This is a dress

This is a dress

These are dresses.
This is changed into the plural "these are"
That is, those are
It's OK to change the rank into plural directly
I hope I can help you
These are dresses.
these are dresses
These are dresses.
What is this is a tomato?
These are tomatoes.
This are tomatoes。
These are tomatos
Tomato complex direct + S
THese are tomatoes.
These are tomatoes.
I want to a cup of tea
I want a cup of tea
i want a cup of tea
No to
Add a verb (have or get) between to and a cup of, or remove to
Add have after to
I want a cup of tea。
Add to when there is an action verb in a sentence
Want + noun
Want to + verb
Here a cup of tea is obviously a noun
So I want a cut of tea
I want to (have)a cup of tea.
To no
I want to the park.
What is the phrase "white sky"
White is the attributive, modifying the central word sky, the sky of (white)
English people always drink tea out of cup,not out of glasses.
English people always drink tea out of cup, not out of glasses
English people often drink tea from teacups instead of glasses
The British generally drink tea from a cup rather than a glass
English people often drink tea from cups instead of glasses.
The usage of quantitative phrases of English rhetorical nouns
No, few / little, a few / a little, some / any, certain, many / much, lots of, a lot of, a great of, a (great) number of, a great deal, a great lot, plenty of, a great many, many a, dozen / score / hundred / though and / million / bill of?
Little, a little, a great deal of
Modify countable nouns no, fee, a fee, some / any, certain, several, many / much, a (great) number of a great many, many a, dots / scores / hundreds / thousands / millions / bills of
Not only can modify uncountable nouns, but also can modify countable nouns: lots of, a lot of, plenty of
There is no such thing: a great of, a great lot
She is not my cup of tea!
For example: "he / she is not my cup of tea."
This sentence is not a literal meaning, but has other meanings! The more the better!
I have some relevant information here, which is similar to what you want to say
1) The literal meaning and meaning are the same or similar
(1) Look before you leap
(2) Burn one's boat
(3) Strike while the iron is hot
(4) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
(5) To lose one's face, to save one's face
2) The meaning is similar, but the literal meaning is different
(1) The grass is always green on the other side of the fence
(2) Nothing ventured, nothing gained
(3) That's a piece of cake
(4) As poor as a church mouse
(5) Let sleeping dogs lie
3) The meaning is different, the literal meaning is similar
(1) To fish in muddy water
(2) To make one's hair stand on end
(3) To blow one's own horn
(4) To lock the stable gate after the horse has bolted
4) , meaning and literal meaning are different
(1) Modest dogs miss much meat
(2) Where there is fear there is modesty
(3) An excess of modesty obstructs the tongue
In addition, there is also a website to add knowledge, you can also learn
I hope it works for you
As poor as church mouse
on one 's uppers
Get away from the fishhook
Get out of trouble
As poor as church mouse
on one 's uppers
Get away from the fishhook
It's just a piece of cake for me
It's just a piece of cake.
Chinese just a piece of cake
Black tea
Black coffee
English phrases make sentences one by one
1 in the future 2 get started3 after all4 clean up 5 catch a glimpse of 6 at an amazing speed7 as usual 8 do business9 pay attention to 10 keep in touch with11 have a better understanding of 12 cure sb,of,13 lead to 14 it is certain that15 on the air 16 in store 17 appreciate doing18 an ending to the story 19 keep sb,company20 in time
Make a sentence for a word or phrase to help. How much can you make? How much can you help to make a sentence. Please attach translation 1, add up total add up 3, 4 and 5 and you & # 39; ll get 12
English translation
It is said that this is the latest explanation
"Cup of tea" is a fixed word in English, which means "like people or things, fate", so you are my a cup of tea
My cup of tea originally meant that I only like this drink
The analogy is just for people!
You are my cup of tea
In fact, you are very suitable for me. You can't drink anything that makes you vomit
It can only be said to be free translation
I like you very much, or we are very angry
Make sentences with the given phrases. Make a sentence with each phrase
【1】 We are based on
【2】 Be in keeping with
【3】 For sb
【4】 Escape from
【5】 Identify oneself with
【6】 Appeal to attract
【7】 To make understood; make accepted
【8】 Take to like
1.I weave around the swarm of the press.
2.The dancing is in keeping with the music.
3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem.
4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully.
5.The manager identifies himself with the workers.
6.The culture appeals to the tourists.
7.The words are put across to the students.
8.I took to music when I was a child.
1.Dramatized ads weave plots around products.
2.I will be in keeping with you.
3.For me ,basketball is my favorite.
4.The slave escaped from the slave owner last year.
5. We could iden
1.Dramatized ads weave plots around products.
2.I will be in keeping with you.
3.For me ,basketball is my favorite.
4.The slave escaped from the slave owner last year.
5.we chould identify oursevles with the society.
6.Does this film appeal to you?
7.Nobody knows how to put this poem across.
8. They took to each other at once
T take to shopping