The shorter the time it takes to consume electric energy, the greater the electric power. Why is this sentence wrong? Why is it right that the greater the power, the faster the consumer consumes? It's an exercise book

The shorter the time it takes to consume electric energy, the greater the electric power. Why is this sentence wrong? Why is it right that the greater the power, the faster the consumer consumes? It's an exercise book

The definition of electric power refers to the electric energy consumed by electrical appliances in unit time;
The larger the electric power, the greater the electric energy consumed per unit time, that is to say, the faster the electric energy consumed by electrical appliances
But I didn't add a point in the first sentence. If the amount of electric energy is small, it will take a short time
What does 0.6/1kv in the cable mean
6kV is phase voltage and 1kV is line voltage
In the natural numbers from 1 to 1998, how many numbers can be divisible by 2 but not by 3 and 7?
From 1 to 1998, the number of divisible by 2 is: 1998 △ 2 = 999, from 1 to 1998, the number of divisible by (2 × 3) = 333, from 1 to 1998, the number of divisible by (2 × 7) ≈ 142, and from 1 to 1998, the number of divisible by (2 × 3 × 7) ≈ 47, so 999-333-142 + 47 is divisible by 2 but not by 3 and 7 =571. A: there are 571 numbers that can be divided by 2 but not by 3 or 7
Electric power is the electrical energy consumed by electrical appliances_____ The physical quantity of a power consumption is equal to that of an electrical appliance_____ The power consumed in a certain period of time
Electric power is a physical quantity that indicates the speed of electric energy consumption by electrical appliances. The size of an electric power consumption is equal to the electric energy consumed by electrical appliances in one second
Fast, slow, sure
One second fast and one second slow
Find the meaning of vv-0.6/1kv 5 * 4 sc32 WC in building electrical appliances,
VV should be cable. What is 5 * 4?
It's electrical,
Yes, VV stands for copper core power cable, 5 * 4 stands for 5-core 4 square millimeter core, sc32 refers to casing, nominal diameter 32 steel pipe, WC concealed wall
What is the number of elements of natural numbers within 100 divisible by 3 or 7
How to solve this problem
One by one or regular
It's upstairs
3 or 7
See clearly
34 times of 3
15 times of 7
Then subtract the repeated ones, that is. 5 upstairs
34 + 15-5 = 44
I don't see the title clearly. It's divisible by three or seven, not sum. If it can be divisible by 3, then x = 3T, t is 33 at most, so there are 34 numbers. In the same way
The number of elements of natural numbers within 100 divisible by 7 is 14
So x = 21t
The results are 0, 21, 42, 63, 84
100 / 3 = 33 can be divided by 3
100 / 7 = 14 can be divided by 7
There are 100 / 21 = 4 divisible by 21
So there are 33 + 14-4 = 43
X satisfies x = 3T and x = 7S (T, s are natural numbers)
So p = 21x
Another 0
The electric power of an electric appliance is 50W, and the rated voltage is 220V. How many kwh does it cost to use it for one hour?
1.1. How to calculate the power consumption of "220V 50W" bulb in one hour?
First of all, 220 V represents the rated voltage of the bulb (that is, the normal voltage of the bulb), and 50 W represents the electric power consumed by the bulb when the voltage is 220 v
When the voltage is 220 V, the energy consumed by the lamp in one hour is:
W = Pt = 0.05kw * 1 = 0.05kwh = 0.05kwh
Because 1kwh is one kilowatt hour
2. How to calculate the power consumption of transformer "output 6.5V 600mA" in an hour
Obviously, the output voltage of the transformer is u = 6.5V and the output current is I = 0.6A
Therefore, the output power P = UI = 6.5 * 0.6W = 3.9w
Therefore, the power consumption per hour is w = Pt = 0.0039 * 1kwh = 0.0039kwh = 0.0039kwh
What is vv-0.6 "1kv-5 * 25 in the circuit system diagram?
Vv-0.6/1kv-5 * 25 shall be PVC insulated cable with withstand voltage of 0.6/1kv, five core and core wire cross section of 25mm2
A is a natural number. If we know that the sum of a and a + 1 can be divided by 7, then the minimum natural number is ()
The last digit of a can only be 9 and carry after + 1. Otherwise, the difference between the sum of the digits of a and a + 1 must be 1, which cannot be divisible by 7
The sum of a's digits can be divided by 7, and the digit of a is 9
The sum of bits of a is 9-1 = 8
8 can never be divided by 7,
So the ten digit number of a is 9
So the sum of numbers a and the sum of numbers a + 1: 9 + 9-1 = 17
Still not divisible by 7
So the hundred of a is also 9. Similarly, 9 + 9 + 9-1 = 26 cannot be divided by 7
Similarly, the thousandth of a is 9, 9 + 9 + 9 + 9-1 = 35, which can be divided by 7
Now we know that the digits of a to thousand are 9,
And 36. 42 is bigger than 36 and divisible by 7
From this we can get: the minimum natural number is 69999
If the electric energy consumed by an electric appliance is 30000j in 5min, the electric power of the electric appliance is 30000j______ W. The appliance works______ h. The power consumption is 1kW · H
Electric power P = wt = 30000j300s = 100W, ∵ P = WT, ∵ work time t = WP = 1kW · h0.1kw = 10h; so the answer is: 100; 10