English translation The plural form of bed English translation of dictionaries Plural form of key English words and plural of table English words and plural of chairs

English translation The plural form of bed English translation of dictionaries Plural form of key English words and plural of table English words and plural of chairs

Use this and that to make five sentences each, and change two of them into plural!
It's really urgent!
thank you!
1.This is my book.- These are my books.This desk is his.- These desks are his.This is a red coat.This is her dress.This is a big classrom.2.That is a car.- Those are cars.That is his shirt.- Those are...
Is it true that many modifies countable nouns and many modifies uncountable nouns?
Yes, but if it's not clear, a lot of / lots of is recommended
Because both countable and uncountable nouns can be added after these two words
correct! For example, many cars, many traffic
But a lot of can replace them both!
Write a composition about how often family members do something (in English) no less than 60 words
There are three people in my family.My parents are both doctors so they go to work by bus every day.They usually leave home at seven am.and get home at six pm.My mother often goes for a walk after sup...
There are three people in my family. My parents are both doctors so they go to work by bus every day. They usually leave home at seven am. And get home at six pm
There are three people in my family. My parents are both doctors so they go to work by bus every day. They usually leave home at seven am. and get home at six pm. My mother often goes for a walk after supper and she sometimes play table tennis with me on weekends. My father often surf the internet and read newspapers in the evening. I do my Home every day. I often help my parents with the housework. I moments goes to the movies and park with my parents on weeks
Do many modify countable nouns
What about a few? A lot of many? A little? No? Let's put the modifiers on both countable and uncountable. The answer should not be too long. It's better to explain what is countable noun and what is uncountable noun
Many and a few modify the plural of countable nouns many modify uncountable nouns a little modify uncountable nouns a lot of and lots of can modify both countable and uncountable nouns
English translation
What part of speech does the word "education" translate into here?
TV channel or both?
1. Both translation methods are OK
Educational channel [Adjective + noun]
Education Channel [noun + noun]
2. In both cases, they are attributives
3. You can also join TV, educational TV channel, educational TV channel
But it's a bit redundant
4. Distance learning = (long) distance learning
Many and many are used to modify uncountable nouns
Which is to modify an uncountable noun, much or many
Many is uncountable
You should drink much water when you are sick
Many modifies countable nouns
I have many books in my bedroom
There are many cars on the road
What are the frequency compounds in English
The answer is: always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, never, never, never, hardly ever, hardly ever, respect labor, welcome to ask questions,
Is the word "enomous" used to describe a countable noun or an uncountable noun
Enomous + countable noun
Huge, gigantic, ferocious
Enomous + countable noun
Huge, gigantic, ferocious
A word for a large number
There are countless cars, thousands of cars and countless clothes
Thousands of people in the streets and alleys
There are a lot of people, a lot of people, a lot of hands, a lot of people, a lot of words, a lot of people