How many milliamps is one ampere in Y current equal to

How many milliamps is one ampere in Y current equal to

Y current has never been heard of, but the conversion relationship between a and Ma is 1000 times - 1A = 1000mA
How many grams is an ampere
It is urgent to know the answer
One ampere is 28.3495 grams
How much voltage can a watt withstand?
This is not the relationship,
P = UI or w = VA
Two parameters must be known to find the other
Watt W power unit
Volt voltage unit
A current unit
Don't mix it up
How many watts is an ampere
Ampere is the unit of current and watt is the unit of power. Watt = ampere x volt. That is to say: 1 ampere x 1 volt = 1 volt ampere
Does the resistance of copper wire change with temperature and how to calculate the coefficient of change?
The temperature coefficient of resistance is the physical quantity that the resistivity of a material changes with temperature. Its value is equal to the ratio of the increase of resistivity to the original resistivity when the temperature increases 1C. It is usually expressed by the letter α, and the unit is 1 / C;
The following is the resistance temperature coefficient (1 / degree) from the "middle school physics teacher's Manual"
Brass: 0.0020
Copper (commercial soft copper): 0.0039
Manganin (Cu 84%, Mn 12%, Ni 4%): 0.00001
4% for constantan and 46% for constantan
What is the resistance per meter of 1 square, 1.5 square and 2 square copper wires?
Resistance at 20 ° resistance at 75 ° resistance
0223 0.0276
1.5 0.00933 0.0 1228
2 0.0055 0.00678
It can't be measured by the meter
Almost zero
0 to 1
R = ρ L / s, ρ is the resistivity, l is the length (m), s is the cross-sectional area (M2). I don't have the resistivity data. You can check it yourself!
The resistance is 0.0172 Ω per meter;
1.5mm & # 178; resistance per meter 0.011467 Ω;
The resistance is 0.0086 Ω per meter
R = ρ L / s, ρ -- resistance coefficient, l -- length of line, s -- sectional area of line
Edison's difficulties in inventing the light bulb
Some successful examples of Chinese and foreign celebrities after overcoming difficulties!
Edison and his assistants tried platinum several times, but although this kind of platinum with high melting point prolonged the light-emitting time of the electric lamp a lot, it was still not ideal to automatically turn off and then automatically light up from time to time
How does a motor convert electrical energy into mechanical energy?
Motor is divided into DC motor and AC motor. The rotation principle of DC motor is that the electrified conductor is forced to rotate in the magnetic field. DC motor is divided into stator magnetic field and forced rotor
The resistance of iron wire must be greater than that of copper wire
Not necessarily. When the length and cross-sectional area of iron wire and copper wire are the same, the resistance is related to the material
What are the resistances of 100 meter square copper wire and 100 meter square iron wire? What are the resistances
If the title is changed to "please help to calculate, what are the resistances of a 100 meter square copper wire and a 100 meter square iron wire? What are the resistances?" the answers are as follows:
Copper resistance = 0.0175 * 100 / 1 = 1.75 Ω;
Wire resistance = 0.1 * 100 / 1 = 10 Ω;
The resistivity of copper wire is 0.0175 Ω· mm ^ 2 / M = 0.00000 1.75 Ω. Cm;
Resistivity of iron wire = 0.1 Ω· mm ^ 2 / M = 0.00001 Ω. Cm
It is the resistivity of the copper wire at the temperature of 0