Factorization x 5 + x 4 + x 4

Factorization x 5 + x 4 + x 4

Original formula = x ^ 4 (x + 1) + X & # 178; (x + 1) + (x + 1)
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Ask for advice: what is the "iterative method" for the general term formula of a sequence of numbers? What is the meaning of "iterative method"? It's best to give an example. Thank you
For example, the arithmetic sequence, an + 1 = an + D
This is the iterative method, here is the simplest example
Many complex sequences are not as easy to find as the arithmetic sequence
The meaning of iterative method is that the latter term is derived from the former term, which is similar to the form of a (n + 1) = f (an). Generally, the general term formula in this form will give an initial value, and then all items can be calculated successively. However, it usually needs to be transformed into the general term form of an = f (n) to facilitate the calculation of items and Sn. For details, please refer to this document http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ff9 981717fd5360cba1adb3c. HTML... Expand
The meaning of iterative method is that the latter term is derived from the former term, which is similar to the form of a (n + 1) = f (an). Generally, the general term formula in this form will give an initial value, and then all items can be calculated successively. However, it usually needs to be transformed into the general term form of an = f (n) to facilitate the calculation of items and Sn. For details, please refer to this document http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ff9 981717fd5360cba1adb3c.html
Who can help me solve a problem, 4 (x-1) < 3x + 2 < 4x
1 factorization factor: 2x4-x3-13x2-15 =? 2. Factorization factor: X5 + X4 + X3 + x2 + X + 1 =? 3 factorization factor: x4-4x2 + 6x-4=
It can't be decomposed
Two formulas (x + 1) * (x ^ 2 + X + 1) * (x ^ 2-x + 1)
The three formulas cannot be decomposed
It may be 2x4-x3-13x2-x-15 = (x-3) (2x + 5) (x2 + 1)
It can't be decomposed into three forms. I use the Geometer's Sketchpad to represent the function image, which is neither an integral coefficient nor a difference multiple, so it is impossible to decompose
It can't be decomposed
Two formulas (x + 1) * (x ^ 2 + X + 1) * (x ^ 2-x + 1)
The three formulas cannot be decomposed
General term formula of sequence by observation method
① 3,5,9,17,33……………… Then an =?
② I know that 3 and 5 differ from 2, 5 and 9 differ from 4, 9 and 17 differ from 8, which should be regarded as the law. But how can we get the general term formula through such a similar law? What is the general extension? For example, for a certain sequence, each term differs from 3, 6, 12, 24 How to find the general term formula when the difference is 2n, 3N, 4N, (n ∈ n +) and so on?
② From a (n + 1) - an = f (n)
6x-3/4x =1/3
The original equation is: 2 * (3x-1 / 6) = 3 / 4x
8 *(3X-1/6)=3X
X=4/3 * 1/21
How to calculate x-3 = x (x-3)?
1. How to calculate x-3 = x (x-3) and how to simplify it?
2. What about 2 (x + 3) & sup2; = x (x-3)?
For example, a store sells a commodity with a purchase price of 8 yuan at 10 yuan per piece, 200 pieces per day. When the price of this commodity increases by 0.5 yuan, the sales volume will decrease by 10 pieces, and when the price decreases by 0.5 yuan, the sales volume will increase by 10 pieces,
(1) Can you help him design a scheme to make a daily profit of 700 yuan?
(2) What is the maximum profit of the day when the selling price is set at RMB per piece?
The formula is: (X-8) × [200 - (X-10) / 0.5 × 10] = 700. What do I know about this?
Do you have better math problems!
The most simple way to get the common solution of (x) = (x-3) & sup (X-2) = (x-3); + x-3) = (x-3); (x-3) = (x-3) + x-3 + X-2) is as follows: sup (x) = (x-3); (x-3) = (x-3); (X-2) = (x-3) = (x-3); (x-3) = (x + x-3) = (X-2) = (x-3); (X-2) = (X-2) = (x-3 + x-3) = (X-2) = (x-3) = (x-3 + x-3
The solution of general term formula of sequence
Generally speaking, there are several principles for finding the general term formula of a sequence of numbers
1) If there are positive and negative in the known sequence, then determine the sign first, generally use (- 1) ^ n or (- 1) ^ (n-1) to represent the sign
The other case in which a positive term is odd is odd
2) After the sign is determined, the sign will not be taken into account, as long as the rest of the general term can be obtained
If there are both integers and fractions in a given sequence, the integers must be written as fractions,
Then separate the numerator and denominator to find the general term
3) When all given sequences are integers, we usually check whether the sum or difference between two adjacent terms is the same,
If different, is there a certain rule, such as the n-th power of a certain number and so on
If the above is not good, then look at the difference between the two series of general term first, and then add up to find the general term of the original sequence
There's a question you answered. What do you mean 3x + 3 + 2 = 4x
If there are unknowns x, it can establish the equation 3x + 3 + 2 = 4x, that is, three unknowns x plus 3 and 2 are equal to four unknowns X. how much is the unknowns x?
From 3x + 3 + 2 = 4x, we can get 3 + 2 = x by subtracting one 3x from each side, and we can get the unknown number x = 5
solve equations
This is the solution of the equation
4x-3x = 3 + 2
X = 5 ﹣ answer: Yes, solve the equation
Mathematics problem 4x & # 178; - 1 = 0
One half or - one half