Is a Chinese map_____ Chinese____ .

Is a Chinese map_____ Chinese____ .

1. It is a Chinese map. [ They are Chinese maps. Here are the Chinese maps.]
2. Is it a Chinese map? [ Are they Chinese maps?]
Are they Chinese maps?
It's a plural sentence instead of a question
They are Chinese maps.
[charity translation group] sincerely answer for you!
This is a map of China
I am ok
That is a nice clock
That is a yellow pencil case
Gina is my first nane
This is not a map of China.
I am not OK.
Is that a nice clock?yes ,it is .
Is that a yellow pencil case?yes ,it is .
Is Gina my first nane?yes ,it is .
1 This is not a map of China.
2 I am not OK
3 Is that a nice clock?Yes,it is.
4 Is that a yellow pencil case?Yes,it is.
5 Is Gina your first nane?Yes,she is.
This is not a map of China.
I am not OK.
Is that a nice click?Yes, it is.
Is that a yellow pencil case?Yes, it is.
Is Gina your first name?Yes, it is.
If we change it into a negative sentence, we only need to add not after the predicate. If we change it into a general interrogative sentence, we only need to invert the subject and the predicate, and the first person is traditionally changed into the second person.
I'd like to have a cup of tea,______ ______ Antonym question
wouldn't like
shall i?
Isn't it would't I~
English prepositional phrases
on vacation
in no time
at work
Do you think such phrases can only be memorized by rote? We need to find some rules to help us remember. How to distinguish on, in and at in the sense?
For these phrases, you only need to read them a few times to remember them. Not everything has a shortcut. On, in, at are almost the same in meaning. The prepositions required by each phrase are different. You must memorize what kind of phrase and what kind of preposition to use
On top of
It's inside
In (a small place, time)
Some have rules, some don't, and there's no absolute thing. Language is constantly developing and changing. To a large extent, it depends on the influence of the environment. Rote learning is also very important. You should know that there are no fuel-efficient lights or free lunches in the world. Ha ha, work hard. After you find the feeling, you will get twice the result with half the effort! ... unfold
On top of
It's inside
In (a small place, time)
Some have rules, some don't, and there's no absolute thing. Language is constantly developing and changing. To a large extent, it depends on the influence of the environment. Rote learning is also very important. You should know that there are no fuel-efficient lights or free lunches in the world. Ha ha, work hard. After you find the feeling, you will get twice the result with half the effort! Put it away
On: table time, place, condition, according to
In: time, place, means,
At: time, place, for
Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish these three prepositions when expressing time and place, that is, by forced memory, like memorizing words, prepositional phrases have fixed meanings, and most of them cannot be translated directly according to the words in them. Like Chinese characters, you can't recognize half of them. Back it. ... unfold
On: table time, place, condition, according to
In: time, place, means,
At: time, place, for
Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish these three prepositions when expressing time and place, that is, by forced memory, like memorizing words, prepositional phrases have fixed meanings, and most of them cannot be translated directly according to the words in them. Like Chinese characters, you can't recognize half of them. Back it. Put it away
1. Prepositions and prepositional phrases expressing time
In, at, on, before, after, till, since, for, from to, until, by, in the middle of, at the beginning of, at the end of, at half past five, at night, in a week, in the morning, in class, at sunr
1. Prepositions and prepositional phrases expressing time
in, at, on, before,after,till,since,for, fromto, until, by,in the middle of,at the beginning of, at the end of,at half past five,at night,in a week,in the morning,in class,at sunrise, in spring/summer/autumn/winter,on Sunday,on Saturday afternoon,on a winter evening,for a long time,for two months,after school,since liberation,before lunch,at the time of,at the age of。
2. Prepositions and prepositional phrases expressing place
in,at,into,to,on,beside,before,behind,above,under,outside,inside,up,from,far,from,near,across, off, down, among, past,between,out of,around,in the front of, in the middle of, at the back of,at the foot of,at home,at the gate,at the table,in the sky, on the ground,in a tree, in the south,in the sun,in the bed,on one’s way home,by the side of。 Put it away
I'like to have a cup of tea_____ a cup of tea.
want to have
The phrases composed of English verbs, adverbs and prepositions
1. Some examples of verb preposition collocation are as follows: get up, go to... Help... With help... Put on, put off, put off, take off, take in, take on, take over, take over, break out
1. Some examples of verb preposition collocation are as follows:
Get up
Go to
Help with in the way of
Put on
Put off delay
Put out
Take off
Take in
Take on
Take over
would you like to have a cup of tea?
Is it translation?
Would you like a cup of tea?
How many prepositions are there in English? Who can sum them up
Preposition: a word used to indicate the relationship between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence is called a preposition
According to the form of formation, it can be divided into simple prepositions: at, on, in, after, before, behind, etc
Compound preposition: prepositions composed of two words, such as inside, outside, into, without, nearby, etc
Double preposition: two simple prepositions overlapped in
The preposition "from behind, until after, from along, etc
Phrasal preposition: composed of one or more simple prepositions and one or more other phrases, it is equivalent to a simple preposition at the back of, instead of, in place of, in front of, at the top of, etc
Verb ing form preposition: the - ing form of some verbs in English has the nature of preposition. In many cases, they are regarded as prepositions, including, considering, regulating, caring, etc
"Divide according to meaning"
The preposition "on" is used to express the spatial relationship upper
Under in Below
In in
Outside in External
In front of front
Behind in behind
Round in around
Around in Around; around
Beside in side
Away from
Over, in upper
Above in upper
Below in Below
Inside in inside
Along in among
Around, around, around In scope
Round in around
By in In the vicinity of side
2. Preposition at Zai; Yu; Xiang
Off in before
Underneath in Under the wall
As or When I was young
Between is between
Until to until
During period
Until; until before
For as long as
Before before
After in After; after behind
from… to… From To
Across Through
Up on high
Over in distance
Past over
3. The preposition "beyond" is used to express position That side
Opposite in opposite side
Onto to above
Into in
Toward To
Pass through
Against and On the contrary, the opposite
Along with
4. Prepositions like to express means, actors, etc
In use
5. Prepositions with other meanings without; no
With and There are ; about
Except outside
Beside and irrelevant
Of has nature
The other, the other
Instead of
Plus plus
Like; like
Unlike and Not like that
But in addition to outside
According to
Of course
Every, every
I would like to have a cup of tea
____ _____ _____ a cup of tea.
Please give me
I would like
please give me a cup of tea
What is prepositional phrase in English
Preposition is a kind of word used to express the relationship between words and sentences. It can not be used as a sentence element alone. After preposition, there are usually noun pronouns or other parts of speech, phrases or clauses equivalent to nouns as its object. Preposition and its object form a prepositional phrase, which can be used as adverbial, predicative, complement or prepositional object