How many kilojoules is 1 kcal

How many kilojoules is 1 kcal

1 kcal = 1 kcal = 4.182 kJ
How many kcal is 400 kJ?
In addition, how many calories is a piece of white rabbit milk candy?
1 kcal = 4.18 kJ
400 kJ = 95.69 kcal
White rabbit or eat less, high calorie, eat a piece should be no problem
The area formula of circle
S = π R & sup2; R is the radius
Radius * radius * Wu = area of circle (Wu = 3.14)
Radius * radius * V = area of circle, approximately = 3.14
S = R squared
The resistance of the conductor is 20 ohm, the quantity of electricity passed by the power source is 18, and the work done by the current is 108 joules?
Let the power supply be constant voltage DC power supply, work = I ^ 2 * r * t = (I * t) * I * r = Q * I * 20 = 18 * 20 * I = 108. Current intensity: I = 0.3A
Power supply voltage: u = I * r = 0.3 * 20 = 6V
Power consumption: P = u * I = 6 * 0.3 = 1.8W
The electric energy meter of a user's home is marked with "220V 10A"
The electricity meter of a user's home is marked with "220V 10A (20) a", so how many kilowatts is the allowable rated power in the user's home circuit? How many kilowatts can the power consumption be in a short time?
What does 10A (20a) mean?
"220V 10 (20) a" means that the calibration current of the meter is 10a, and the maximum current allowed to pass in a short time is 20A
Therefore, the allowable rated power in the circuit is p = UI = 220 * 10 = 2200 (W), and the power that cannot be exceeded in a short time is p = UI = 220 * 20 = 4400 (W)
Is 1.0 the same resistivity as long as it's copper conductor?
Theoretically, it should be the same, but in practice, it depends on the quality of the product
The resistivity won't change
If the material changes, the resistivity will change
Calculation formula of circular area
1、 The area formula of knowing radius: S = π R & sup2;;
2、 The area formula of knowing diameter is s = π D & sup2 / 4;
3、 Know the area formula of perimeter: S = C & sup2; / (4 π)
The resistance value of the heating wire of an electric hair dryer is 1210 ohm. When it is connected to the power supply of 220 V, what is the electric power consumed
Hair dryer can be regarded as pure resistance load, and its actual power consumption is the square of the actual applied voltage divided by the resistance value of the heating wire
Under the voltage of 220 V, the power is 4000 W, how much socket should be used? Is one square of Socket line enough
Insufficient, 4kw current 18a, 1 square line current 16a, so should choose 1.5 square line, no socket, use 25A air circuit breaker as switch
Resistivity of copper and aluminum
Style is personal and hot
Resistivity of common metal conductors at 20 ℃
Material resistivity (Ω m) (1) Ag 1.65 × 10-8 (2) Cu 1.75 × 10-8 (3) al 2.83 × 10-8 (4) w 5.48 × 10-8 (5) Fe 9.78 × 10-8 (6) Pt 2.22 × 10-7 (7) Mn Cu 4.4 × 10-7 (8) Hg 9.6 × 10-7 (9) constantan 5.0 × 10-7 (10) Ni Cr 1.0 × 10-6 (11) Fe Cr al 1.4 × 10-6 (12) al Ni Fe 1.6 × 10-6 (13) graphite (8 ~ 13) × 10-6
Copper: 16.8n Ω M
Aluminum: 26.5n Ω M
The resistivity of copper and aluminum are 0.0018 and 0.0027 ohm / (mm ^ 2. M) respectively