How many joules is a large calorie?

How many joules is a large calorie?

Kcal = 4.184 kJ
1 kJ = 0.239 kcal
1 cal = 4.184 J
1 joule = 0.239 cal
How much Joule heat can a cubic meter of natural gas produce,
The calorific value of natural gas is 8700kcal / / 13221;
1kcal =4185.851820846J
8700kca=36 416 910.84136J
Octave of 2 ~ 5 × 10
How many kilocalories is a thousand joules
1000 Joule = 1 / 4.186 kcal, very little heat
How many kJ / kg is 10000 kcal / kg
1 cal = 4.187 J
10000 kcal / kg equals 41870 kJ / kg equals 10 MCAL / kg equals 41.87 MJ / kg
1 cal = 4.2 Joule 1 MJ = 10 ^ 6 Joule = 10 ^ 6 / 4.2 cal = 10 ^ 6 / (4.2 * 1000) kcal = 238.1 kcal 1 joule = 0.00023889999997 kcal 1 MJ = 100 billion
1 card = 4.187 joules, corresponding to conversion bar
The resistance of a section of copper wire is 0.15 ohm. How much ohm is the resistance when it is evenly stretched to twice the original
The resistance is related to its length, cross-sectional area and material. When it is evenly stretched to 2 times of the original, v = SL, l is twice as large and S is half as small. The resistance should be 4 times of the original, so it is 0.6 ohm
Or 0.15
The resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the conductor
It is proportional to the length of the conductor.
The original cross section is 0.5
So the resistance R = 0.15 * 2 / 0.5 = 0.6 ohm
In the case of constant volume, the thicker the conductor is, the shorter the resistance is
The thinner the conductor, the longer the resistance
The volume is equal, l = 2L. So s = 1 / 2S
So r = 0.6
What kind of scientist is Newton watt Zhang Heng
Newton: Newton was a great British mathematician, physicist, astronomer and natural philosopher. He was also a theological enthusiast and devoted himself to theology in his later years. He was born in walsop village, near Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, on January 4, 1643, He died in London on March 20, 1727
Newton entered Trinity College of Cambridge University in 1661 and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1665. He spent the next two years avoiding the plague in his hometown. During these two years, he worked out the blueprint of most important scientific creations in his life. After returning to Cambridge in 1667, he was elected as the member of Trinity College and received his master's degree the next year. He was Professor Lucas in 1669 until 1701. He was the supervisor of the Royal Mint in 1696, He became president of the Royal Society in 1703 and was knighted by Queen Anna in 1706
Newton's most outstanding contribution to science was the creation of calculus and classical mechanics
Watt: James Watt is a famous British inventor and an important figure during the industrial revolution. He is a member of the Royal Society of England and a foreign academician of the French Academy of Sciences. He made a series of significant improvements on the original prototype of the steam engine, invented the single cylinder single acting and single cylinder double acting steam engine, improved the thermal efficiency and operational reliability of the steam engine, He improved the steam engine, invented the barometer and the steam hammer. Later generations, in memory of him, called the unit of measurement of power and radiation flux Watt, which is often represented by the symbol "W"
Watt was born in Glasgow, England, on January 19, 1736. As a child, Watt studied in grammar school, but he had no systematic education. Watt learned a lot about machinery manufacturing in his father's factory. Later, he became an apprentice in a watch shop in London. In 1763, Watt went to work in Glasgow University, In 1781, Watt built a double acting steam engine with pistons pushed from both sides. In 1785, he was also elected a member of the Royal Society for his great contribution to the improvement of the steam engine. On August 25, 1819, Watt died at Heathfield near Birmingham
In Watt's obituary, he praised his invention of the steam engine as follows:
"It has armed the human beings, made the weak hands powerful, and improved the human brain to deal with all problems. It has laid a solid foundation for mechanical power to create miracles in the future, and will help and repay the labor of future generations."
Zhang Heng: Zhang Heng (78-139), born in the third year of the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 78), died in the fourth year of Yonghe (A.D. 139), born in xi'e, Nanyang City (now Shiqiao Town, Nanyang City, Henan Province), Han nationality. He was a great astronomer in the Eastern Han Dynasty and made indelible contributions to the development of astronomy, mechanical technology and Seismology in China. In mathematics, geography, painting and literature, he was a famous astronomer, Zhang Heng also showed extraordinary talent and broad knowledge
Zhang Heng is one of the representatives of huntian theory in the Middle Eastern Han Dynasty. He pointed out that the moon itself does not shine, and the moon is actually a reflection of sunlight. He also correctly explained the cause of the eclipse, and realized the infinity of the universe and the relationship between the speed of planetary motion and the distance from the earth
Zhang Heng has observed and recorded 2500 stars, created the world's first water rotating armillary sphere that can accurately perform the astronomical phenomena, the first instrument for testing earthquakes - the Houfeng seismograph, and also produced a guide car, an automatic drum car, and a wooden bird that flies for miles
Zhang Heng has written 32 scientific, philosophical and literary works, among which astronomical works include Lingxian and Lingxian map
In memory of Zhang Heng's achievements, people named a crater on the back of the moon "Zhang Heng crater" and asteroid 1802 "Zhang Heng asteroid"
Guo Moruo, a famous Chinese writer and historian in the 20th century, commented on Zhang Heng: "such a person with all-round development is rare in world history. It is admirable to worship him for thousands of years."
Later generations called Zhang Heng the wood saint
Calculation formula of power for given voltage 220 V and current 40 A
For pure resistance and u = 2, the formula P / R can also be used
If the pure resistance circuit you are talking about is directly multiplied by UI, if it is not pure resistance, use the following formula to calculate R with U / I,
Wire specification national standard 4 square single strand wire diameter?
D = 1.13 × root (s) = 1.13 × root (4) = 2.26 (mm)
There is a section of wire with a length of 4 ohm. If you fold it in half and use it as a section of wire, what is the resistance? If you stretch it evenly, its length will be the same as the original
Twice. What's the resistance?
Fold it in half: resistance type 1 ohm, lengthen it twice, resistance type 4 times, that is 16 ohm
According to r = PL / s, P is the conductivity, l is the length of the conductor and S is the cross-sectional area of the conductor
After growing up, what Newton discovered, what Watt invented, what Zhang Heng invented
Gravitation, the invention of the steam engine, the invention of the armillary sphere and the seismograph