A packet of sugar, an average of six children, five more Average 7 kids, 6 less

A packet of sugar, an average of six children, five more Average 7 kids, 6 less

Children have
(5 + 6) / (7-6) = 11
Sugar has
11 × 6 + 5 = 71 (piece)
Suppose X
6x+5=7x-6 x=11
A batch of goods is transported by worker a for six times, and the volume transported by worker B each time is two-thirds of that of worker A. how many times does worker a transport this batch of goods less than worker B?
6 △ 2 / 3 = 9 times
9-6 = 3 times
A: worker a carries three times less than worker B
B alone = 6 × 1 △ 2 / 3 = 9 times
Less = 9-6 = 3 times
Party B: 1 △ 1 / 6x2 / 3 = 9 (Times)
9-6 = 3 (Times)
The freight speed of a is 1 / 6 each time, and that of B is 2 / 3 of that of A
B's speed is 1 / 6 * 2 / 3 = 1 / 9
B divide 1 by 1 / 9 and you get nine times
A is three times less than B
We have to transport 35 tons today. We can only transport 5 tons each time. We have carried it three times in the morning, but how many times in the afternoon?
Use the slightly complex equation to solve the equation, and set up the equivalent relation
Suppose to run x times
Then 5 × 3 + 5x = 35
A: four times in the afternoon
In the morning + in the afternoon is equal to the total tonnage
It's supposed to be shipped x times in the afternoon
The quantity transported in the morning + the quantity transported in the afternoon = the total quantity
It will take four times in the afternoon
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!
Let x times of transportation be equal: morning transportation + afternoon transportation = total tonnage
5×3+5x=35 5x=35-15 5x=20 x=20/5 x=4
A: four times in the afternoon
Liu Hui, a native of the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms, wrote the island Suanjing, which is dedicated to the measurement of height and distance. One of the problems is the famous measurement problem in the history of mathematics; From BC, step 123 to F, the three points a, a, C and F are collinear; from De, step 127 to g, and from G, the three points a, a, e and G are collinear. Try to calculate the height ah and the distance Hb of the mountain. (ancient system 1 Step = 6 feet, 1 Li = 180 feet, Zhang = 1 & nbsp; 800 feet = 300 steps. The results are expressed in Li and bu.)
∵ ah ∥ BC, ∥ BCF ∥ HAF, ∥ bfhf = bcah, ∥ de ∥ ah, ∥ DEG ∥ hag, ∥ dghg = deah, and ∵ BC = De, ∥ bfhf = dghg, i.e. 123123 + HB = 127127 + 1000 + Hb, ∥ BH = 30750 (step), and ∵ bfhf = bcah, ∥ ah = BC · hfbf, i.e. ah = 5 × (30750 +...)
Master Li plans to transport a batch of goods in three days. He transported 42 tons in the first day, accounting for 25% of this batch of goods. The quality ratio of the second day to the third day is 4:3. How many tons of goods will he transport in the second day?
4 + 3 = 7, (42 ÷ 25-42) × 47, = 63 × 47, = 36 (tons); answer: the next day, 36 tons
Xiao Zhang is going to transport 35 tons of goods today. The carrying capacity of the truck is five tons each time. He carried it three times last time. How many times will he have to transport it in the afternoon?
Team a and team B jointly cut a 2070 meter mountain road in 15 days. Team a cuts 65 meters a day, and team B how many meters a day?
Solve by equation
1. We have to transport x times in the afternoon
Four more times in the afternoon
2. Set up team B to drive x meters every day
Team B drives 73 meters a day
Huh? Is LZ from the fifth grade math book? That's the solution to the equation
13.7 12.9 14.5 13.8 13.3 12.7 13.5 13.6
These numbers variance, requires a process, satisfactory plus 50 points
13.7 12.9 14.5 13.8 13.3 12.7 13.5 13.6
These numbers variance, requires a process, satisfactory plus 50 points
Poor in math, I can't help you
After three hours, car a meets car B at the midpoint of 18 kilometers. At this time, the distance ratio of car a to car B is 2:3. How many kilometers do car a and car B travel per hour?
2 + 3 = 5, 18 × 2 / (35-25), = 36 / 15, = 180 (km); car a: 180 / 5 × 2 / 3 = 24 (km); car B: 180 / 5 × 3 / 3 = 36 (km); answer: car a travels 24 km per hour, car B travels 36 km per hour
To transport 240 tons of goods, a car has transported 25% of this batch of goods six times. How many times will it take to complete this batch of goods?
240 × 25 = 96 (tons), 96 / 6 = 16 (tons), 240-96 = 144 (tons), 144 / 16 = 9 (Times); or: 25 / 6 = 115, 1 / 115 = 15 (Times), 15-6 = 9 (Times); answer: it will take 9 more times to transport this batch of goods
The master and the apprentice do a project in eight days. The time for the master to do it alone is the same as that for the two apprentices to cooperate. The time for the master to cooperate with the apprentice B is four times that for the apprentice A. how many days does it take for the apprentice a and the apprentice B to complete it respectively?
The total efficiency is 1 / 8
The number of days required for the master to work alone is equal to the number of days required for the two apprentices to cooperate. The master's efficiency is 1 / 16
Suppose the apprentice efficiency x, then 1 / 16-x
X = 3 / 80 days = 80 / 3 days
Efficiency = 1 / 16-3 / 80 = 1 / 40
Days = 40 days

