Write the plural of the English words given below 1.dress 2.book 3.coat 4.blouse 5.tourist 6.case 7.handbag 8.officer 9.passport 10.brother

Write the plural of the English words given below 1.dress 2.book 3.coat 4.blouse 5.tourist 6.case 7.handbag 8.officer 9.passport 10.brother

1.dress dresses 2.book books 3.coat coats 4.blouse blouses 5.tourist tourists 6.case cases 7.handbag handbags 8.officer officers 9.passport passports 10.brother brothers
Since staff is originally a collective noun, it has plural meaning. Why is there such a plural as staff?
Almost all names have plural forms, but the meaning is not particularly the same. Take staff as an example. When we say all staff of company a, we don't need to add s. But when we say different kinds of staff of company a, B, C and D, we need to add s
No staffs
The plural of staff?
Or the singular and plural
On the collocation of infinitive and Gerund
Which words can only be used to do?
What words can only be used in doing?
What words have the same meaning of to do and doing?
What are the words to do and doing that have different meanings
Most of the verbs in English can follow either the infinitive or the gerund as the direct object, but some of them require: (1) the infinitive as the object and the object complement
A synonym or phrase for "famous" in English
Except well-known, be fame for
Outstanding outstanding immortal legendary brilliant outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding outstanding
be knowed for
This is notorious
celebrated, noted, renowned, famed, popular, reputed,prominent, notable…… There are many others. The meaning of being famous is not strictly defined. It depends on the context
Famous [zh ù m í ng]
in the front rank
. synonyms or phrases
mark | signalize | memorability
in the front rank
Object complement in gerund phrases and infinitive phrases
For example, a: many people like watching others play game
B:many people like to watch others playing game.
(1) Why use the infinitive play in a sentence and play in B sentence
(2) If we change "to watch" to "often"
(3) Can gerund phrases and infinitive phrases be used as other elements in a sentence? Will the watching to watch in the phrase change
In the past, the participle emphasized to be done two. Since it is often said in the question, it emphasizes the process, so it uses the infinitive. If the things mentioned above are occasional, we have to use the gerund as the object complement
Some English phrases expressing "although" and their usage
although i love him so much,i can't leave here with him.
As much as I love him, I can't leave here with him
i can't leave here with him,though i love him so much.
even though/if
i can't leave here with him,even though/if i love him so much.
in spite of/that
i can't leave here with him,in spite that i love him so much.
i can't leave here with him,despite that i love him so much
Fixed phrase, infinitive, gerund?
Help to give some phrases, fixed after the infinitive or gerund, for example: enjoy doing, can't enjoy to do, after enjoy can't add infinitive, such, how many give how many!
It's just a word, followed by doing
It ends with "to" followed by "doing"
look forward to
on one's way to
pay attention to
devote to
make contributions to
be used to
turn to
get down to
come close to
reject to
stick to
be addicated to
In English, the use of words and phrases that mean "cause"
I wonder what led her to make such a decision.
Replace led... To with the right word
I wonder what has _____ her make such a decsion.
I wounder what has ______ her making such a decison.
What should be filled in the blank?
It's OK to fill in caused
Five junior high school English, verb infinitive phrase conversion of the following sentences
Bill Gray drives a taxi in this city.
Bill Gray's__________________________________________ .
The Chinese people spent more than 10years building the Great Wall.
It____________________________________________________ .
Titanic was so big that it could hold 2,200 people.
Titanic was big___________________________________________ .
You can't finish the job in such a short time.
It's_______________________________________________ .
Jenny is helping the old lady with her heavy basket.
Jenny is helping the old lady_____________________________ .
Bill Gray drives a taxi in this city.
Bill Gray's job is to drive a taxi in this city.
The Chinese people spent more than 10years building the Great Wall.
It took the chinese people more than 10years to build the Great Wall.
Titanic was so big that it could hold 2,200 people.
Titanic was big to hold 2,200 people.
You can't finish the job in such a short time.
It's a short time for you to finish the job.
Jenny is helping the old lady with her heavy basket.
Jenny is helping the old lady to carry her heavy basket.
The infinitive is to do sth
1. Gray's a driver to drive a taxi in the city.
2.It took the Chinese people more than ten years to build the Great Wall.
3. Titanic is big enough to hold 2,2000.
4. It is impossible to finish the job in such a short time.
5.Jenny is helping the old lady to carry her heavy basket.
The infinitive is the form to do {do stands for the original verb}