If the power ratio of two motors is 2:3 and the work time ratio is 3:2, the power consumption ratio is () A. 1﹕1B. 2﹕3C. 4﹕9D. 9﹕4

If the power ratio of two motors is 2:3 and the work time ratio is 3:2, the power consumption ratio is () A. 1﹕1B. 2﹕3C. 4﹕9D. 9﹕4

According to the meaning of the title, P1: P2 = 2:3, T1: T2 = 3:2, from P = WT, the ratio of power consumption: w1w2 = p1t1p2t2 = p1p2 × t1t2 = 23 × 32 = 11
It is known that the perimeter of a rectangle is 100cm. Let one side of the rectangle be xcm and its area be SCM2. Then the functional relationship between S and X is___ The value range of the independent variable x is____ . when x equals_____ The maximum value of S is 0____ CM
If the perimeter is 100 and one edge is x, the other edge is 100 / 2-x = 50-x
S=X(50-x) (0,50) 25 625
Let {BN}, B1 = 1, BN + 1 = lnbn + BN + 2, prove BN
Proof: let CN = BN + 1, then C1 = 2, the original formula B (n + 1) = ln (BN) + BN + 2 is changed into C (n + 1) - 1 = ln (Cn-1) + Cn-1 + 2, that is, C (n + 1) = LN (Cn-1) + CN + 2, divide both sides by CN, then C (n + 1) / CN = ln (Cn-1) / CN + 1 + 2 / CN (1) is known by the original formula B (n + 1) = ln (BN) + BN + 2, BN is an increasing sequence, then cn is also increasing
Formulas for calculating electric power, voltage, current and resistance in series circuit and parallel circuit
(1) series circuit P (electric power) U (voltage) I (current) w (electric work) r (resistance) t (time) electric power is equal to the square of current multiplied by resistance P = IIR (pure resistance circuit) current is equal everywhere I1 = I2 = I total voltage is equal to the sum of voltage at both ends of each electrical appliance u = U1 + U2 total resistance is equal to the sum of resistance R = R1 +
This needs to be mastered flexibly. You can understand the circuit as a waterway. Voltage = water pressure, current = water flow, resistance = water resistance. Whether it is in parallel or in series, you can understand it according to the characteristics of the waterway.
I'm late. I've been robbed. Hoot
If the difference between two numbers is 5, let one of the larger numbers be x, then their product y is a quadratic function of X, then the function relation is____
If one number is x, the other is x + 5 or 5-x.
∴ y=x﹙x+5﹚=x²+5x
Or: y = x (5-x) = - X & # 178; + 5x
Sequence BN = 2 ^ n / (4 ^ n-1), prove B1 + B2 + B3 + +bn
bn=2^n/(4^n-1)b1= 2/3b2 = 4/15b3 = 8/63for n>=4bn =2^n/(4^n-1)< (2^n +1)/(4^n -1)= (2^n +1)/[(2^n -1)(2^n +1)]= 1/(2^n -1)< 1/2^(n-1)Sn = b1+b2+...+bn= 2/3 +4/15+8/63+ (b3+b4+...+bn)< 2/3 +4/15 +8/63+...
To maximize the electric power of two resistors in the circuit, parallel or series?
In order to maximize the electric power of the two resistors in the circuit, should they be in parallel or in series?
The formula P = I ^ 2 * r (the square of I multiplied by R)
However, for the same circuit (the same voltage), the larger R is, the smaller I is. (no less than 2 resistors)
If there is only one resistor, the relationship between R and P is the same as below
In a parallel circuit, the voltage of each consumer is equal to the power supply voltage, and the formula P = u ^ 2 / R (R is the square of U) (the square of u is divided by R). The larger R is, the smaller P is
It should be in parallel. The smaller the resistance of the same voltage in the circuit, the greater the power.
There is something wrong with your question. The series resistance becomes larger and the parallel resistance becomes smaller. I don't know how to answer you. Please describe the question in detail
P = u ^ 2 / r the total voltage remains unchanged, so it is easy to get the minimum total resistance and the maximum total power. In order to minimize the resistance, it is necessary to connect in parallel, and the total resistance in parallel is less than any resistance
Parallel connection, of course
It's big in parallel
If the perimeter of the rectangle is 30, what is the functional relationship between the area y and the other side length x?
Y equals (15-x) X
And then we can set the width of the other side to 15 and the circumference of the other side to 30
Area equals length times width
Rectangle circumference = (length + width) times 2 = 30
So, L + W = 15
If one side length is x, then the other side length is (15-x), then
y=x×(15-x)=-x²+15x (0
Proving inequality 1n + 1 + 1n + 2 + by mathematical induction +In the process of 1n + n > 1324, when n = k is derived from n = k, the formula added to the left of the inequality is___ .
When n = k, the left algebra is 1K + 1 + 1K + 2 + +When n = K + 1, the left algebra is 1K + 1 + 1 + 1K + 1 + 2 + +1K + 1 + K + 1K + 1 + (K + 1) (total K + 1 term) so we subtract the left algebraic formula when n = K + 1 from the left algebraic formula when n = K. 1 (K + 1) + K + 1 (K + 1) + (K + 1) - 1K + 1 is the term added to the left of the inequality. So the answer is: 1 (K + 1) + K + 1 (K + 1) + (K + 1) - 1K + 1
How to find the law of current, voltage, resistance, electric power in series and parallel circuits?
Characteristics of parallel circuit: the voltage of the parallel circuit is equal to the voltage of the parallel circuit
Current voltage resistance power
Series: equal according to the resistance distribution, the total resistance is added
Parallel connection: expand according to resistance
Current voltage resistance power
Series: equal according to the resistance distribution, the total resistance is added
Parallel connection: according to the equal distribution of resistance, the reciprocal of total resistance is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of each resistance
It's the same thing
Current voltage resistance power
Series: equal according to the resistance distribution, the total resistance is added
Parallel connection: expand according to resistance
Current voltage resistance power
Series: equal according to the resistance distribution, the total resistance is added
Parallel connection: according to the equal distribution of resistance, the reciprocal of total resistance is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of each resistance