The school chorus has 40 people, 2 less than 3 times of the dance team. How many people are there in the dance team

The school chorus has 40 people, 2 less than 3 times of the dance team. How many people are there in the dance team

Suppose the dance team has x people, 3x-2 = 40, 3x = 42, x = 14, and the dance team has 14 people
What's a quarter of 120?
This number = 120 × 2 / 5 △ 3 / 4 = 64
There are 40 students in the school chorus, eight less than twice as many as the dancing team. How many students are there in the dancing team
Set up a dance team with X people
The dance team has 24 people
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!
Two thirds of 60 is 120 ()
There are 104 students in the school chorus and dance team. The number of students in the dance team is 5 / 8 of that in the chorus. How many students are there in the chorus and dance team
There are x people in the chorus
1 / 3 of a number is equal to 1 / 2 of 120. What is the number?
The number is (120x1 / 2) / (1 / 3) = 180
The school dance team is 24 less than the chorus team. 60% of the chorus team is equal to the dance team. How many people are there in the dance team?
It is necessary to analyze the formula process in detail
The chorus has 24 more people than the dance team. 60% of the number of the chorus is equal to the number of the dance team. Then the 24 more people are 40%, 40% is 24, 20% is 12, 100% is 12 * 5 = 60, and the chorus has 60 people
60% of the chorus is equal to the dance team, 60 * 60 = 36
The ratio of a, B, C and three numbers is 1:2:3. The average number of a, B and C is 120. What are the three numbers of a, B and C?
360x6 / 1 = 60
360x6 / 2 = 120
360x6 / 3 = 180
Let a, B and C be x 2x 3x, respectively
Then (2x + 3 + 120)
The solution is x = 60
The results showed that x = 60
Sum of three numbers = 120 * 3 = 360
A = 360 △ (1 + 2 + 3) × 1 = 60
B = 60 × 2 = 120
C = 60 × 3 = 180
There are 150 students in the dance class of the children's palace and 126 students in the quyi class. The number of students in the quyi class is () less than that in the dance class, which is ()%
One sixth of 24
2 / 3 of a is equal to 3 / 4 of B. what is the ratio of a to B【
2/3x=3/4y x/y=3/4