Area formula of isosceles right triangle Don't copy other people's, be correct

Area formula of isosceles right triangle Don't copy other people's, be correct

Area: known two right angle sides: direct s = 1 / 2 ah (bottom * height / 2), that is, right angle side ^ 2 / 2 hypotenuse and a right angle side: height, Pythagorean theorem, height
Find the common triangle: S = 1 / 2absinc (half of sine product of two sides and angle)
s=1/2acsinB   s=1/2bcsinA
S = root sign: P (P-A) (P-B) (P-C) where p = 1 / 2 (a + B + C) is called Helen's formula
How to prove (a1 + A2 +... + an) / N > = (A1A2... An) ^ 1 / N?
It can be proved by mathematical induction, which is more direct, but the amount of calculation may be larger. It is easier to prove by convex function
Consider f (x) = LNX, then the first derivative f '(x) = 1 / x, the second derivative f' '(x) = - 1 / x ^ 2
Calculation formula between heat and power
I want to calculate the required power of the electric heating belt. Given the required heat and heating time, how to calculate the required power?
Please attach the formula and the unit of each parameter in the formula,
Q (heat, unit Joule: J) = P (watt: W) t (second: s), this formula is derived from q = uit, P = UI, do you understand?
In addition, heat transfer loss should be considered.
Q = Pt, the first floor positive solution, this formula is applicable in the ideal state when energy is transformed into heat energy.
The formula for calculating the side length ratio and area of isosceles right triangle
1: 1: radical 2,1 / 2 side length square
Side length ratio: a = B area s = AXB / 2
Right angle side: right angle side: hypotenuse = 1:1: radical 2
S = half bottom times height
The ratio of side length is 1:1, and the area is equal to the square of half of the side length?
A1 = 1, Sn = n ^ 2 * an, find the general formula of A2 A3 A4 conjecture an, and then prove it by mathematical induction
Induction proves that:
Let n
Heat generation formula of physical current
In pure resistance circuit (electric energy is completely converted into internal energy or light energy), q = u ^ 2 / RT = Pt
An isosceles right triangle, hypotenuse 10 cm long, find the area of the triangle. Use equal spelling, drawing. It is best to use primary school method
Take the right angle as the center, use 4 triangles to join together to form a square with side length of 10. If the square area is 10 * 10 = 100, then the triangle area is 100 / 4 = 25
It is known that A1 = 12 and Sn = n2an (n ∈ n *) (1) find A2, A3, A4; (2) guess the general term formula of {an} and prove it by mathematical induction
∵ Sn = n2an, ∵ an + 1 = Sn + 1-sn = (n + 1) 2An + 1-n2an ∵ an + 1 = NN + 2An ∵ (1) A2 = 16, A3 = 112, A4 = 120 (2) conjecture an = 1n (n + 1). We use mathematical induction to prove that ① when n = 1, the conclusion obviously holds. ② suppose that when n = k, the conclusion holds, that is AK = 1K (K + 1), then when n = K + 1, AK +
Why does the circuit consume as much electric energy as the current does? Is electric energy the same as electric work
Work is a measure of energy transformation,
The process of doing work is the process of energy transformation
The work done by electric current is the process of converting electric energy into other forms of energy,
So, how much work is done by the current, how much electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy,
That is to say, the current consumes as much power as it does
Electric energy and electric work are different. Electric energy is the amount of energy,
Electrical work is meaningful only when it is transformed into other forms of energy
If the side length of a square is 2, if the side length is increased by X, then the area is increased by Y, then the functional relationship between Y and X is______ .
The side length of the new square is x + 2, and the side length of the original square is 2. The area of the new square is (x + 2) 2, and the area of the original square is 4. Y = (x + 2) 2-4 = x2 + 4x, so the answer is y = x2 + 4x