit of power
Power X time is power consumption
Amperes are used to represent current
Power is not only related to a (ampere), but also to voltage
The formula is w (power) = u (voltage) × I (current)
So how many watts is also called how many volt ampere
Mix 1.2 - 2.3 with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to get 24
2 to the third power equals 8
1 - (- 2) equals 3
3 × 8 equals 24
Only add, subtract, multiply and divide the 1.2 - 2.3 mixed operation, the final 24 impossible, total multiplication is only - 12
You have no solution to this problem, because you can only use four operations, 2 * 12 = 24, 3 * 8 = 24, 4 * 6 = 24, and other 18 + 6 ah, 30-6 ah, which can not be considered, because the number given is too small, it is impossible to have such a big problem
There is a 2, that is 1, - 2, and 3 must be equal to 12. This is impossible. It is impossible to card 3 * 8, 1, 2, - 2 to get 8. 4 * 6 is more impractical, so it can't be equal to 24. Because there is only one sign, there must be addition and subtraction, and it can't be all multiplication or all division
You have no solution to this problem, because you can only use four operations, 2 * 12 = 24, 3 * 8 = 24, 4 * 6 = 24, and other 18 + 6 ah, 30-6 ah, which can not be considered, because the number given is too small, it is impossible to have such a big problem
There is a 2, that is 1, - 2, and 3 must be equal to 12. This is impossible. It is impossible to card 3 * 8, 1, 2, - 2 to get 8. 4 * 6 is more impractical, so it can't be equal to 24. Because there is only one sign, there must be addition and subtraction, and it can't be total multiplication or total division
You can't add, subtract, multiply or divide. Two plus one equals three, and then the third power of two times three
Joule and calorie
Is there a relationship between the unit joule of work and the unit calorie of heat? If so, do you know how to convert it?
One calorie is 4.2 joules! A thousand joules is 1000 joules!