The plural of staff

The plural of staff

Direct staffs
On the complex number of staff
Staves (staff)
What's the plural when staff is translated into walking stick?
How to write the English words of horse
If you are satisfied with my answer, please adopt + little safflower. If you have a praise, it will be better,
English: words and phrases of "principle of proximity"
For example: not only but also…
either… or…
neither… nor…
The principle of proximity is also called "proximity principle" and "proximity principle", that is, the predicate is consistent with the nearest noun and pronoun (sometimes not necessarily the subject) in person and number or;nor; neither… o...
The countability and uncountability of Junior English nouns
1. Chocolate 2. AD3. Article 4. Beef5. Didease6. Energy7. Earth 8. Body
Which are countable and which are uncountable? According to the serial number, there are deformed words!
1. Chocolate 2. Ads 3. Article 4. Bee 5. Poems 6. Energy 7. Earth 8. Body
??? In a hurry
Countable: 3.article 8.body
Uncountable: 1. Chocolate 2. Ad 4. Bee 5. Diase 6. Energy 7. Earth
Countable: 2,3,5,8 others are uncountable
English translation
Say it in English
Turn left on first street
Turn left in the park
Enjoy the quiet street
Walking through the park
A small house with an interesting garden
The beginning of the garden tour
It's a fun place
My way home
Take a taxi from the airport
Pass the bank on the right
go through
It's on your right
Have a good trip.
Please help translate these into English
I hope I can help you
Turn left at the first street
Turn left at the park
Enjoy the quiet street
Walk through the park
A little house with an interesting garden
At the beginning of the garden trip
It's a fun place
My way home
Take a taxi at the airport
Go straight when the bank is on your right
Go through
On your right side
Have a Google trip!
Turn to left at the No. 1 Street, then turn left at a garden, enjoy the quiet street. Walk through the garden. a little house with a lovely garden. That's the very start of a garden journey. a nice place to enjoy! the way i go back home, pass the bank to the right. pass. on your right side, Have a great journey!
Turn left on First Avenue
Turn left at the park
Enjoy the quiet street
Walking through the park
A small house with interesting garden
The beginning of the garden tour
Is... Unfold
Turn left on First Avenue
Turn left at the park
Enjoy the quiet street
Walking through the park
A small house with interesting garden
The beginning of the garden tour
Is a fun place
My way home
Take a taxi from the airport
After the right bank
Your right
Have a great trip
Say it in English
Turn left at the first street
Turn left at the park
Enjoy the quiet street
Walk through the park
With an interesting garden small house
Garden trip beginning
Are both countable and uncountable nouns?
Glass is countable, glass is not countable~
The question is not clear enough. I don't know if it's what you want
English translation
Jack loves playing backetball.He () his school basketball team.A.plays with with C.plays for for
Jack likes playing basketball. He plays for the school basketball team
A noun that is both countable and uncountable
Like food
In English, many nouns can be used as both countable and uncountable. To judge whether they are countable or uncountable is based on the change of their meaning. It is impossible for nouns to be both countable and uncountable when they are used in the same sense. (1) some words for animals are generally countable, but when they refer to meat, they are uncountable
English translation
1. Bring something back from somewhere 2. Meet someone who is very interesting 3. Learn something important and ask for translation,
1.Bringing something from somewhere.
2.To see a particularly interesting people.
3.Learn some important things.