Write the plural and present participle of English words boy sheep horse bus tomato bed hat foot butterfly leg swim walk dance run cook eat ride fly wait write

Write the plural and present participle of English words boy sheep horse bus tomato bed hat foot butterfly leg swim walk dance run cook eat ride fly wait write

boys sheep horses buses tomatoes beds hats feet butterflies legs
swimming walking dancing running cooking eating riding flying waiting writing
boys sheep horses buses tomatoes beds hats feet butterflies legs
swimming walking dancing running cooking eating riding flying waiting writing
On the singular and plural of English words
And all the gerunds
Which are singular and which are plural?
There are still many words that I don't remember, which are easy to confuse, mainly in junior high school
What about other classes?
1、 The rule change of plural noun
1) General plus s
eg: map-maps bag-bags car-cars
2) Words ending with s, SH, CH, x, etc. are added with es
eg:bus-buses watch-watches
3) Add s to words ending with CE, Se, Ze, (d) ge, etc
eg: license-licenses
4) Words ending with the consonant + y change y to I and add es
eg: baby---babies
2、 Irregular changes of plural nouns
1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth
mouse---mice man---men woman---women
Note: the plural of compound words with man and woman is also - men and - women
2) Simple complex homomorphism
eg: deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese
li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin
However, except RMB yuan, Jiao and Fen, US dollar, pound sterling and Franc all have plural forms
a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters
3) Collective nouns, in the singular but in the plural
Eg: people, police, Castle, etc. are plural in themselves. We can't say a people, a police, a castle, but we can say
A person, a policeman, a head of Castle, the English, the British, the French, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Swiss and other nouns are used as complex numbers when they refer to the general name of the people
Eg: the Chinese are industries and brave
4) Nouns ending with s and still singular, such as:
a. Maths, politics, physics and other subject nouns are uncountable and singular
b. News is an uncountable noun
c. The United States and the United Nations shall be regarded as singular
The United Nations was organized in 1945
d. The plural titles of books, plays, newspapers and magazines can also be regarded as singular
"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.
It's a very interesting story book
5) It means something made up of two parts, such as glasses, trousers, clothes
If you want to express a specific number, you should use the quantifiers pair; suit; a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers
6) In addition, there are also some nouns whose plural sometimes means something special, such as: goods, waters, fish
1) When the subject of there be is a series of things, the predicate should be consistent with the nearest subject
There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk..
There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.
2) When either or… With neither When connecting two subjects, the predicate is consistent with the nearest subject. If the sentence is guided by here, there and there is more than one subject, the predicate is usually consistent with the nearest subject
Either you or she is to go.
Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you.
3) When the subject is followed by phrases such as with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as, the predicate verb is consistent with the subject
The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.
He as well as I wants to go boating.
4、 The predicate should be singular
1) The pronoun each and the compound pronoun composed of every, some, no, any are used as the subject, or the subject contains each, every, and the predicate should be singular
Each of us has a tape-recorder.
There is something wrong with my watch.
2) When the subject is a book or a maxim, the predicate verb is often singular
The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.
It is a good book familiar to English lovers
3) When compound nouns of money, time, price or measure are used as subjects, they are usually regarded as a whole, and the predicate is usually singular
Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.
Ten yuan is enough.
It should be clear after reading these!
What are the countable and uncountable nouns
There are some countable and uncountable nouns in nouns. Remember that fish means the kind of fish, which is ice. Orange. Ice cream salad.strawberry.pear . food.egg.apple . chicken.rreakfast.fruit . vegetabies.star.list Wait, which of these are, and which are?
They are countable and uncountable. Vegetables, noods, dumpings, people and singles are usually used in plural form
There are some countable and uncountable nouns in nouns. Remember fish. Fish means the kind of fish. It's ice. Orange. Ice cream salad.strawberry.pear .food. egg.apple.chicken . rreakfast.fruit.vegetabies . star.list Wait, which of these are, and which are? thank you
star.vegetabies . ice cream. Food are both countable nouns and uncountable nouns
English translation
Words: dedication, determination, agreement, interest
Phrase: don't want to, reach the same standard, endure her unpunished, obviously, suddenly laugh, too much value, the number of people learning English, make up their mind, when people enjoy the moon, grow up
It's better to mark the serial number!
I'm having an exam. Please translate it all
contribute, determined,an agreement, benefits.hope not,get a unified standard,stand her not to be punished,to be obvious,laugh in a sudden ,take it too serious
What are the uncountable nouns of food in junior high school English? Fast
All kinds of meat are uncountable meat
Chicken, beef
Some are special
Fish means that fish is uncountable, but fish species are countable
Chicken coffee fish orange
How to express all kinds of bags in English
Satchel, backpack, double shoulder, single shoulder, etc. and bags of different materials are not limited to this
Backpack: backpack makeup bag: Cosmic bag / tool bag waist bag: Waist Bag Shoulder Bag Shoulder Bag Kit handbag: the carrier leisure bag casual mountaineering shopping bag shopping bag trolley Backpack
What are the uncountable nouns in English
My English homework is due tomorrow
Advice / idea age luggage beauty beautiful bread beer camping cloth coffee courage cream cream damage death death Jam, juice, drink, knowledge, luggage, mercy, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince, mince A box of milk, a cake of soap, a drop of oil, a grain of sand, a pane of glass, a piece of advice, a pot of jam, a sheet of paper
Other uncountable nouns include: absence, age, anger, comfort, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labor, luck, margin, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, price, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silent, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, water, water, weather, wind,world
The words of frequency in English are 1, always 2, often 3, sometimes 4, rarely 5 and rarely
Put the same kind together
Words for frequency:
Never seldom seldom sometimes sometimes often usually always always
Always, all the time,
Often: often, quite often, usually
Sometimes: some times, from time to time, occassionally,
Few: seldom,
Never: never
Always, usually, frequently of some times, seldom, rarely, never once, twice, etc.
2. Frequency adverb grade:
  all the time 100%;
  almost , always 90%;
Always, usually, frequently of some times, seldom, rarely, never once, twice, etc.
2. Frequency adverb grade:
  all the time 100%;
  almost , always 90%;
  generally , usually 80%;
  often , frequently 60-70%;
  as often as not 40-50%;
  sometimes , at times 20-30%;
  occasionally , from time to time 10%;
  hardly , seldom , rarely 5%;
  never 0%。 Put it away
1. Always 2. Often often often 3. Sometimes 4. Seldom 5. Never
Are many adjectives countable nouns
Not so many people
What are the words for numbers in English
For example: hundred = hundred, thousand = thousand
There are only these units, such as ten thousand and one hundred thousand, and so on. However, the principle of finding the smallest number in the front (for example, ten in ten thousand) must be used
one, two,......
Hundred = hundred = thousand = million = billion = billion