How much is this English book

How much is this English book

How much are these English books?
Your support is the driving force for me to move on and help others. I hope you will join hands with me to spread "love"
Hope to adopt A kind of (^ω^) A kind of
How much are these English books?
How much are these English books?
How much are these English books?
How much are these English books?
What is this in English? It's an egg
What are these in English?They are eggs.
How about having _ cup of tea I want to make
How about having _ cup of tea I want to make_ call.A tea,a B a,the C the,the Da,a
D, thank you
What are adjective phrases in English
1. Adjective phrase refers to a phrase composed of several adjectives or adjectives and their modifiers
2. Two or more adjectives can be connected by equivalent conjunctions such as and, but to form adjective phrases
Your room is large and beautiful.
Your room is big and beautiful
He is young but clever.
He is young but clever
3. Adverbs of degree such as very can be used as modifiers to form adjective phrases with adjectives
It is very hot today.
It's very hot today
The room was awfully dirty.
The room is too dirty
The road is long enough.
It's a long way to go
4. Prepositions and their objects can be used after adjectives to modify adjectives and form adjective phrases with adjectives
I am sure of success.
I'm sure of success
The bottle is full of water.
The bottle is full of water
5. Infinitives are used as modifiers after adjectives to form adjective phrases
He is sure to come.
He is sure to come
be angry with sb.
be angry at sth.
be amazed at
be excited about
be famous for
be friendly to sb.
be full of
be mad at
be pleased with
be short for
Be similar
be angry with sb.
be angry at sth.
be amazed at
be excited about
be famous for
be friendly to sb.
be full of
be mad at
be pleased with
be short for
be similor to
be surprised at
be sure of
be proud of
be afraid of
be busy with
be ready for
be pleased with
be late for
be tired of
be careful of \ anout\ with
be popular with
be good at
be good for
be weak in
be crazy about
be strict with sb.
be strict in sth.
1. Adjective phrase refers to a phrase composed of several adjectives or adjectives and their modifiers.
2. Two or more adjectives can be connected by equivalent conjunctions such as and, but to form adjective phrases.
Your room is large and beautiful.
Your room is big and beautiful. (large and beautiful are adjective phrases.)
He is young but clever.
He is young but smart. Young but cleaver is an adjective phrase
3. Adverbs of degree such as very can be used as modifiers to form adjective phrases with adjectives.
It is very hot today.
It is very hot today. Very hot is an adjective phrase
The room was awfully dirty.
This room is too dirty. (awfully dirty is an adjective phrase.)
The road is long enough.
It's a long way. Long enough is an adjective phrase, and enough is a modifier after the adjective
4. Prepositions and their objects can be used after adjectives to modify adjectives and form adjective phrases with adjectives.
I am sure of success.
I'm sure it will be successful. Sure of success is an adjective phrase
The bottle is full of water.
The bottle is full of water. Full of water is an adjective phrase
5. Infinitives are used as modifiers after adjectives to form adjective phrases.
He is sure to come.
He is sure to come. Sure to come is an adjective phrase Put it away
Like prepositional phrases and infinitive phrases, adjective phrases are composed of "Adjective + other words", which are often used as post attributives to modify the nouns in front of them. The poor fisherman drew in an old basket (full of sand). 2. It was a question (difficulty for me to answer
Like prepositional phrases and infinitive phrases, adjective phrases are composed of "Adjective + other words", which are often used as post attributives to modify the nouns in front of them. The poor fisherman drew in an old basket (full of sand). 2. It was a question (difficult for me to answer). He is a man (worth of confidence). Put it away
How about having a cup of tea
How about a cup of tea?
On adjective phrases
The twisted boy, who has recently been drawn from the forest to crush floors in the barracks, is now sweeping away the snow, his hands numb with cold
Is numb with cold an adjective phrase here?
Yes, adjectives are used as post attributives
You see it as a whole. It's a compound noun
What about having a cup of tea
A.I want it B.Help yourself C.Good idea D.Me,too
Choose C
Good idea
How about a cup of tea? Good idea
A. I want it
B. Help yourself
D. Me, too
Help me make some sentences with adjective phrases and noun phrases as attributives,
adj.This is a good film
Look at the green house
n.I want a pair of new sport shoes
Mary and her friend went to Shanghai yesterday
How about a cup of tea
Agreement sentence
Would you like a cup of tea?
What about a cup of tea?
