It is known that the speed ratio of train a and B is 14:15, and train a runs 56 kilometers per hour How many kilometers are the two stations apart?

It is known that the speed ratio of train a and B is 14:15, and train a runs 56 kilometers per hour How many kilometers are the two stations apart?

14 to 15 is 56 times 5 than x times 5
14 to 15 is 280 to 5x
70X equals 4200
X equals 60
[56 + 60] times 5
It's 580
Answer: the distance between the two stations is 580 kilometers
Car a 56 times 5 equals 280 km
Car B 60 times 5 equals 300 kilometers
The ratio of boxes of chalk in box a and Box B is 5:1. If 12 boxes are taken out of box a and put into Box B, the ratio of boxes of chalk in box a and Box B is 7:5, then how many boxes are there in total?
12 (55 + 1-77 + 5), = 12 (56 − 712), = 12 (14), = 12 × 4, = 48 (boxes); answer: there are 48 boxes in two cases of chalk
The distance between the two places is 60 km, and the speed ratio of the two cars is 4:5 per hour
Speed sum of two cars: 60 △ 2 / 3 = 90km
A speed: 90 △ 4 + 5 X4 = 40 km
B speed: 90-40 = 50 km
Car a travels 40 kilometers per hour, and car B travels 50 kilometers per hour
There are 550 tons of goods in a station, and a team has worked for 3 hours in the morning and transported 330 tons. According to this calculation, how many hours will the rest be transported? (using proportional solution)
Please, please
Let the rest take x hours
Let the rest be transported in X hours, then 330 / 3 = (550-330) / X solves x = 2, that is, it will be transported in 2 hours
Let the rest take x hours
The radius of a sector is 4 decimeters, and the central angle is one eighth of the circumference. How many square decimeters is the area of this sector?
4x4x3.14x1/8 = 6.28m2
One hundred and twenty
If the center angle is 1 / 8 of the circumference angle, it is 360 * 1 / 8 = 45, and the sector area = π R ^ 2 * 45 / 360
2 π square decimeter
4 ^ 2 * 1 / 8 * circle law = circle law multiplied by two
A. The distance between B and B is 96 km. The two cars of a and B are facing each other from AB and meet each other in two-thirds of an hour. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4,
How many kilometers did a and B travel when they met?
96 △ 2 / 3 = 144 (km / h) the combined speed of two cars is 144 × 5 / (5 + 4) = 80 (km / h) the speed of car a is 144 × 4 / (5 + 4) = 64 (km / h) the speed of car B is 80 × 2 / 3 = 160 / 3 = 53 and 1 / 3 (km) when meeting, the walking distance of car a is 64 × 2 / 3 = 1
96 ÷ (5 + 4) × 5 = 160 / 3km
96-160 / 3 = 128 / 3 km?
Five trucks of the same model can transport 75 tons of goods in three times. Now a supermarket is in urgent need of 200 tons of goods. How many trucks do you need in total? How many more?
Hello: each vehicle needs 200 / 2 / 5 = 20 vehicles with 75 / 3 / 5 = 5 tons each time. Add 20-5 = 15 vehicles ~ if you agree with my answer, please click the [adopt as satisfactory answer] button in time ~ ~ the mobile phone questioner can comment on [satisfied] in the upper right corner of the client. ~ your adoption is my driving force ~ ~ ~ if there are any new ones
What is the speed ratio of minute hand to hour hand on a clock______ .
Because the clock rotates 1 block clockwise, the minute hand just rotates 12 blocks, so the speed ratio of the minute hand and the hour hand is 12:1, so the answer is: 12:1
The distance between the two cities is 330km. Two cars of a and B come out from the two places at the same time, and they meet three hours later. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 6:5, and the speed ratio of a and B is 6:5
How many kilometers per hour
Two cars per hour 330 △ 3 = 110 km
A: 110 △ (6 + 5) X6 = 60 km / h
B 110-60 km / h = 50 km
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Three trucks transport 75 tons of goods in five times. In this way, thank you for three more times. How many tons of goods can be transported?
75 / 5 / 3 = 5 (ton)
5 * 3 = 15 (ton)