Why is hamburger not plural in do you like hamburger?

Why is hamburger not plural in do you like hamburger?

Hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger
The dictionary says it is an uncountable noun in American English. (U) (US) is a countable noun in English. Do you understand
The word "hamburger" has many forms. When it means the type of hamburger, it does not add s, but when it means the number of hamburgers, it adds s.
Hamburger here refers to a kind of things, without s can refer to a certain kind of things
Make like and play plural
Please, like and plays are only added to grammatical requirements sometimes. Usually, there is no plural form
The formation of English noun phrases, paper form
Article 1:
Before we go any further,let's remind ourselves of what an noun phrase is.My definition is:
A noun phrase is either a pronoun or any group of words that can be replaced by a pronoun.For example,'they','cars',and 'the cars' are noun phrases,but 'car' is just a noun,as you can see in these sentences (in which the noun phrases are all in bold)
Q:Do you like cars?
A:Yes,I like them.
Q:Do you like the cars over there?
A:Yes,they are nice.
Q:Do you like the car I bought last week?
A:Yes,I like it.(Note:'It' refers to 'the car',not 'car')
If you are a little puzzled at this point,try and think of some further examples of noun phrases using the definition above,and compare your examples with simple nouns.
The structure of noun phrases.
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Article 2:
Notice that several forms classes can be "reused." For example, in the noun phrase it is possible to use quantifiers to function as pre-determiners or as post- determiners.This kind of "recycling" is known as recursion.Notice also that phrases and even whole clauses can be "recycled" into the noun phrase.This process of placing a phrase of clause within another phrase of clause is called embedding.It is through the processes of recursion and embedding that we are able to take a finite number of forms (words and phrases) and construct an infinite number of expressions.Furthermore ,embedding also allows us to construct an infinitely long structure,in theory anyway.
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Article 3:
Noun phrases normally consist of a head noun,which is optionally modified ("premodified" If the modifier is placed before the noun; "postmodified" if the modifier is placed after the noun).Possible modifiers include:
De terminers:articles (the,a),demonstratives (this,that),numerals (two,five,etc.),possessives (my,their,etc.),and quantifiers (some,many,etc.).In English,determiners are usually placed before the noun;
adjectives (the red ball); or
complements,in the form of a prepositional phrase (such as:the student of physics),or a That-clause (the claim that the earth is round);
modifiers; premodifiers if placed before the noun and usually either as nouns (the university student) or adjectives (the beautiful lady), or postmodifiers if placed after the noun.A postmodifier may be either a prepositional phrase (the man with long hair) or a relative clause (the house where I live).The difference between modifiers and complements is that complements complete the meaning of the noun; complements are necessary, whereas modifiers are optional because they just give additional information about the noun.
That noun phrases can be headed by elements other than nouns — for instance,pronouns (They came) or determiners ((I'll take these)) — has given rise to the postulation of a Determiner
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By skill pay by cash
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By intuitio
By skill pay by cash
Learn by rote by appointment
Teach by example by invitation
By air by hand
By intuition by analysis
By all means by no means
By means of How to do it
By arrangement
By force by road by car by road
By plane / train / sea by one's estimate
2) By means of "just For example, press:
By birth by profession
By trade by nature
By blood by origin
By education by religion
By definition by night / day
3) By means of Due to:
By chance by accident
By mistake by luck
By design by good fortune
By reason of by virtue of
By necessity
Judge the following phrases
a box of book( )
a box of pears( )
Just say which is right and which is wrong. If everyone is right, whoever answers in detail will be chosen as the best answer
The second is right
In fact, it has nothing to do with a box of, because the things in the box are countable and uncountable, but the more tangled is that the book is countable. In this case, it should belong to the plural form, so it should be books
I hope I can help you~~
Second, yes,
After a... Of... Add the plural and singular of countable nouns
A yes!!!!!! Ask: wrong
What do noun phrases mean in English? Please give some examples
Is beautiful flowers a noun phrase?
It is a noun phrase in English. First of all, it is a combination of words. Then it has the nature and function of nouns. It is usually composed of modifiers (nouns, adjectives, pronouns, participles and their phrases, prepositional phrases, infinitives and their combinations) and head words (nouns)
Judge whether the following phrases are singular or plural
1、a bag of eggs( )
2、ten bags of eggs( )
3、the eggs( )
4、a bag of apples( )
Fill in the singular or plural numbers in brackets and remember to write the question number
1. A bag of eggs (singular)
2. Ten bags of egg
3. The eggs (plural)
4. A bag of apples (singular)
Singular plural & nbsp; plural refers to the singular of those eggs
An English phrase that emphasizes the word
emphasize on; put emphasis on
How to read trousers in English
Trousers English [& # 712; tra & # 650; Z & # 601; Z]
n. Pants
Plural: trousers
He wired it on the troll's trousers
He wiped the wand on Troll's trousers
An English phrase for this word in need
in the neediness
The explanation of English "a pair of trainers"
A pair of sneakers or training shoes,
Sports shoes are very subdivided, which are all expressed by sport shoe, but trainer means general training shoes. In sports shoes, there are basketball shoe, sand shoe, track shoe and so on
A pair of soft sports shoes
A pair of sneakers with soft soles
A pair of soft sports shoes
A pair of
Trainers soft shoes
A pair of sports shoes