The transport team has to carry 72 tons of goods, 16 vehicles have been carried away, and there is still one ninth of them without dizziness. How many tons of goods are carried by each vehicle on average?

The transport team has to carry 72 tons of goods, 16 vehicles have been carried away, and there is still one ninth of them without dizziness. How many tons of goods are carried by each vehicle on average?

Analysis: the remaining 1 / 9, 8 / 9 is 16 cars, can be calculated: 16 divided by 8 / 9 = 18 (cars)
Average per vehicle: 72 / 18 = 4 (tons)
The total weight of two tons of coal is 160 tons. Team a carries more than 2 / 5 of 20 tons. Team B carries less than 2 / 5 of 6 tons. How many tons of two tons of coal
=88 tons
The two teams transported 88 tons of coal
More than four fifths, 14 tons, 142 tons
Total = 84 + 31.6 = 142 tons
The distance between a and B is 360 km. The passenger and freight cars leave from the two places at the same time and meet each other in 4 hours?
=5 and 5 / 17 × 8
=42 and 6 / 17
If 14 vehicles are transferred from the first team to the second team, the ratio between the first team and the second team is 1-2, which turns out to be 5-3
How many cars did the two teams have
How many did you want to ask?
There are 30 cars in team one and 18 cars in team two
The method is to set up a team with 5x cars and two teams with 3x cars
Then (5x-14): (3x + 14) = 1:2
The solution is x = 6
Then there are 30 cars in the first team and 18 cars in the second team
There are 300 tons of coal in pile a and pile B. two fifths of the coal in pile a is transported away and two fifths of the coal in pile B is transported in. At this time, pile B is 20 tons more than pile A. how many tons of coal are there in each pile
eight thousand four hundred and eighty-nine
Answer before 20:15, June 8, 2010
Let a be x and B be 300-x
X = 100 tons (a)
300-100 = 200 tons (b)
The distance between a and B is 360 km. The passenger cars and freight cars start from a to B at the same time. The speed of freight cars is 60 km / h, passenger cars 40 km / h, and freight cars 40 km / h
It is 40 kilometers per hour. The truck stops for 0.5 hours after arriving at the second place, and then returns to the first place at the same speed. How many hours after starting from the first place, do the two cars meet?
A: after 7.5 hours
360 / 60 = 6 hours
The 6.5-hour driving distance of the bus is 6.5 * 40 = 260 km
(360-260) / (60 + 40) = 1 hour
We'll meet in an hour
The distance between a and B is 360 km
40 km / h
That is to say, it takes 9 hours for the bus to reach the second place
The speed of the truck is 60 kilometers per hour
That is, the time for the train to arrive at B is 6 hours
6.5 hours had passed by the time the van arrived at place B and the rest game began to return
At this time, the bus is 360-40 * 6.5 = 100 km away from B
So it's equivalent to walking 100 kilometers in front of each other
It takes exactly an hour
So the final answer... Unfolds
The distance between a and B is 360 km
40 km / h
That is to say, it takes 9 hours for the bus to reach the second place
The speed of the truck is 60 kilometers per hour
That is, the time for the train to arrive at B is 6 hours
6.5 hours had passed by the time the van arrived at place B and the rest game began to return
At this time, the bus is 360-40 * 6.5 = 100 km away from B
So it's equivalent to walking 100 kilometers in front of each other
It takes exactly an hour
So the final answer is 6.5 + 1 = 7.5 hours
The time of truck arriving at B is 360 / 60 = 6
The truck stays for half an hour, and the bus travel distance is 40 * 6.5 = 260
So the two cars meet at 6.5 + (360-260) / (60 + 40) = 6.5 + 100 / 100 = 7.5 (hours)
It is known that the 5-hour transportation volume of Party A is equal to the 2-hour transportation volume of Party B. how many tons are transported by Party A and Party B each hour?
This batch of goods will be transported by Party A alone. The demand is: 8 △ 2 × 5 + 6, = 20 + 6, = 26 (hours); Party A's hourly transportation: 312 △ 26 = 12 (tons); Party B's hourly transportation: 12 × 5 △ 2 = 30 (tons). Answer: Party A's transportation team transports 12 tons per hour, and Party B's transportation team transports 30 tons per hour
A and B have 300 tons of coal in total. A transports two fifths of the coal. B transports two fifths of the coal. B has 20 tons more than A. how many tons does a and B have?
A x B 300-x
A 200 tons B 100 tons
A x B 300-x
A 200 tons B 100 tons
The distance between a and B is 450 km. The passenger cars and freight cars leave from the two places and meet each other 5 hours later. The speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 4:5, and the speed of freight cars is calculated
Sum of speed = 450 △ 5 = 90
So truck: 5 × 50km / h
Suppose the speed of passenger car is 4x and that of freight car is 5x
The solution is x = 10
The speed of the truck is 50 km / h
Choose one of the two
4 V for passenger cars and 5 V for freight cars
V = 10 km / h
50 km / h for trucks
In a warehouse, there are three trucks (a, B and C). Each truck is only responsible for purchasing or shipping goods. The hourly transportation volume of car C is the largest, while that of car B is the largest
(1) Which of the three vehicles (a, B and C) are entering the truck? (2) how many tons are transported by vehicle a and vehicle C each hour? (3) due to the temporary notice received by the warehouse, the three vehicles are required to start working at the same time after 8 hours, but vehicle C fails to deliver 10 tons of goods and exits. Q: after 8 hours, vehicle a and vehicle B work for several hours, so that the inventory of the warehouse is 6 tons
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Please come back soon
(1) (2) let a and C transport x tons and Y tons of goods per hour, then 2 (Y-X) = 4 (6 + y) + 5 (6-x) = 10-4, and the solution is x = 8, y = 10. A and C transport 8 tons and 10 tons per hour respectively. (3) after 8 hours, a and B work for another m hours, and the inventory is 6 tons