How can heat energy be converted into electricity, How to convert gasoline into electricity?

How can heat energy be converted into electricity, How to convert gasoline into electricity?

The combustion of ore fuel generates heat energy, which heats the water in the boiler to form steam. After passing through the steam drum, the steam is sprayed to the turbine blades by the nozzle, and the blades rotate to drive the turbine to generate electricity
In the case of a car, gasoline burns in a gasoline engine and drives the piston to move
Generally, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy
eg。 1 boiler + steam turbine + generator: water is heated by the boiler to high temperature and high pressure steam, and works through turbine expansion to drive the generator shaft to run, so as to generate electricity
2 gas turbine + (waste heat boiler) + generator: fuel and compressed air are burned into high temperature and high pressure gas to drive the turbine
Solar collector + steam turbine + generator: the water is heated by the solar collector to generate high temperature and high pressure steam, which drives the turbine to expand
Generally, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy
eg。 1 boiler + steam turbine + generator: water is heated by the boiler to high temperature and high pressure steam, and works through turbine expansion to drive the generator shaft to run, so as to generate electricity
2 gas turbine + (waste heat boiler) + generator: fuel and compressed air are burned into high temperature and high pressure gas to drive the turbine
3 solar collector + steam turbine + generator: the water is heated by the solar collector to generate high temperature and high pressure steam, which drives the turbine to retract
Can heat energy be directly converted into electricity?
Yes, thermocouple is made of the principle that heat energy is directly converted into electric energy. But it can not be converted into equivalent electric energy, and the general loss is very large
The process of converting the energy of water flow into electric energy in Hydropower Station
Well, the principle is very simple
Water is left from high - gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy - kinetic energy turns the wheels of the generator - the coils inside the generator are turned, and the coils generate electricity in a magnetic field
How much current is 800 KVA equal to
Hello: - - 1, 800 kvar is reactive power, take the voltage of 0.4 kV as an example: reactive current is: reactive power △ 1.732 × rated voltage. - - 2, reactive current of three-phase 800 kvar is: I = 800 kvar △ 1.732 × 0.4 kV = 1154.7 A. [take the distribution device as an example, the voltage is 0.4 kV (400 V)]
The electromotive force of the power supply is 1.5V, the internal resistance is 0.12 ohm, and the resistance of the external circuit is 1.28 ohm
R total = 0.12 + 1.28 = 1.4 (Ohm)
Series circuit I in = I out = 1.5 / 1.4 (a)
U resistance = I * r resistance = (1.5 / 1.4) * 1.28 (V)
The sum of the internal and external resistances is the total resistance
Using current * external resistance is terminal voltage
I = E / r outer + R inner = 1.5 / 1.4 = 1.07a u outer = IR outer = 1.07a * 1.28 Ω = 1.3696v
The electric heater is marked with "220V 2000W". If it works normally for one hour, what is the power consumption?
Theoretically, every kilowatt hour is one kilowatt hour
If it works normally for one hour, it should consume 2 degrees of electricity
A cuboid shaped copper bar is 2.5 meters long and its cross section is a square with a side length of 4 cm. It is known that each cubic decimeter of copper weighs 8.9 kg. How about the weight of this copper bar? Please explain the basic principle and its formula. Thank you
Length: 25 decimeters, side length: 0.4 decimeters
Volume 25 × 0.4 × 0.4 = 4 cubic decimeter
A: the weight of this copper bar is 35.6kg
Volume first
25 * 0.4 * 0.4 = 4 cubic decimeter
Volume x density = mass
4 * 8.9 = 35.6kg
Length: 2.5m = 25m
The width and height are 4 cm = 0.4 decimeter
Volume: 25 * 0.4 * 0.4 = 4 cubic decimeter
Weight: 4 * 8.9 = 35.6kg
... length: 2.5m = 25m
The width and height are 4 cm = 0.4 decimeter
Volume: 25 * 0.4 * 0.4 = 4 cubic decimeter
Weight: 4 * 8.9 = 35.6kg
Full area formula of cylinder
The formula is
Bottom perimeter (d) x side height + bottom area (2 R) x2
The total area of the cylinder is 2 π R2 + base perimeter × height + base perimeter × height
When a power supply is connected with 9 ohm and 4 ohm resistors respectively, and the power consumption of the two resistors is equal, what is the internal resistance of the power supply?
A. 2 Euro b.4 C.6 d.9
If we choose U (r = 4 + U) (r = 9), then we can get the following formula: U / (r = 4 + U) / (r = 9)
A certain electric heater is marked with the word "220V & nbsp; 1500W". When it is connected to the circuit of 220V, the normal operation of the electric heater requires: (1) the current through the resistance wire; (2) the resistance of the resistance wire; (3) the amount of Joule heat generated by the electric heater in 30 minutes
(1) The current I = Pu = 1500w220v ≈ 6.8a; answer: the current through the resistance wire is 6.8a. (2) resistance wire r = u2p = (220V) 21500w ≈ 32.3 Ω; answer: resistance wire is 32.3 Ω. (3) heat generated by electric heater in 30 minutes q = w = Pt = 1500W × 30 × 60s = 2.7 × 106j; answer: heat generated by electric heater in 30 minutes is 2.7 × 106j