Change is this your map to a plural sentence

Change is this your map to a plural sentence

Are these your maps?
Is the noun after like singular or plural
Sentence: I like snake
According to the actual situation in the sentence
She likes music.She likes sports.They dont like those books.
He is just like his father.He looks like those two girls over there.
You can use the plural
Like as a verb is just a common verb, just like have and direct. So you can say I like a snake or I like snakes
It doesn't matter. You can use it all
Would you like ( )cup of tea?
NO,thanks.I’m full.
The fourth and fifth letter of a seven letter word is th
From the singular of cup, it should be a
One or a
It can be seen from the odd number of cup
What words are added after prepositions
What should be added after the prepositions?
“she would l_____ What should be the middle of "a cup of tea"
And there were people_____ on the Great Wall.”、“The children have many c_______ k_____ at home.”、“Where are your football s____ ?”、“I was b_____ on the fifth of December.”、“Ben ate a lot of food at the F_____ F_____ .
she would like a cup of tea
I was born on the fifth of December.
she would l_____ a cup of tea. like (would like…… Like, want...)
I was b_____ On the fifth of December. Born
Ben ate a lot of food at the F_____ F_____。 Festival
Where are your football s____ ? shoes
she would like a cup of tea.
She wants a cup of tea.
The children have many candy keep at home.
The children have a lot of candy at home.
Where are your football shoes?
Where are your football shoes
she would like a cup of tea.
She wants a cup of tea.
The children have many candy keep at home.
The children have a lot of candy at home.
Where are your football shoes?
Where are your football shoes
I was born on the fifth of December.
I was born in December of the fifth year. I was born on the fifth day of December. )
Ben ate a lot of food at the Famous Festive.
Bin eat a lot of food in this famous festival. Put it away
The usage of preposition + relative in English attributive clause
The English teacher said that the usage of preposition + relative words is not simple
The usage of relative pronouns in attributive clauses
1. Common relative pronouns: which, that, who, whom.Whom The preposition in the front can only use which, not that
2. The special situation of relative pronouns in examination
1) It is a relative pronoun and an antecedent. What should not be preceded by an antecedent. If there is even a relative word in front, you can't use what to guide. For example: you can have everything what you like. What = all that, so what can't be used here
All______ is a continuous supplying of the basic necessities of life
A. what is the need
B. the things need
C. for our needs
D. that is need
2) What is used alone without a noun
For example: she is not what she used to be
3) What followed by a noun
For example: what money I have been given to you
Questions in 1997:______ he knows about it is out of date and in accurate
A. What little=All that little
B. So much
C. How much
D. So little
1. like
2. As a teacher
3. when
It can lead to restrictive attributive clause or non restrictive attributive clause as, such… as , the same as
As leading non restrictive attributive clause
For example: I was a boy, which you know. Which can be replaced by as
As you know I was a boy.
As is so often pointed out knowledge is a two edge weapon which can be used equally for good or evil.
As leading restrictive attributive clause
Fixed collocations are often used in examinations
For example: such is a student as works hard were be sure to succeed
As a relative pronoun, than can lead to attributive clauses
More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home ____ was common in the traditional family structure .
A.than B.that C.which
1) As a relative pronoun, than must be the subject or object in a clause
2) The main sentence before "than" must have a comparative degree
3) The noun modified by comparative degree is the object that "than" refers to
Give me the best answer. This is the note I took when I went to New Oriental. I hope it will help you!
She would like to cut of tea
Tow is two, right?
She would like two cups of tea
She would like two cups of tea.
Would like to do sth
To cut of wrong
Should be tow cups of
Tow means two
So we should add s after the cup
Why do prepositions precede relative words in attributive clauses
In an attributive clause, when the predicate of a clause is an intransitive verb and the relative pronoun has to be an object in the clause, the intransitive verb should be accompanied by a corresponding preposition. The normal word order is that the preposition follows the intransitive verb, but sometimes in order to balance the sentence structure, it is customary to put the preposition in front of the relative pronoun, which is called preposition preposition preposition, It can also be done without preposition
On the other hand, some prepositions are closely connected with intransitive verbs and cannot be separated, such as look for, look after, look at, get on, get off, etc
So, when you don't know if you can preposition, it's better not to preposition
In addition, it should be noted that once prepositions are prepositional, the relative pronouns should be in the objective case
English translation
Back and forth
Common ownership
3 remove
Do good
1 back and forth
2 in common
3 clear away
4 do a good deed
Preposition + guide word in attributive clause
The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as made music
The singer with whom coco Li Sang was very great?
What are the grammatical points of preposition + guide word in attributive clause?
"Preposition + which / which / which" can replace when; where; why, etc., while "preposition + which / which" has no corresponding substitute, The music who the band was formed In attributive clauses, prepositions are used to be placed in front of relative words, The musicians who make up this band are making fun of each other while making music
The singer with whom coco Li Sang was very great
From the above analysis, you should be able to see how to choose prepositions in attributive clauses guided by "preposition + which / which / which", that is to see the phrase collocation behind the clause
The musicians of whom = who musicians
The singer with whom with
What are the grammatical points of preposition + leading word in attributive clause
First, look at the antecedent; second, look at the predicate verb of the clause; third, look at the meaning of the whole sentence and decide what preposition to use