The graph represented by polar coordinate equation (p-1) (θ - π) = (P ≥ 0) is the thinking and process of solving problems

The graph represented by polar coordinate equation (p-1) (θ - π) = (P ≥ 0) is the thinking and process of solving problems

What is the right side of the equation? If it is 0, it is analyzed as follows:
When ρ = 1, θ can be any value. This is a circle with radius 1 and center at the origin
When θ = π, ρ takes any value ≥ 0. This is a straight line from the origin to - ∞, that is - X axis in X-Y coordinate. Therefore, the graph of this equation is composed of this circle and this straight line
I don't understand
=How come there's nothing on the right side of the number? It's 0
Well, if it's 0, it should be classified and discussed,,
You get the thing on the right first
In the polar coordinate system, the polar coordinates of the intersection of the curves θ = π 4 (ρ≥ 0) and ρ = 4cos θ are___ .
The Cartesian coordinate equations of curves θ = π 4 (ρ≥ 0) and ρ = 4cos θ are y = x and X2 + y2 = 4x, | y = XX2 + y2 = 4x. The solution is: x = 0y = 0 or x = 2Y = 2, ∵ ρ cos θ = x, ρ sin θ = y, ρ 2 = x2 + Y2, | the polar coordinates of the intersection are (0,0), (π 4,22). So the answer is: (0,0), (π 4,22)
How many kilowatt hours is one horsepower equal to
Horsepower cannot be converted into kilowatt hour. These are two different concepts. Horsepower is the unit of power and kilowatt hour is the unit of work
1 metric horsepower (HP) = 0.73549875 kw
How many Mu is 1 square meter, how many minutes is it?
One square meter is equal to 1 / 667 mu, one mu is equal to 10, so: one square meter is equal to 1 / 66.7 points
Mu, also known as city mu, is the unit of land area under the municipal system of our country, just like Fen. Use smart unit converter to automatically convert as follows: 1 square meter (M2) = 0.0015 Mu = 0.015 min, log in China Unicom Wo store ( Address: , or "China mobile market" (mm. 10086. CN), search: smart, there are screenshots and more detailed instructions for reference. ... unfold
Mu, also known as city mu, is the unit of land area under the municipal system of our country, just like Fen. Use smart unit converter to automatically convert as follows: 1 square meter (M2) = 0.0015 Mu = 0.015 min, log in China Unicom Wo store ( Address: , or "China mobile market" (mm. 10086. CN), search: smart, there are screenshots and more detailed instructions for reference. Put it away
How many Mu is one square meter? How many minutes is one mu?
One square meter is equal to 0.0015 mu, one mu is equal to 10 points, that is, one square meter is equal to 0.015 mu.
Chongqing Wanzhou housing is like how much money, a square meter
The meaning of the four operations and the relationship between the parts
Meaning: the operation of combining two numbers into a number, the operation of combining two decimals into a decimal, the operation of combining two fractions into a fraction, subtraction known the sum of two addends and one addend, find the operation of the other addend, known the sum of two addends and one of them, find the operation of the other addend
Xiaogang and Xiaoqiang are on the 400 meter circular track, starting from the same place. Xiaogang runs 4.5 meters per second, Xiaoqiang runs 5.5 meters per second. How many points are there after starting
3 / 4 of a wire is 3 / 2 meters. How long is the wire? If the wire is used to form a square, how long is the side of the square?
Both problems need to be solved
1. 400 ÷ (4.5 + 5.5) = 40 seconds
2. 3 / 2 △ 3 / 4 = 2m, wire length 2m
2 △ 4 = 0.5m, if it is enclosed in a square, the side length of the square is 0.5m
First question
400 ÷ (4.5 + 5.5) = 40 seconds
Second question
3 / 2 △ 3 / 4 = 2m, wire length 2m
2 △ 4 = 0.5m, if it is enclosed in a square, the side length of the square is 0.5m
What is the formula? Ask: to calculate the formula, and there are two questions, you answered one-
How much horsepower is a kilowatt in a gasoline engine
Is gasoline engine the same as diesel engine
One horsepower is equal to the work done to increase 75 kg of object by one meter per second,
One horsepower equals 0.735 kW
That is: 1 kW = 1000 W, 1 HP = 735 W
So: 1kW = 1.36hp
1 kW = 1.35962162 HP
How many square decimeters is one square meter equal to
1 square meter is equal to 1 * 1000 = 1000 square decimeter
It's better to have more. It's the Western teacher's edition. You can make equations for calculation problems. Fractions are easy to calculate. For example, 3x = 21, one sixth + one half = don't make decimals,
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This year, the sum of the ages of Xiaogang and Xiaoqiang is 21. A year ago, Xiaogang was 3 years younger than Xiaoqiang. How old are Xiaogang and Xiaoqiang this year?
First of all, a year ago, the sum of their ages was 19, then (19-3) △ 2 = 8. Xiaogang was eight last year, nine this year, and 12 this year