How many kilometers does a car travel per hour

How many kilometers does a car travel per hour

The average vehicle travel per hour is (540-360) / (11-9) = 90 km
It's two hours from 9:00 to 11:00, 540-360 = 180 km in two hours, so it's 90 km in one hour
There are two piles of coal, pile a has 4.5 tons, pile B has 6 tons, pile a uses 0.36 tons a day, pile B uses 0.51 tons a day. After a few days, the remaining tons of the two piles are equal?
Let the remaining tons of the two piles be equal after X days. According to the meaning of the question, we get: 4.5-0.36x = 6-0.51x, 0.51x-0.36x = 6-4.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.15x = 1.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10. Answer: after 10 days, the remaining tons of the two piles are equal
The bus and the car leave from a and B at the same time and meet in 60 minutes. It is known that the speed of the bus is 2 / 3 of that of the minibus. When the car arrives at a, how many minutes does the bus have to walk to B?
Speed of passenger car: 1 / 60 (1 + 2 / 3) = 1 / 100
Time for small passenger car to complete the whole journey: 1 △ 1 / 100 = 100 points
Bus speed: 1 / 100 × 2 / 3 = 1 / 150 min
The bus has to go: 1 △ 1 / 150-100 = 50 points
Let the distance between a and B be X,
Bus speed = (x / 60) * 2 / (2 + 3) = x / 150
Speed of passenger car = (x / 150) * 3 / 2 = x / 100
The time for the passenger car to arrive at a place = x / (x / 100) = 100 (minutes)
Bus arrival time at B = x / (x / 150) = 150 (minutes)
150-100 = 50 (min)
So it will take the bus another 50 minutes to get to B
The distance for a bus is one hour for a car, because the speed of a bus is 2 / 3 of that of a car, so the time required for the same distance is 60 / 2 / 3 = 90 minutes. The bus takes 60 minutes, and the car takes 40 minutes. It takes 40 minutes for the car to arrive at a. the bus takes 90-40 = 50 minutes to arrive at B
If the speed of the passenger car is a, the speed of the bus is 2A / 3.
The distance between AB is 60 (a + 2A / 3) = 100 a.
It takes 100A / a = 100 minutes for the car to get to a
100 minutes, the bus distance is 2A / 3 x 100 = 200A / 3
The remaining journey time is (100a - 200A / 3) / (2A / 3) = (100A / 3) / (2A / 3) = 50 minutes
The two cities are 360 kilometers apart______________ How many hours did the plane fly?
Supplement: the aircraft completed the whole flight at 360km / h
A: the plane flew for an hour
The plane's flight speed is 9 kilometers per hour, landing three times, each landing a stay of 30 minutes
Supplement: the aircraft completed the whole flight at 360km / h
A: the plane flew for an hour.
Two downloads, 30 minutes per person, two stops
360 / 60 = 6 (hours)
2 * 30 = 60 (minutes) = 1 (hours)
6 + 1 = 7 (hours)
A: the plane flew for seven hours
Fill in the blanks first.
The speed of the plane is 90 kilometers per hour
360 / 90 = 4 hours
A: Yes......
The distance between the two cities is 360 kilometers. The plane flies 120 kilometers per hour. How many hours did the plane fly?
There are two piles of coal, pile a has 4.5 tons, pile B has 6 tons, pile a uses 0.36 tons a day, pile B uses 0.51 tons a day. After a few days, the remaining tons of the two piles are equal?
Let the remaining tons of the two piles be equal after X days. According to the meaning of the question, we get: 4.5-0.36x = 6-0.51x, 0.51x-0.36x = 6-4.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.15x = 1.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10
When they set out, the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. When they meet, a's speed decreases by 20%, and B's speed increases by 20%
When a and B start, the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. When a and B meet, a's speed decreases by 20%, and B's speed increases by 20%. In this way, when a arrives at B, B is still 10 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers are there between a and B?
The day after tomorrow, I hope you can help me,
When meeting, 5 △ 4 + 5 = 5 / 9 in the whole course of line a, and 1-5 / 9 = 4 / 9 in the whole course of line B
After meeting, a goes to B, and a makes 4 / 9 of the whole journey
After meeting, the speed ratio of a and B is 5 × (1-20%): 4 × (1 + 20%) = 4:4.8 = 5:6
So after meeting, a goes to B, and the corresponding B goes 4 / 9 △ 5 × 6 = 8 / 15
So the total number of B lines is 4 / 9 + 8 / 15 = 44 / 45
Therefore, the distance between AB and ab is 10 (1-44 / 45) = 450 km
The speed of a car is 1.5 times that of a motorcycle. It takes 4 hours for a car to travel 360 kilometers. How many kilometers does a motorcycle travel per hour?
360 ﹣ 4 ﹣ 1.5 = 90 ﹣ 1.5 = 60 (km) a: Motorcycle travels 60 km per hour
There are two piles of coal, pile a has 4.5 tons, pile B has 6 tons, pile a uses 0.36 tons a day, pile B uses 0.51 tons a day. After a few days, the remaining tons of the two piles are equal?
Let the remaining tons of the two piles be equal after X days. According to the meaning of the question, we get: 4.5-0.36x = 6-0.51x, 0.51x-0.36x = 6-4.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.15x = 1.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10
When a and B start from AB, the speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. When a and B meet, a's speed decreases by 20%, and B's speed increases by 20%. In this way, when a reaches B, B is still 12 kilometers away from a, and the distance between a and B is calculated
Good answer, I'll add a reward. There should be a formula
The distance between a and B is x km
A. B: the distance between the two places is 540 km
According to the equation of time equality
Distance / speed time
[5 × (1-20%)] and [4 × (1 + 20%)] are the speed after meeting
The tonnage ratio of truck a, B and C is 6:7:4.5. It is known that truck a carries 12 tons more goods than truck C, then the three trucks carry goods together______ Tons
Suppose each share is x tons, then truck a carries 6x tons of goods, truck B carries 7x tons of goods, truck C carries 4.5X tons of goods, and three trucks carry (6x + 7x + 4.5X) tons of goods. From the meaning of the question, we get 6x-4.5x = 12, and the solution is: x = 8, three trucks carry (6 + 7 + 4.5) × 8 = 17.5 × 8 = 140 tons