If n is a natural number within 100, how many n can divide n times-1 of 2 by 7?

If n is a natural number within 100, how many n can divide n times-1 of 2 by 7?

If n is a natural number within 100, how many n can divide n times-1 of 2 by 7?
Because the n-th power of 2 minus 1 is greater than or equal to 7
2 ^ n = 8,16,32,64,... (n starts from 3)
It can be seen that when n = a multiple of 3, 6, 9,..., the n-th power of 2 minus 1 can divide by 7
99 / 3 in 100 = 33 satisfactory n, so
There are 33 n that can divide n times-1 of 2 by 7
N is 3 and 6 respectively & nbsp; please see the picture below for detailed results.
How many amperes is a kilowatt at 380 volts
How is it calculated
Let me tell you a general formula: capacity divided by kilovolt, quotient coefficient is 0.76, so 1000 / 380 * 0.76
=Two amperes
What is the meaning of power cable model yjv-1-3 * 185 + 2 * 95
Five core cable, three 185 square, two 95 square
1 for 1kV
If n is a natural number within 100, how many n can divide n times-1 of 2 by 7?
It is proved that when n = 3K [K is a natural number], 2 ^ n-1 must be divisible by 7. When n = 3k, 2 ^ n-1 = 2 ^ 3K-1 = 8 ^ k-1 = (7 + 1) ^ k-1. According to the quadratic expansion, we get = 1 * 7 ^ k + P1 * 7 ^ (k-1) + P2 * 7 ^ (K-2) + +PK * 7 + 1] - 1 each term contains a factor 7, which can be divided by 7
The following statement is correct: a. the greater the power of the appliance, the more energy it consumes; B. the shorter the power on time of the appliance, the greater the power
A. The greater the power of the appliance, the more energy it consumes
B. The shorter the power on time, the greater the power
C. The smaller the power of the appliance, the slower the energy consumption
D. None of the above is true
I don't know why I didn't answer the question for so long
The meaning of electric power is a physical quantity to express the speed of doing work, so this question should choose C, small electric power, slow work and slow energy consumption
Electric work (electric energy) w = Pt, the time and power that affect how much work is done, so a is not right
P = w / T. besides time, the power is determined by the amount of work, so B is wrong
What does power cable yjv-0.6 / 1-3 * 35 + 1 mean
Power cable yjv-0.6 / 1-3 * 35 + 1 refers to: XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cable, its rated voltage is 0.6 to 1 kV, it is composed of 4 cores, of which 3 cores each have a nominal cross-sectional area of 35 square mm
I hope my answer can help you,
Global wire and cable portal - cable network
Within 100, how many natural numbers can be divisible by 3
Natural numbers include 0
From 0 to 99
34 in all
So, it's 33
Using electrical appliances to consume the same electric energy, the shorter the time, the greater the electric power, right
According to w = Pt, P = w / T. therefore, the shorter the consumption time, the greater the power
What is the meaning of yjv-4 * 35 + 1 * 16 for laying copper core power cable?
Such as the title
YJ: XLPE, this is insulation material, V: PVC, this is sheath material, the core is: 4 35m2 + 1 * 16, another 16m2
How many natural numbers within 100 can be divided by 7?
What is the natural number that can be 7
So there are 14
If you ask how many natural numbers are divided by 7 in 2000, it would be a joke if you list them one by one
1 * 7, 2 * 7.285 * 7, there are 285
When you think about it, it's simple
Take the integer part of 100 △ 7
This is the general method
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
14 in all.