The number of days needed to cooperate with the apprentice was the same, and the number of days needed to cooperate with the apprentice was the same. Note: in 8 days, the master completes 1 / 2 of the task, and the two apprentices complete 1 / 2 of the task together. Then, it takes 8 * 2 = 16 days for the master to do it alone, and 8 * 2 = 16 days for the two apprentices to do it together.
2. The number of days required for the master to cooperate with apprentice a is four times that for the apprentice to complete the project alone. It is concluded that the work efficiency of master and a is four times that of B. Therefore, among the three people who completed the task in 8 days, Shifu and a completed 4 / 5 of the task, and B finished the task
1, by "three people cooperate for 8 days, and the number of days required for the master to do it alone is the same as the number of days required for the two apprentices to cooperate". Note: in 8 days, the master completes 1 / 2 of the task, and the two apprentices complete 1 / 2 of the task together. Then, it takes 8 * 2 = 16 days for the master to do it alone, and 8 * 2 = 16 days for the two apprentices to do it together.
2. The number of days required for the master to cooperate with apprentice a is four times that for the apprentice to complete the project alone. It is concluded that the work efficiency of master and a is four times that of B. Therefore, among the three people who completed the task in 8 days, master and a completed 4 / 5 of the task, and B completed 1 / 5 of the task. It can be seen that Party B needs 8 * 5 = 40 days to complete all tasks.
3. It takes 16 days for apprentices A and B to work together, 40 days for apprentices B to work alone, and 1 / (1 / 16 - 1 / 40) = 80 / 3 days for apprentices a to work alone
Let's set the efficiency as 1 / A, a as 1 / B, B as 1 / C,
Then (1 / A + 1 / B + 1 / C) = 1 / 8,
From the two conversions, we can get 4 / C = 1 / 8-1 / C, multiply both sides by 8C, and just C is 40
And then 1 / a = 1 / B + 1 / C, and (1 / A + 1 / b) = 4 / C
If B is 80 / 3 days, it will take 80 / 3 days alone and 40 days for B
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... unfold
Let's set the efficiency as 1 / A, a as 1 / B, B as 1 / C,
Then (1 / A + 1 / B + 1 / C) = 1 / 8,
From the two conversions, we can get 4 / C = 1 / 8-1 / C, multiply both sides by 8C, and just C is 40
And then 1 / a = 1 / B + 1 / C, and (1 / A + 1 / b) = 4 / C
If B is 80 / 3 days, it will take 80 / 3 days alone and 40 days for B
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If a completes 1 / X every day, B completes 1 / y every day
Then master completes 1 / 8-1 / X-1 / y every day
1 / 8-1 / X-1 / y = 1 / x + 1 / y, that is, 1 / 16 = 1 / x + 1 / y
1 / 8-1 / X-1 / y + 1 / y = 4 / x, that is, 1 / 8 = 5 / X
The solution is x = 40, y = 3 / 80
A: it takes 40 days for a to complete it alone, and 80 / 3 days for B to complete it alone
It takes X days for a master, y days for a master and Z days for B master.
If the total amount is 1, then the work efficiency of three people is 1 / x, 1 / y, 1 / Z respectively, then 1 / (1 / x + 1 / y + 1 / z) = 8
Moreover, 4 * 1 / (1 / x + 1 / z) = y
And x = 1 / (1 / y + 1 / z)
From the two equations, we can get x = 16, y = 40, z = 80 / 3