If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams is equal; if 10 people are transferred from each team, the remaining number of team B is 25% of the remaining number of team A. how many people are there in each team?

If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams is equal; if 10 people are transferred from each team, the remaining number of team B is 25% of the remaining number of team A. how many people are there in each team?

The number of team a: (30 × 2) / (1-25%) + 10, = 60 / 34 + 10, = 60 × 43 + 10, = 80 + 10, = 90 (people); the number of team B: 90-30 × 2 = 30 (people). A: there were 90 people and 30 people in each team
If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams is equal; if 10 people are transferred from each team
So the number of people left in team B is 25% of that in team A. how many people are there in each team,
It turns out that team a has x players, while team B has (x-30-30) players
90-30-30 = 30 (person)
A: there were 90 in team a and 30 in team B
If team a transfers 30 people to team B, the number of team B is 100%. Team B minus 30 plus minus 10 equals minus 40. Team a plus 30 minus 10 equals 20. At this time, the number of team B is one fourth of team a, 40 minus 20 equals one fourth, one fourth equals 20, 20 equals 25%. 75 percent is 80. 20 plus 10 is 30. The number of team B is 30. 80 plus 10 is 90. The number of the first team is 90
If team a transfers 30 people to team B, the number of team B is 100%. Team B minus 30 plus minus 10 equals minus 40. Team a plus 30 minus 10 equals 20. At this time, the number of team B is one fourth of team a, 40 minus 20 equals one fourth, one fourth equals 20, 20 equals 25%. 75 percent is 80. 20 plus 10 is 30. The number of team B is 30. 80 plus 10 is 90. The number of the first team is 90
If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams is equal; if 10 people are transferred from each team, the remaining number of team B is 25% of the remaining number of team A. how many people are there in each team?
The number of team a: (30 × 2) / (1-25%) + 10, = 60 / 34 + 10, = 60 × 43 + 10, = 80 + 10, = 90 (people); the number of team B: 90-30 × 2 = 30 (people). A: there were 90 people and 30 people in each team
The ratio of team a and team B is 7:3. If 30 people are sent from team a to team B, the ratio is 1:4. Then the total number of two construction teams is ()
It turned out that a accounted for 50% of the total number of the two construction teams
7 ÷ (7 + 3) = 7 / 10
Now a accounts for the total number of the two construction teams
1 ÷ (1 + 4) = 1 / 5
What is the total number of the two construction teams
30 (7 / 10-1 / 5) = 60 (person)