What s this in Englsh

What s this in Englsh

The plural of is is, the plural of this is these
What are these in English?
what are these in English?
What are these in Engilsh?
what are these in English?
What's this in English
what are these in english?
This complex is these, that complex is those
what are these in Eglish
What are these in Eglish?
what are these in English.
Make a composition?
Topic:Making tea Series of action:boil water takeout teapot prepare teaNational tea are the same, the production process of different varieties
Those are countable nouns, those are uncountable nouns
Countable: Hobby hobbies
band- bands
market- markets
homework- homeworks
report- reports
field- fields
problem- problems
dream- dreams
Other uncountable
How to make a make
How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next ,we'll mix the eggs in a bowl.
Then we put the eggs in the microwave.A few minutes later,the cake has finished.Finally ,we put the chocolates on the cake.If you like strawberry,you can put it on.
How to cook???
How to make a cake?
First,you are have five eggs and milk ..........
What are the countable nouns in English words? What are the uncountable nouns
There are many, we should pay attention to the accumulation. Generally speaking, it can be divided into several categories. Uncountable: proper nouns, such as the Great Wall, material nouns, such as water, air, abstract nouns, such as education, joy, pipe, collective nouns, such as people. Countable: General objects, apple, etc
How to make a poster
This morning I came across a POSTER on the bulletin of our university,it said that tonight the stadium will hold a great soccer game between Shanghai Team and Shaanxi Team.I know you are a super fun,you cannot miss such mountain peak to definitely,and I have bought two tickets for you and me.Can we meet at the gate of school about 6:30, then we walk to the destination.I am sure we will have a good time this evening.
Write time, place, purpose and then draw some patterns
The classification of English countable nouns and uncountable nouns
To be complete
Some nouns that can be counted, such as apple, pear, book, etc., and some nouns that have a bottle of, a bowl of, etc. are countable nouns. Uncountable nouns are innumerable, such as milk, water, justice, rice, etc. but a bottle of milk, a bowl of rice are countable
The category of nouns can be further classified as count nouns - four books. It is common for English as a second language writer to be unable to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns.
How to make fruit salad~~~
How to make the fruit salad
I know how to make the fruit salad.Do you learn?Let me tell you.First ,we need some fruits,such as apples,bananas, oranges.We need some of them.Then we peel the bananas, and wash the apples.we put them into a glass bowl.but we also need some milk.Because milk is good for our health.We pour the milk into the bowl.Then we mix them all up.That Is all.You can show it to your parents.They must be very happy.
English classifies countable nouns and uncountable nouns
hamburgers,tomatoes,broccoli,ice cream,chicken,apples,strawberries,oranges,bananas,milk,juice,salad
Countable nouns:_____________________________________ -
Uncountablenouns:_____________________________________ -
Countable and uncountable nouns:______________________ -
Countable nouns: hamburgers, tomatoes, chicken, apples, strawberries, oranges, banana
Uncountable noun: ice cream,
You can make both countable and uncountable nouns: broccoli (remember, the countable and uncountable forms of cauliflower are the same) (*^__ ^ *
1.hamburgers ,tomatoes,apples,strawberries,oranges,bananas
2.tomatoes,broccoli,ice cream,milk,juice,salad
Hamburgers, tomato ice, cream, chicken, apples, oranges, banana, strawberries are countable