What noun is followed by like? Is it countable or uncountable? If it is countable, is it singular or plural We have such a question that I am very confused —Do you like______ ? —Yes,it is delicious to eat. A.pizza B.cakes C.noodles I chose B, but gorgeous is wrong. Why (⊙ o ⊙)? The exam will be held in the afternoon. Please hurry up Request in time, or the reward will be lost~

What noun is followed by like? Is it countable or uncountable? If it is countable, is it singular or plural We have such a question that I am very confused —Do you like______ ? —Yes,it is delicious to eat. A.pizza B.cakes C.noodles I chose B, but gorgeous is wrong. Why (⊙ o ⊙)? The exam will be held in the afternoon. Please hurry up Request in time, or the reward will be lost~

it is delicious to eat.
The subject is singular, which has nothing to do with what noun follows like
It depends on the singular and plural
It's delicious, obviously with the singular a
BC is plural
They are delicious to eat
I like is followed by the name of the animal, is the noun singular or plural? For example: I like fish. I like snake. And so on... Are these nouns singular or plural?
It's better to use the plural, because you like more than this one or this one. It generally refers to this kind of things. There are many kinds of things in this kind, so use the plural
It doesn't matter. It depends on whether you want singular or plural~~~~~~~~~
Remind LZ not to forget the plural of nouns in the grammar Oh!!!
Countable with the plural, not countable with the singular. Like fish with the single, snake with the plural.
English translation
i watched the sense change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as i saw strange new plants that suggested mysteries yet to come.
The main reason is that I don't understand the sense and suggested here
I watched the landscape change from lush trees to dusty plains and high mountains. When I saw those strange plants, I felt as if the mystery was coming
Is there a preposition in the attributive clause
Not necessarily. If this antecedent is a place adverbial in the clause, which is used as a relative pronoun, which refers to the place noun. There should be a preposition in the clause, because only preposition + place noun can form a place adverbial
Yes, it must, but there can be no preposition in the conjunction
There needed to be a change in the way that we symbolize people with disabilities, but also the way that we perform them as people who are active and - in body and upward mobile in society
We should face up to their positive attitude in their own and social development
The upward mobility of the body and society - is a change in the way we symbolize the disabled, and it is also necessary for us to think of them as people who are active on the way.
Do you know the subtitles of Christmas
There needs to be a way to change, a symbol of our disabled, and also the way we look at them, an active person, moving up in the body and society.
On preposition + relative words in English attributive clauses
This is the pilot by whom my son was saved
When does attributive clause advance preposition
The principle is that there should be no ambiguity and the original meaning of the sentence should not be changed, especially when the leading word acts as the object of the preposition
The book from which I have learned a lot was from my uncle.
In the sentence you give, who / whom is the object of by
English translation
No machine translation
Specified time period
The usage of English prepositional phrases
Now there is in America a corious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands.
Please explain the function of the prepositional phrase in... And why it is used in this way, when it is used, and other examples,
The first in
In America, this is the structure of preposition + place
Act as adverbial, explain the position relation
e. G. I study at school at school is the structure of preposition + place
The second in
Pride in
Take pride in
His father took pride in his son
Third in
genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands
Have fun with
e.g.She delights in her work.
She loves her work
How to translate the phrase "at the age of 8"
at the age of eight
at the age of eight /8
On my three years old,
If, forced translation, the first, second and third floor are all right, but if the building mainly writes articles, the building owner still writes "when I was eight", which is more authentic, and it is also used in students' compositions.
What do prepositional phrases mean in English?
A prepositional phrase is simply a preposition with a noun or noun phrase, such as at home under a tree
Preposition is a kind of word used to express the relationship between words and sentences. Prepositions and other pronouns or nouns form prepositional phrases.
Preposition guided phrases