The square of x plus 4x equals 0 to find X

The square of x plus 4x equals 0 to find X

Square of x plus 4x
X + 2 = 2, or - 2
So x = 0, or x = - 4
1 / 3x-14 = 5 / 3x + 2
Who knows some interesting math problems?
Xiaofang and Xiaohua go to the cinema from home. Xiaofang walks 5 kilometers per hour and Xiaohua walks 3 kilometers per hour. One hour later, their sister goes back home to pick up things and chase her. Her sister still goes at the same speed. Finally, they arrive at the cinema at the same time
The square of x plus 4x minus 2 equals 0 to find X
The square of x plus 4x minus 2 equals 0,
That is, (x + 2) ^ 2 = 6,
So x + 2 = ± √ 6,
Solve equation 3x-9 = 14
9 / 5 less than 3 times a number is the reciprocal of 10 / 69
Interesting math questions or stories for fourth grade children (questions with answers)
Tang monks and disciples picking peaches
One day, Monk Tang ordered his disciples Wukong, Bajie and Shaseng to go to Huaguo Mountain to pick some peaches. Not long after they finished picking peaches, they came back happily. Master Tang asked: how many peaches do you each pick back?
Bajie said with a smile: Master, I'll test you. We each pick the same amount of peaches. There are less than 100 peaches in my basket. If we count three peaches, there will be one left. How many peaches have we picked?
Monk Sha said mysteriously: Master, I'll test you too. If I count four peaches in my basket, there will be one left. How many peaches have we picked?
Wukong said with a smile: Master, I'll test you, too. If I count five peaches in my basket, there will be one left at the end. How many peaches will we each pick?
Monk Tang quickly told us the number of peaches each of them picked. Do you know them
The answer is: 61, calculate for yourself
1. A man bought a chicken for 8 yuan and sold it for 9 yuan. Then he thought it was not worth it. He bought it back for 10 yuan and sold it to another man for 11 yuan. How much did he make?
Answer: 2 yuan
2. Suppose there is a pond with an infinite amount of water in it. There are two empty kettles with a capacity of 5 and 6 liters respectively. The problem is how to get three liters of water from the pond with just these two kettles.
Answer: fill it with a 5-liter pot and pour it into a 6-liter pot,
Fill the 5-liter pot with water and pour it into the 6-liter pot to make 6... Unfold
1. A man bought a chicken for 8 yuan and sold it for 9 yuan. Then he thought it was not worth it. He bought it back for 10 yuan and sold it to another man for 11 yuan. How much did he make?
Answer: 2 yuan
2. Suppose there is a pond with an infinite amount of water in it. There are two empty kettles with a capacity of 5 and 6 liters respectively. The problem is how to get three liters of water from the pond with just these two kettles.
Answer: fill it with a 5-liter pot and pour it into a 6-liter pot,
After filling the 5-liter pot with water, add it to the 6-liter pot until the 6-liter pot is full. At this time, there are still 4 liters of water left in the 5-liter pot
Pour out all the water in the 6-liter pot, and pour the remaining 4 liters of water in the 5-liter pot into the 6-liter pot. At this time, there is only 4 liters of water in the 6-liter pot
Then fill the 5-liter pot with water. Fill the 6-liter pot with water until the 6-liter pot is full. At this time, there are only 3 liters of water left in the 5-liter pot
3. A farmer took three rabbits to the market to sell. Each rabbit was about three or four kilograms, but the farmer's scale could only weigh more than five thousand grams. He asked him how to weigh them.
Answer: first weigh three, then take one, and calculate the difference after weighing.
4. A monkey gathered 100 bananas in the forest and piled them into a pile. The monkey's house was 50 meters away from the pile. The monkey was going to carry the bananas home,
How many bananas can a monkey eat at most
Answer: 25
First back 50 to 25 meters, at this time, eat 25, there are 25, put down. Back to carry the remaining 50, go to 25 meters, and eat 25, there are 25. Then pick up the ground of 25, a total of 50, continue to walk home, a total of 25 meters, to eat 25, there are 25 home. Put it away
Given that the square of x minus 4x plus 1 equals 0, find the value of: (1) x + 1 / X; (2) x ^ 2 + x ^ 2 / 1
When x = 0
So x ≠ 0
Divide both sides by X
Square on both sides
Solution equation (x ^ 2-3x + 3) (x ^ 2-3x-2) = 14
By observing the structure of the problem and thinking about it, we can find that the problem is skillful
Let x ^ 2-3x = t
Then the original formula is changed to (T + 3) (T-2) = 14, and then the bivariate linear equation can be obtained, (T-4) * (T + 5) = 0
T = 4 or - 5
So x ^ 2-3x = 4 or - 5 and x ^ 2-3x = - 5 have no solution, so x ^ 2-3x = 4
Get x = - 1 or 4
If you're good at it, you can try factoring
Let y = x & # 178; - 3x
The original equation is transformed into: (y + 3) (Y-2) = 14
y1=4 y2= -5
When y = 4
x1=4 x2= -1
When y = - 5
X & # 178; -... Expansion
Let y = x & # 178; - 3x
The original equation is transformed into: (y + 3) (Y-2) = 14
y1=4 y2= -5
When y = 4
x1=4 x2= -1
When y = - 5
x²-3x= -5
Because △ = (- 3) &# 178; - 4 × 5 = - 11 < 0
So this equation has no solution
So the solution of the original equation is x = 4 or x = - 1
Let y = x & # 178; - 3x
We get (y + 3) (Y-2) = 14
y1=4 y2= -5
(1) When y = 4
x1=4 x2= -1
(2) When y = - 5
Interesting math problems
One day, Tiedan met Li Bai on his way. Tiedan asked, "how much wine did poet Li drink today?" Li Bai laughed and said a doggerel: "Li Bai went to buy wine from a pot, doubled it when he met a shop, drank a duel when he saw a flower, and drank all the wine in the pot when he met a shop and a flower three times."?
Write the reasons in detail
At first there was half a bucket of wine in the pot
Li Bai went to the pot to buy wine (there was wine X in the pot), doubled it when he met the shop (2x), drank a bucket when he saw the flower (2x-1), drank all the wine in the pot 3 * (2x-1) = 0. "How much wine was there in the pot at first (x = 0.5)
93 0
0.875 * 2-1 = 0.75 bucket
0.75 * 2-1 = 0.5 bucket
0.5 * 2-1 = 0 bucket
0.875 bucket
7 / 8 bucket
Suppose that there is wine x, 2 * [2 * (2x-1) - 1] - 1 = 0. The solution is x = 7 / 8
What is the result of the square of x minus 4x equals 96
Transfer: x ^ 2-4x-96 = 0
Cross phase multiplication: (X-12) (x + 8) = 0
The square of X - 4x = 96
The square of x-4x-96 = 0
X = 12 or x = - 8
X = 12 or - 8
X = 12 or x = - 8