Explain what curve the following polar equation represents and draw a graph ρ = 10sin θ

Explain what curve the following polar equation represents and draw a graph ρ = 10sin θ

It's a circle. X ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 10Y can be written as an ordinary equation. It's x ^ 2 + (Y-5) ^ 2 = 25. The series is a little low and can't be drawn. Sorry
If point P is on curve C, then the polar coordinates of point P fit the polar equation of curve C, right?
Why? ?
This sentence is wrong ~ why is it wrong?
In the polar coordinate system, a point can have many polar coordinates, if (2, π / 3), (- 2,4 π / 3), etc., this is the difference between polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates. Rectangular coordinates are one-to-one corresponding, but polar coordinates are not
Can you think that the X, y coordinates of point P fit the curve equation in the rectangular coordinate system of curve C? I feel that this problem is a bit of a word game...
I think that's right
The polar equation P = 2Sin (π / 3 + θ) is transformed into a rectangular equation
A.(x-√3/2)∧2+(y-1/2)∧2=1.B,y∧2=2(x-√3/2) C,(x-√3/2)∧2(y-1/2)∧2=1.D,x∧2/(√3/2)∧2+y∧2/(1/2)∧2=1
Sorry, the power just went out. It's offline
So it is
So a is right
How many centimeters is a square meter
1m = 100cm
1 square meter = 1 meter × 1 meter = 100 cm × 100 cm = 10000 square cm
Four Operational formulas for finding limit
LIM (f (x) / g (x)) = limf (x) / limg (x) limg (x) is not equal to 0
Attention condition: the above limf (x) and limg (x) are all present
A computing device, which has a data entry a and an operation exit b, executes some kind of operation program: when the natural number 1 is input from port a, the real number is obtained from port B
A computing device, which has a data entry a and an operation exit b, executes some kind of operation program: when the natural number 1 is input from the a port, the real number 3 / 1 is obtained from the B port, which is recorded as f (1) = 1 / 3. When the natural number n (n is greater than or equal to 2) is input from the a port, the result f (n) obtained at the B port is 2 (n-1) - 1 / 2 (n-1) + 3 times of the previous result f (n-1) (1). When the natural number 3 is input from the a port, the number (2) obtained from the B port is calculated, How to find the natural number input from port a and how to find the standard format
There's no mistake in copying the question. It's on our test paper. Let's see for ourselves
If n > 2, f (n) = f (n-1) * (2 (n-1) - 1 / (2 (n-1)) + 3, right?
There is a car with a mass of 2 tons. The rated power of its engine is 20 kW. The car starts to move from standstill on a straight road. When the output power of the engine is less than the rated power, it tries to keep the traction force constant at 2000 and the resistance of the car constant at 1000 n
How long does it take to keep the traction constant
What is the maximum speed of the car
It is known that the acceleration linear motion of the car is 900 meters, so what is the acceleration time on the left side of the car
Urgent, ask everyone to help, please write the process, thank you
Because acceleration a = 0.5m/s ^ 2
So the time to keep the traction constant is 20s
The maximum speed of the car is v = P / F = P / F = 20000 / 1000 = 20m / s
When the car moves in a straight line with acceleration, the displacement is 900 meters. What's the meaning of finding the acceleration time on the left side of the car
How many centimeters is one square meter
Ha! Area and length are not the same dimension and cannot be converted
It's like asking you how many seconds a kilogram is, you'll probably faint
One square meter equals 10000 square centimeters
What is the formula of four operations
In elementary mathematics, when the first level operation (addition and subtraction) and the second level operation (multiplication and division) appear in the same formula at the same time, their operation order is multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction. If there are brackets, the first operation is inside the brackets, then outside the brackets. The operation order of the same level is from left to right
Four refer to the calculation rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
A formula of four arithmetic operations does not need to have four kinds of operation symbols. It generally refers to the operation of combining the majority into one number by two or more operation symbols and brackets
Addition and subtraction are reciprocal operations; multiplication and division are reciprocal operations; multiplication is a simple operation of addition
What is the form of all information access, processing and transmission inside the computer
Binary system
Decimal system
12 base
There is no 12 base in the computer, there is 16 base, but that is for people to read
What is the form of all information access, processing and transmission inside the computer