The curve expressed by polar coordinate equation ρ = cos ([frac {π} {4} - θ) is

The curve expressed by polar coordinate equation ρ = cos ([frac {π} {4} - θ) is

It's hard to understand what you're doing
Is ρ = cos (π / 4 - θ)
If it is, it is a circle
That is, X & # 178; + Y & # 178; = √ 2 / 2 (x + y)
It's a circle
If the polar equation is p = 2Sin θ, how can it be changed into an ordinary equation?
Methods: using the following common formulas to transform x = PCOS θ & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; y = PSIN θ and deduce the formula: P & # 178; = x & # 178; + Y & # 178; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Tan θ = y / X & nbsp; & nbsp; (x ≠ 0). For P = 2Sin θ, it is the same as trigonometric function
Multiply ρ on both sides
The mass of the car is 2000kg, the rated power of the engine is 80kW, and its maximum speed on the straight road can reach 20m / s. now, the car starts to make a uniform acceleration linear motion with an acceleration of 2m / S2 on the road. If the resistance of the car in the process of motion remains unchanged, ask: (1) what is the resistance? (2) How long can this uniform acceleration process last? (3) What is the instantaneous power of the car at the end of the third second?
(1) If there is p = FVM, then f = PVM = 800002n = 4000N. (2) according to Newton's second law, f-f = ma, then the traction force F = F + Ma = 4000 + 2 × 103 × 2n = 8000n. So the maximum speed of uniform acceleration is v = pf = 800008000 = 10m / s, the time of uniform acceleration is t = VA = 102 = 5S, so the car is still in uniform acceleration state at the end of 3S, V3 = at3 = 2 × 3 = 6m / s, then the instantaneous speed of the car at the end of 3S Power P = FV = 8000 × 6W = 48000w A: (1) the resistance is 4000N; (2) the uniform acceleration process can last for 5S; (3) the instantaneous power of the car is 48000w at the end of the third second after it starts to move
How many kilos is equal to a ton, ha ha, I forgot
1000kg = 1T
One ton is 1000 kg. Please ask me
1000kg = 1T
one thousand
1000 kg
1. Sorting out the meaning, rules and reciprocal relations of the four operations
In elementary mathematics, when the first level operation (addition and subtraction) and the second level operation (multiplication and division) appear in the same formula at the same time, their operation order is multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction. If there are brackets, the operation order of the same level is from left to right, It's a basic operation in elementary algebra. Four principles refer to the calculation rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. An expression of four principles does not need to have four kinds of operation symbols. Generally, it refers to the operation of combining the majority into one number by two or more operation symbols and brackets. Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition, and division is the inverse operation of X. Xiaoyi, ha ha, OK, You give me the points
Xiaogang and Xiaoyong have been running the 100 meter race for many times, but each time Xiaogang always reaches the finish 10 meters ahead of Xiaoyong. If Xiaogang is allowed to step back 10 meters, Xiaoyong is still running at the starting point,
Xiao Gang and Xiao Yong have been running the 100 meter race for many times, but each time Xiao Gang always reaches the end 10 meters ahead of Xiao Yong. If Xiao Gang is allowed to step back 10 meters and Xiao Yong is still running at the starting point, who will reach the end first? How many meters does Xiao Gang have to go back if they can reach the destination at the same time?
If you have just finished the sprint, you still need to go 10 + 9 seconds to get to the finish line
Xiaogang fast back 100 / 9 meters
Xiaogang, come on.... The second problem is 100 meters in 9
The rated power of an automobile engine is 80kW, and its maximum speed on a straight road is 20m / s at rated power. What is the resistance of the automobile when it runs at a constant speed at the maximum speed?
To solve this problem, we need to use the formula,
F - resistance V - velocity W - power
Think of the rest
1 + 1 =? (not equal to 1)
1+11=? 1+111=? 1+2=? 11+111=?
What is the meaning of four operations
The operation of combining two numbers into one is called addition
Given the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other is called subtraction
The simple operation of finding the sum of several identical addends is called multiplication
Given the product of two factors and one of them, the operation of finding the other is called division
The operation of combining two numbers into a number the operation of combining two decimals into a decimal the operation of combining two fractions into a fraction
Subtraction knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend
Simple operation of multiplication for the sum of several identical addends
Multiplication of a number by a pure decimal is the expansion of the number
The operation of combining two numbers into a number the operation of combining two decimals into a decimal the operation of combining two fractions into a fraction
Subtraction knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend knowing the sum of two addends and one of them, the operation of finding the other addend
Simple operation of multiplication for the sum of several identical addends
How many times of the decimal number is one tenth of the number The meaning of multiplication of fractions by integers is the same as that of multiplication of integers
Multiplying a number by a fraction is to find the fraction of the number
Division knows the product of two factors and one of them. The operation of finding the other factor has the same meaning as integer division and integer division
The perimeter of a playground is 400 meters. Xiao Ming runs 200 meters per minute and Xiao Gang runs 160 meters per minute. Starting from the same starting point, it takes a few minutes for them to meet for the first time
You have to use the equation to solve it!
Suppose it takes X minutes for the two to meet for the first time