How many kilowatt hours is 350 kwh equal to

How many kilowatt hours is 350 kwh equal to

350000 kWh
If: an enterprise uses 100 thousand electricity fee a month, once electricity (kilowatt hour) is 0.7 Mao, how to convert to how many million kilowatt hours to use?
100000 = 1000000 Mao
Therefore, a month with 1000000 / 0.7 = 1428571 degrees (KWH) = 1428600 kwh
1 kwh = 1 kwh
How many kilowatt hours is one kilowatt hour
1 kwh = 0.0001 kWh
1 kwh = 1kW * h
This is the definition!
0001 kWh
That's a thousand watt hours
1 degree = 1000 watt hours.
1 kWh
Calculation formula of 380V voltage and power
Symmetrical three-phase AC circuit power:
(the power factor cos φ of inductive load is generally between 0.0.85, and the average value is 0.78; the resistive load is 1)
How many ohm resistance and 6 ohm resistance in parallel can replace 2 ohm resistance
Parallel resistance calculation: R parallel = 1 / (1 / R1 + 1 / r2 + 1 / R3 +)
If only two resistors are available in parallel:
R and = (R1 * R2) / (R1 + R2)
If you want to connect two resistors in parallel, you can get:
If 6 ohm and a 3 ohm resistor are connected in parallel, the resistance of 2 ohm can be obtained
A 12 ohm resistor in parallel with a 6 ohm resistor can replace a 2 ohm resistor.
That is, a 3 ohm resistor in parallel is OK
Let X
The solution is x = 3
So, 3 ohm~
3 Euro,
How much current does a square cable pass?
Aluminum wire and copper wire at 220 V and 380 V
The safe current carrying capacity of copper conductor is determined according to the maximum temperature, cooling conditions and laying conditions. The safe current carrying capacity of copper conductor is 5 ~ 8A / mm2, and that of aluminum conductor is 3 ~ 5A / mm2
A bulb and a resistor are connected into the circuit, as shown in the figure. The power supply voltage is 6 V, and the resistance of bulb L is 6 ohm. Calculate the voltage at both ends of bulb L
I want to know the voltage is 380V, the power is 15kw, the current is how much? With how many square copper wire, the exact calculation method
About 30a, (1kW = 2A), wire with 6 square meters, (1 square millimeter = 5a, this is the standard of aluminum wire, copper wire is one grade higher than aluminum wire, but this is safer, if not, 5 square meters is OK...)
Thank you!
There are four ohm and six ohm resistors. After they are connected in series, the total resistance is one ohm. After they are connected in parallel, the total resistance is one ohm
Let R1 be 4, R2 be 6
Here's a formula:
Series: R1 + R2 = R total
Parallel: 1 / (R1) + 1 / (R2) = 1 / (r total)
That is, 1 / R1 plus 1 / r2 equals 1 / R
If there is RN, add one resistor to RN
Series connection is to add 10 ohm
Parallel connection is the reciprocal of total resistance = reciprocal plus reciprocal, which can be reduced to product divided by sum 4 * 6 / 4 + 6 = 2.4