Would you like a cup of tea?
How to describe Confucius, with a word or short sentence to describe
Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.
Don't laugh, comrade upstairs. I can infer that you are not a real gentleman by your constant following and anonymous ridicule. What's more, you don't understand the meaning of "gentleman"!
Yes, Confucius is an educator, thinker and half a politician, but first of all, he is a man of noble character. As we all know, we must grow up before we can succeed. I dare not comment on Confucius' career, because there is no final academic conclusion. Besides, all the scholars in the pre Qin Dynasty had their own opinions on Confucius' praise and criticism. However, as we all know, "benevolence" is the highest realm of Confucian ethics
Don't laugh, comrade upstairs. I can infer that you are not a real gentleman by your constant following and anonymous ridicule. What's more, you don't understand the meaning of "gentleman"!
Yes, Confucius is an educator, thinker and half a politician, but first of all, he is a man of noble character. As we all know, we must grow up before we can succeed. I dare not comment on Confucius' career, because there is no final academic conclusion. Besides, all the scholars in the pre Qin Dynasty had their own opinions on Confucius' praise and criticism. However, as we all know, "benevolence" is the highest realm of Confucian ethics. Therefore, when it comes to personal cultivation, "gentleman" is his ideal personality model. Confucius once said: "a gentleman has nine thoughts: to think clearly, to listen to think Cong, to think warm, to think respectful, to think loyal, to think respectful, to think doubtful, to think difficult, to think righteous." It can be seen that the real gentleman is the ideal personality of cultivating one's moral character, which integrates all kinds of behavior models. Moreover, if you pay a little attention to it, you can see that in Confucius's life-long speech, "gentleman" is one of the most frequently used terms in "showing up in the mirror". It can be seen that Confucius is also self disciplined by "gentleman" from time to time.
Thirdly, if you simply think that a gentleman is the pronoun of a weak scholar, you are wrong. "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement", "the terrain is Kun, and a gentleman is always carrying things with virtue" (Zhouyi) means that a gentleman should run like the universe, even if he is displaced, he will not be indomitable; if he is a gentleman, he should measure things like the earth, and nothing can't be inherited It's been a long time. Excuse me, what kind of spirit is this? Since ancient times, how many people can really do it?
To sum up, "gentleman" is advocated by Confucius and pursued by him, and this ideal personality realm is all inclusive. Therefore, if it is not appropriate to identify Confucius as a "gentleman", it can only be said that no one is perfect. The reason why Confucius tirelessly pursues "gentleman" realm is that no one can be perfect. (the above is purely personal)
I don't know what's interesting about you always sneering at me when you follow me. Besides, I dare not leave my name. I don't know how you think about "Baidu knows". At least in my opinion, whether it's original or post, it's a stranger's heart. At least I have to think about it and find it. You satirized me and said that I felt very talented! Sorry to disappoint you, I just made an explanation for my own ideas, Moreover, under your sarcasm, I feel that I have the right to simply explain my own point of view, at least to be neither humble nor overbearing, which is my only intention. As for the problem of showing off your talents, it means that you should think about what your motivation is! Especially in the humanities, everyone has their own ideas, there is no right or wrong, only reasonable, and "know" is not a place to provide absolute truth, and no one can provide absolutely correct answers, besides, I still hold a sincere attitude to answer the "predestined" question, I don't think I need to have the same opinion with you! only this and nothing more! Otherwise, it is disrespect to the landlord! This is not a battlefield!! Put it away
Dewwlh... I laugh to death
Dewwlh, you talked a lot about it. I wanted to say you were cunning, but later I left my heart to find out the source of the so-called gentleman. "The original meaning of" gentleman "should refer to" a person with virtue ". This is my own judgment." I feel the same way about this explanation. It seems that what you said is reasonable. Confucius really seems to be a man who assiduously seeks to be a gentleman. In fact, according to you, "and this ideal personality realm is all inclusive", you might as well say that Confucius is a saint. Laozi is just like a wise man. Chuang Tzu says that there is too much knowledge
Dewwlh... I laugh to death
Dewwlh, you talked a lot about it. I wanted to say you were cunning, but later I left my heart to find out the source of the so-called gentleman. "The original meaning of" gentleman "should refer to" a person with virtue ". This is my own judgment." I feel the same way about this explanation. It seems that what you said is reasonable. Confucius really seems to be a man who assiduously seeks to be a gentleman. Actually, according to you