The speed of car a is 15 kilometers faster than that of car B. It is known that the speed ratio of the two cars is 5:4. How many kilometers is the distance between city a and city B

The speed of car a is 15 kilometers faster than that of car B. It is known that the speed ratio of the two cars is 5:4. How many kilometers is the distance between city a and city B

5: A: the distance between AB and ab is 540 km
The ratio of the tonnage of goods transported by the three trucks is 6:4:4.5. If it is known that the truck a carries 6 tons more goods than the truck C, how many tons of goods are transported by the three trucks?
Using equation
Total tonnage = 6 ÷ (6-4.5) × (6 + 4 + 4.5) = 58 tons
Suppose the scale factor is k, then the ratio of the tonnage of goods carried by three vehicles is 6K: 4K: 4.5K, and vehicle a carries more goods than vehicle C
Goods transported by three trucks = 6K +: 4K: + 4.5K = 14.5k = 58 tons
There are 5.7 tons of coal in the two piles. Three quarters of the coal is used in the first pile and three fifths of the coal is used in the second pile. When the two piles are put together, they are one fifth less than the first pile. The first pile is the first pile
Don't use anything higher than primary school
2 / 5 divided by 11 / 20 = 8 / 11
5.7 times 8 / 19 = 2.4
Pile 1: 2.4
Pile 2: 3.3
When a and B start from a and B, they go in opposite directions. When they start, the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. When they meet, a's speed decreases by 20%. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is still 10 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers are there between the two places?
When meeting, the first line is 55 + 4 = 59, and the second line is 45 + 4. After meeting, the speed of the first line is 5 × (1-20%) = 4 = the speed of the second line, 10 ^ ((55 + 4 − 45 + 4) = 10 ^ (59-49), = 10 ^ 19, = 90 (km). A: the distance between the two places is 90 km
The tonnage ratio of truck a, B and C is 6:7:4.5. It is known that truck a carries 12 tons more goods than truck C, then the three trucks carry goods together______ Tons
Suppose each share is x tons, then truck a carries 6x tons of goods, truck B carries 7x tons of goods, truck C carries 4.5X tons of goods, and three trucks carry (6x + 7x + 4.5X) tons of goods. From the meaning of the question, we get 6x-4.5x = 12, and the solution is: x = 8, three trucks carry (6 + 7 + 4.5) × 8 = 17.5 × 8 = 140 tons
The weight of coal in pile a is one fifth less than that in pile B. how many parts of the total coal in pile a - Baidu
Total a = (1-1 / 5) / (1 + 1-1 / 5) = 4 / 9;
A and B start at the same time from AB and run in opposite directions. They meet each other in 7 hours. A car is 20 kilometers slower than B car per hour. The speed ratio of the two cars is 7:9. How many meters is the distance between AB and B?
Suppose the speed of a is 7x, then the speed of B is 9x, 9x-7x = 202x = 20x = 10; so the speed of a is 7x = 7 × 10 = 70 (km / h); the speed of B is 9x = 9 × 10 = 90 (km / h); the distance between AB and ab is (70 + 90) × 7 = 160 × 7 = 1120 (km); a: the distance between AB and ab is 1120 km
When a batch of goods is to be transported to a certain place, the owner of the goods is going to rent two kinds of trucks from the automobile transportation company. The situation of renting this kind of trucks in the past two times is shown in the table. Now, we rent three kinds of trucks from the company and five kinds of trucks from the company. If the freight is 30 yuan per ton, how much is the freight payable by the owner?
The first time, the second time
25 class a goods vehicles
Type B freight cars (3 / 6)
Accumulated tonnage (ton) 15.535
Suppose that each truck of type a carries x tons of goods, and each truck of type B carries y tons of goods. According to the meaning of the title, we get 2x + 3Y = 15.55x + 6y = 35, solve the equations, and get x = 4, y = 2.5. The owner now rents 3 trucks of type A and 5 trucks of type B. the total freight is 3 × 4 + 5 × 2.5 = 12 + 12.5 = 24.5 tons. If the freight is 30 yuan per ton of goods, the total freight is 30 yuan
According to the meaning of the question, it can be assumed that each truck of type a can carry m tons of goods at a time, and each truck of type B can carry n tons of goods at a time
{ 2m+3n=15.5 (1)
{ 5m+6n=35 (2)
(1) The results showed that: 1
4m+6n=31 (3)
(2) 3
M = 4, substituting (1) to get:
The solution is n = 2.5
That is to say, each truck of type A and B is divided into two parts
According to the meaning of the question, it can be assumed that each truck of type a can carry m tons of goods at a time, and each truck of type B can carry n tons of goods at a time
{ 2m+3n=15.5 (1)
{ 5m+6n=35 (2)
(1) The results showed that: 1
4m+6n=31 (3)
(2) 3
M = 4, substituting (1) to get:
The solution is n = 2.5
That is to say, each truck of type A and B can carry 4 tons and 2.5 tons respectively
Now we are renting 3 class a trucks and 5 class B trucks from the company. We have just finished this batch of goods at one time,
Then we can know the total cargo: 3 × 4 + 5 × 2.5 = 12 + 12.5 = 24.5 tons
If the freight is 30 yuan per ton, ask the freight payable to the owner: 24.5 × 30 = 735 yuan. Put it away
Take 1 / 5 of the coal from pile a to pile B. at this time, the weight of the two piles of coal is equal. What percentage of the weight of pile B is that of pile a
In fact, there are 5 parts of coal in pile a and 5-1-1 = 3 parts in pile B
The original weight of pile B coal is 3 △ 5 = 60% of that of pile a coal
A and B start at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet in 7 hours. A is 20 kilometers slower than B every hour. The speed ratio of the two cars is 7:9
Car a is 20 kilometers slower than car B per hour. Seven hours later, car a runs 140 kilometers less than car B, so car a runs 7 * [140 / (9-7)] = 490 kilometers, and car B runs 9 * [140 / (9-7)] = 630 kilometers, so the distance between AB and ab is 490 + 630 = 1120 kilometers
=1120 km
So AB is 1120 km away
There is a big difference after the revision! New mixed card fight landlord and another game, as well as mahjong; and like landlords and peasants to win this kind of conditions only the brave hall has! Novice hall is mostly three with one, double Shun, bomb, four generation two, Wang bomb and so on, so it's a little harder to earn than before! So I want to talk about the real situation: I want to make a profit! ... unfold
There is a big difference after the revision! New mixed card fight landlord and another game, as well as mahjong; and like landlords and peasants to win this kind of conditions only the brave hall has! Novice hall is mostly three with one, double Shun, bomb, four generation two, Wang bomb and so on, so it's a little harder to earn than before! So, let me talk about my experience: in the current situation, the one who really wants to earn a lot of dividends is to go to the Braves hall! Put it away
=1120 km
Bonus points