The plural of it, this, that, is and you

The plural of it, this, that, is and you

they(it he she)
are(is )
they these those are you
them, these, those, are, you
Hope to help you, I wish you progress
Antonyms of this, plural of man, plural of it, plural of that, plural of photo, plural of picture, plural of coin, plural of friend, plural of son, plural of sister
that men they those photos pictures cousins friends daughter brother
Which words are countable nouns and which are uncountable nouns? In which sentences are they used
First of all, there is a mistake in your question, that is, the sixth word is "little", not "little". Now let me answer your question
Words for a large number
At least 5
Countless, innumerable, innumerable, tens of thousands, countless, thousands, groups
Which phrases modify countable nouns
1、 Words that can only modify countable nouns include: many, many a (n), a good / great many, a (great / large) number of, scores of, dozens of, etc
a lot of; many of
Many, many a (n), a good / great many, a (great / large) number of, scores of, dots of, etc.
AABC form as long as the number of words!
Millions and millions
Wisps of cooking smoke, cool breeze, spray and white clouds
It's hard, ma'am
Millions and millions
Wisps of cooking smoke
Cool breeze
Spray after spray
White clouds
It's hard, ma'am
Let me make a summary!!!
After a lot of twists and turns, he finally returned the original.
Calendar: clear and distinct appearance. It can be clearly counted one by one or one by one.
Vivid refers to the distant scenery can see clearly, or past things clearly reappear in front of us.
Reluctant to give up, the original description of extreme love, can not leave. Now more description is very nostalgic, reluctant to leave.
Very few, very few, very few.
Very few, very few, very few.
There are thousands of them.
Is the word sugar countable or uncountable
The following nouns are often used as uncountable nouns: sugar communication, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, cash, cloth, clothing, coal, equipment, fund, furniture, grass, harm, information, ink, knowledge, labor, painter, leisure, luck, lighting
Uncountable noun
It should be uncountable.
Of course, it's uncountable. Have you seen its plural?
Uncountable noun
The following nouns are often used as uncountable nouns: sugar
Communication, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, cash, cloth, clothing, coal, equipment, fund, furniture, grass, harm, information, ink, knowledge, labor, painter, leisure, Luc... Expand
The following nouns are often used as uncountable nouns: sugar
accommodation, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, cash, cloth,clothing, coal, equipment, fun, furniture, grass, harm, information, ink, knowledge, labour, laughter, leisure, luck, lightning, living, luggage, machinery, meat, money, news, paper, permission,
Population, progress, rice, scene, soap, sugar, tea, traffic, travel, tour, thunder, weather, work, etc. Put it away
What are the words for quantity
Calendar: clear, clear appearance. It can be clearly counted one by one or one by one. Vividness refers to seeing the distant scenery clearly, or the past things clearly in front of us
Find a countable noun uncountable noun English word list
The following nouns are often used as uncountable nouns: sugar
Population, progress, rice, scene, soap, sugar, tea, traffic, travel, tour, thunder, weather, work, etc
The most common uncountable nouns are: advice, baggage, change, furniture, hair, home, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic
2. Other uncountable nouns include: absence, age, anger, comfort, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labor, luck, margin, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, price, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silent, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, water, water, and health, Weather, wind, work
2、 Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable,
For example: Cake
Fish, fish
Chicken, chicken
But basically, what is counted is countable, what can't be counted is uncountable. For example, fish means that because a group of fish can't be counted, it can't be counted, and the dead fish can be counted
A large number of words (three)
tens of thousands of
huge crowds of people
A lot. A lot