(2x-3) &# 178; = 49 solution equation

(2x-3) &# 178; = 49 solution equation

2X = 10 or - 4
X = 5 or - 2
Find the polar equation of the following curve
A line passing through point a (3, π / 3) parallel to the polar axis
A line passing through point B (- 2, π / 4) perpendicular to the polar axis
A circle whose center is at point a (5, π) and radius is equal to 5
4 passes through a circle with radius equal to 5 at point C (a, 0)
This kind of questions are usually done by the transformation of polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates (because they are not familiar with polar coordinates and are familiar with rectangular coordinates)
Of course, it can be done directly (for example, the first question)
You can build a right triangle to do it, as long as you find the quantity (e.g. D of the first question)
The polar axis of the line (3) passing through π / 1
The straight line is parallel to the polar axis, and the distance D is: 3 * sin60 = 3 √ 3 / 2
So: D / ρ = sin θ
Linear polar coordinate equation: 3 √ 3 / 2 = ρ * sin θ
A line passing through point B (- 2, π / 4) perpendicular to the polar axis
It is transformed into a rectangular coordinate system, that is, it passes through the point (- √ 2, √ 2) and is perpendicular to the x-axis
So line = - 2
To polar coordinate equation: ρ * cos θ = - √ 2
A circle whose center is at point a (5, π) and radius is equal to 5
It is also changed into rectangular coordinate system, that is: center a = (0, - 5), radius = 5
So the equation: (x-0) ^ 2 + (y + 5) ^ 2 = 5 ^ 2
ρ ^ 2 + = cos * 25
4 passes through a circle with radius equal to 5 at point C (a, 0)
To rectangular coordinate system: C = (a, 0), radius = 5
Rectangular coordinate equation: (x-a) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 5 ^ 2
It is reduced to polar coordinate equation: (ρ ^ 2 * cos ^ 2 θ - 2A ρ * cos θ + A ^ 2) + ρ ^ 2 * sin ^ 2 θ = 25
Explain what curve the following polar coordinate equation θ = 5 π / 6 represents and draw a diagram
Denotes a ray with the coordinate origin as the endpoint and the inclination angle of θ = 5 π / 6
If you know what it is, you can draw it yourself
θ = 5 π / 6 is the ray passing through the origin, and the angle is 5 π / 6
It's a straight line, because P can take R, which is a straight line y = - root 3 / 3x
I won't draw that picture
The laws of addition are as follows______ And______ .
The operation law of addition includes commutative law of addition and associative law of addition
A computing device has a data entry a and an operation result exit B. the following table is the result obtained by Xiaogang after inputting some numbers
A 0 1 4 9 16 25 36
B -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(1) If the output number is 5, what is the input number?
(2) If the input number is 225, what is the output number?
By observing the data, we can find: group a data: 0, 1 = 1 & # 178;, 4 = 2 & # 178;, 9 = 3 & # 178;, 16 = 4 & # 178;, 25 = 5 & # 178;, 36 = 6 & # 178; ··· n & # 178; ·· group B data: - 2, - 1 = - 2 + 1 * 1, 0 = - 2 + 2 * 1, 1 = - 2 + 3 * 1, 2 = - 2 + 4 / 1, 3 = - 2 + 5 * 1, 4 = - 2 + 6 * 1
How many amperes is a kilowatt
If it is a 220V 1000W electrical appliance, I = 1000W / 220V = 4.545a
(1) 2 square meters=______ Square decimeter (2) 5 square decimeter=______ Square centimeter (3) 400 square decimeter=______ Square meters (4) 900 square centimeters=______ Square decimeter (5) 1 square meter=______ Square decimeter=______ Square centimeter (6)______ Square meter = 600 square decimeter=______ Square centimeter
(1) 2 square meters = 200 square decimeters; (2) 5 square decimeters = 500 square centimeters; (3) 400 square decimeters = 4 square meters; (4) 900 square centimeters = 9 square decimeters; (5) 1 square meters = 100 square decimeters = 10000 square centimeters; (6) 6 square meters = 600 square decimeters = 60000 square centimeters
Which operation laws are applied to the following formulas?
Combination law of distribution rate
A computing device has a data entry a and an operation result exit B. the numbers in the natural number are input into port a in turn, and the output numbers are obtained from port B. The results show that: (1) when n = 1 is input from port a, A1 = 13 is obtained from port B; (2) when n ≥ 2, n is input from port a, and the result obtained from port B is that the previous result an-1 is multiplied by the natural number and the n-1st odd number, and then divided by the natural number And the N + 1 odd number, ask: (1) when inputting 2 and 3 from port a, what numbers do you get from port B? (2) When inputting 2008 from port a, what number do you get from port B? (3) Ask: a1 + A2 + a3 +The value of A2008
(1) According to the meaning of the title: A2 = A1 × 15 = 13 × 15 = 12 × 2 − 1 × 12 × 2 + 1 = 115, A3 = 12 × 3 − 1 × 12 × 3 + 1 = 135; (2) observe the law of (1): A2008 = 14015 × 14017 = 116128255; (3) find out the general form as: an = 12 (12n − 1-12n + 1), 〈 a1 + A2 + a3 + A2008 = 12 (11-13 + 13-15 + -14017)=12×40164017=20084017.
How many joules is a thousand watt hours
MWh = 1000W * 3600s = 3.6 * 10 ^ 6J