(x-3) &# 178; + 2x (x-3) = 0 to solve the equation

(x-3) &# 178; + 2x (x-3) = 0 to solve the equation

Solve equation 3 (2x + 1) &# 178; - 12 (x + 1) (x-1) = 0
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What are the laws of subtraction?
Please summarize,
A-b-c = A-C-B subtraction exchange
A-b-c = a - (B + C) subtraction combination
Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming's stamp ratio is 5:6. They have 121 stamps in total. How many stamps do Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang have?
Xiaogang = 121 (5 + 6) × 5 = 55 people
Xiaoming = 121-55 = 66
Without equation
Xiaoming: 121 × 5 ÷ (5 + 6) = 55 sheets
Xiaogang: 121 - 55 = 66
Let Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang each have X and Y stamps
x=55 y=66
Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang each have 55 and 66 stamps
Chemical energy can be converted into -, - and -. Please give an example of chemical energy converted into electrical energy, such as——————————————
Heat, electricity, light
Dry batteries are
A few mu of land is equal to one hectare
It's hectare. One hectare equals 100 hectares, one hectare equals 100 square meters, and one hectare equals 666.67 square meters
10000 / 666.67 about = 15 (MU)
How to use formula to calculate subtraction in Excel
If you need to use the function, it is "= sum (cell name, - cell name )Adding a minus sign in front of it means subtraction
If it is direct, the simple formula is "= cell name - cell name". For example: = a1-a2
Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming have 280 stamps in total. Xiao Gang has four times as many stamps as Xiao Ming. How many stamps do they have?
Xiaoming 56, Xiaogang 224
What's the principle that electric lamp can convert electric energy into light energy and emit light
Please try to be easy to understand,
Incandescent lamp (bulb), is to heat the tungsten wire to incandescent state, the tungsten wire glow
Fluorescent lamp (gas discharge lamp) ionizes mercury vapor in the lamp tube to produce ultraviolet light, which impacts the phosphor on the wall of the lamp tube to produce visible light
The principle of different lamps is different.
For example, the incandescent lamp is the heat generated by the current passing through the resistance. When the temperature is high to a certain extent, the internal energy is emitted in the form of light.
Fluorescent lamps or energy-saving lamps are made by using the principle of phosphor electroluminescence. In a protective atmosphere or vacuum, electrons impact the phosphor, which will stimulate light energy!
The core part of LED is a wafer composed of p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor. There is a transition layer between p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor, which is called p-n junction. In some semiconductor PN junctions, the injected minority carriers expand with the majority carriers
The principle of different lamps is different.
For example, the incandescent lamp is the heat generated by the current passing through the resistance. When the temperature is high to a certain extent, the internal energy is emitted in the form of light.
Fluorescent lamps or energy-saving lamps are made by using the principle of phosphor electroluminescence. In a protective atmosphere or vacuum, electrons impact the phosphor, which will stimulate light energy!
The core part of LED is a wafer composed of p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor. There is a transition layer between p-type semiconductor and n-type semiconductor, which is called p-n junction. In some semiconductor PN junctions, when the injected minority carriers are combined with the majority carriers, the excess energy will be released in the form of light, thus the electric energy can be directly converted into light energy.
。。。。 Put it away
The electrons around the electrified atom are unstable and release energy to reach a stable state by producing light energy.
Energy conversion and conservation
How many square meters is a piece of land equal to
What is the unit of land?
How many square meters is the area of a house?
How many Mu is a piece of woodland?
What is the unit of the set?
You tell me first, and I'll tell you what the unit is