Fractional equation: X-7 / X-9 + x-3 / X-5 = x-4 / X-6 + X-6 / X-8 (process, test)

Fractional equation: X-7 / X-9 + x-3 / X-5 = x-4 / X-6 + X-6 / X-8 (process, test)

General division
(X-9) (X-6) = (X-5) (X-8)
Left = - 3
Right = - 3
Teacher quickly tell me how to solve 2x square - 4x + 5 greater than 0?
Solution to the equation ^ ax + 0 (x + 0)
First move the fixed number C to the right of the equation: ax ^ 2 + BX = - C
The coefficient of quadratic term is reduced to 1: x ^ 2 + X=-
Plus the square coefficients of the two sides of the equation: (+) + 2
The left side of the equation becomes a complete square: (x +) 2 = so the formula is OK
What is the formula for average velocity?
Average velocity = displacement distance / time. For example, when a particle moves in a circle, its distance is the circumference of the circle, but the displacement is 0. Because the particle moves back to its original position after one circle, the displacement is 0. Average velocity = velocity in the middle of the distance / time v = (V0 + VT) / 2. The velocity formula of the point of displacement v = √ (V0 + V)
X-7 of x-8-7-x 7 of x = 8 to solve fractional equation
X-7 of x-8-7-x 7 of x = 8 need detailed process
Multiply both sides by (X-7)
The factorial method solves the following equation: (1) the square of (x + 1) - 25 = 0 (2) the square of 2 (x + 1) = x + 1 (3) the square of 5x - 4x = 0 (4) (4x-1) (5x + 7) = 0
A roll of iron sheet is 69 meters long and 22 yuan per meter. It can cut 100 discs with a diameter of 69 cm and 100 discs with a diameter of 60 cm. Please figure out the cost of each disc!
(proportional distribution problem)
From 22 × 69 × [69 / (69 + 60)]
95 (yuan);
have to
The cost of a large wafer is 811.95 yuan
The cost of each large wafer is 811.95/100 ≈ 8.12 yuan
From 22 × 69 × [60 / (69 + 60)]
About 706.05 yuan,
Or 22 × 69-811.95
=706.05 yuan
have to
The cost of a small wafer is: 706.05 yuan
The cost of each small wafer is: 706.05/100 = 7.06 yuan
The formula of proportional distribution is as follows
Total cost × (share of the amount allocated in proportion / total share)
The fractional equation X-9 of X-7 plus X-5 of x-3 = X-6 of x-4 plus X-8 of X-6
The first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the first step, the second step, the second step, the second step (X-9 (X-9) + 2 / X-9 + 2 / x-9-9-9 + (X-9 + (X-9) + (X-6 (X-6) + (X-6) + (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9) / (X-9 in the sixth step, the molecules are the same, 2x-14, so (X-9) (X-5) = (X-6) (X-8) in the seventh step, x-14x + 45 = x-14x + 48 in the eighth step, transposition,
Subtract 1 from each fraction
General division
(2x-14) [1 / (X & # 178; - 14x + 45) - 1 / (X & # 17... Expand]
Subtract 1 from each fraction
General division
So 2x-14 = 0
The fractional equation needs to be tested
It is proved that x = 7 is the solution of the equation
Solution equation: (x-3) 2 + 4x (x-3) = 0
The original formula can be reduced to: (x-3) (x-3 + 4x) = 0  x-3 = 0 or 5x-3 = 0. The solution is X1 = 3, X2 = 35
What is the formula of handshake in mathematics?
Single cycle formula 1 / 2n (n-1) = total times
Double cycle formula n (n-1) = total times
Solving the fractional equation: 5 / x = 9 / x-4
Test: x = - 5 is the solution of the equation
Xiao Ming is going to have an exam tomorrow, but he is watching TV in the evening
Xiaoming's mother asked anxiously: have you finished reading all the books? There will be an exam tomorrow
Xiaoming readily replied: Mom, I've finished reading it.
Xiaoming's mother is very happy to praise Xiaoming: good, then you must do well in the exam tomorrow
Xiaoming cried and said, "Mom, I mean," Mom, I'm done. ". ... unfold
Xiao Ming is going to have an exam tomorrow, but he is watching TV in the evening
Xiaoming's mother asked anxiously: have you finished reading all the books? There will be an exam tomorrow
Xiaoming readily replied: Mom, I've finished reading it.
Xiaoming's mother is very happy to praise Xiaoming: good, then you must do well in the exam tomorrow
Xiaoming cried and said, "Mom, I mean," Mom, I'm done. ". Put it away
5 / x = (x-4) 9 / X
If it helps you, please remember to adopt it_ Thank you
Quadratic equation of one variable, x = 9 or - 5