How to distinguish the pronunciation stress of words with the same form of verb and noun For example, the pronunciation of record as a noun is different from that of a verb What about conflict?

How to distinguish the pronunciation stress of words with the same form of verb and noun For example, the pronunciation of record as a noun is different from that of a verb What about conflict?

generally speaking,A noun's stress is at its first syllable,but a verb's stress is at its last syllable
Find 20 English words that are both nouns and verbs
For example, mop dust and so on
Word: noun; verb
Question: question; doubt
Answer: answer; answer
Talk, talk, topic
Walk: walking distance, footwork, walk
Smoke: to smoke; smoke
Smile: Grace, kindness, smile
Laugh: to laugh at; laugh at
Cry, cry, cry
Kiss: a light touch; a kiss
Dream: dream; imagination
Cook: cook; cook
Drink: drink; drink
Point: point, mark, idea; point out
Watch: watch; watch
Book: book, book
Dog: a dog; a dog that follows, annoys, or annoys someone or something
Charge: care, responsibility, order; price; charge
Color: color, color Color it
Cover, cover, cover
Snake: meander along; drag (something on the ground)
Hand holding
Head in the direction of
Pig, pig, sleep together
Chicken chicks flinch, afraid
Fox fox cheat
Record record
Present gift giving
present insult conduct content
"Import (noun)", "im'port (verb)";
"'increase (noun)," in'increase (verb)
Animal name nouns are often converted into verbs, and one of their meanings is hunt and catch.
For example:
They fished all da
present insult conduct content
"Import (noun)", "im'port (verb)";
"'increase (noun)," in'increase (verb)
Animal name nouns are often converted into verbs, and one of their meanings is hunt and catch.
For example:
They fished all day in the river.
The dogs went ratting.
However, in the animal world, there are many images and different temperaments. The nouns of animal names are used as verbs, either in the form or in the spirit, or both in the form and in the spirit. They have rich meanings, vivid images and humorous meanings. Here are the key points:
1. Dog: track, follow
Whenever I go,my little brother dogs my footsteps.
No matter where I go, my little brother always follows me.
Monkey: make fun of
Don’t monkey with my television.
Don't touch my TV.
3. Snake: meander along; drag (something on the ground)
Since the train was snaking along at a brisk clip,the diner
swayed from side to side.
The dining car began to sway from side to side after the train began to zigzag rapidly.
4. Wolf
The starving man wolfed down the food。
The hungry man wolfed down his food.
To take out (something); fish
He fished out a coin for the boy.
He took out a coin for the boy.
6. Crane: stretch your neck to see
Jack craned to see the coins in the well.
Jack craned his neck to look at the coins in the well.
Ape: imitate, imitate
Do not ape your betters.
Don't copy.
8. Badger: entangle
If you badger him long enough,I’m sure he’ll agree.
If you keep pestering him, he will agree.
9. Pig: (in the dirty place) huddle and sleep together
The hotels were all full so we had to pig it in an old hut for the night.
The hotel was full, so we had to deal with it in the old shed all night.
Chicken: flinch, fear
All the boys ran to put out the fire,but Mike chickened out.
The boys ran to put out the fire, but Mike flinched.
Parrot: parrot like retelling
On the whole,the students seemed serious and hard-working,but they
confined themselves to parroting textbooks。
Generally speaking, students seem to be serious and hardworking, but they just memorize textbooks.
12. Beetle: (like a beetle) walking in a hurry
After work we all beetled off for a drink.
After work, we were all in a hurry to have a drink.
13. Bug: set up a bug; worry, torture
The spy bugged enemy headquarters. .
The spy planted a bug in the enemy headquarters.
14. Worm: crawling slowly
The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy’s lines.
The soldier crawled slowly towards the enemy line.
15. Fox: cheating
To his mind everybody was dodging and foxing.
In his opinion, everyone is playing tricks and cheating. Put it away
Is "pronunciation" a verb or a noun in Chinese?
Both are OK, but nouns are often used
Your pronunciation is not good
He has a good pronunciation
This can be understood as a verb, sound, but commonly used is a noun
The following is from Baidu:
Pronunciation f ā y ī n [pronunciation]
A change in English pronunciation
Pronunciation f ā y ī n [pronounce]
To produce speech or musical sounds with a vocal organ. German is very good
Are there any rules in the past tense of irregular verbs in English
know to knew grow to grew blow to blew
The past tense is the same as the original
(shed→shed split→split spread→spread burst→burst)
2. The change of vowels
i→a begin→began,drink→drank,ring→rang,sing→sang,swim→swam,give→gave,sit→sat,sink→sank
i→o drive→drove,ride→rode,shine→shone,write→wrote,rise→rose,win→won,(strive→strove arise→arose)
i→ou find→found (wind→wound,bind→bound,grind→ground)
a→oo take→took,shake→shook
e→o get→got,forget→forgot
o→a come→came,become→became
oo→o shoot→shot,choose→chose
3. The change of vowel combination
4. Vowels and consonants are changed
(1) sell→sold,tell→told,retell→retold
(2) say→said,pay→paid,lay→laid,relay→relaid
(6) can→could,will→would,shall→should
5. Consonant letter changes
Put the seeds in the soil
Have you put the seeds in the soil
where did you put the seeds
What did you put din the soil
How to put the seeds in the soil
Choose for yourself
will you put the seeds in the soil?
How does the past tense of English verb rules change?
Is there a verb ending that needs double writing and adding ed?
Words ending in E are added D directly
Words ending with a non vowel + y, go to y and add ied
Words ending with ay, ey, iy, uy, oy, add ed
Others are added directly
In addition, stress the closed syllable by adding ed to the letter at the end
Words with stressed closed syllables are words whose last syllable ends with "consonant (any number) + one vowel + one consonant". This vowel has only six pronunciations, a read / AE / (the one in continuous writing), e read as / E /, I read as / I / (note short vowel, without two points), O read as / O / (gap, also short vowel), u read as / U / (also short vowel)
For example, stop / stop /, consonant st + vowel O + consonant P, which is stressed closed syllable, double writing is stopped
For example, bat / baet /, consonant B + vowel a + consonant T, also stresses closed syllables, and the past tense is bated
There are also some words, such as begin, which belong to the stressed closed syllable. It has two syllables, the second syllable is gin, and the phonetic sign is / gin /. Obviously, it is. Although his past tense is not born, but began, its progressive tense is beginning. The double writing rule of ing is the same as that of the past tense. I'm just giving an example here. If you encounter such a word, you can judge it
There is another kind of word, which ends with "consonant + Al / El / IL / OL / UL" in the last syllable. This kind of word can be written both or not. For example, travel can be written as traveling or traveling, and control can be written as controlled or controlled
Words like dial don't belong to this category. It has two vowels. The past tense can only be written as dialed
In addition, there are words ending with - ic like panic. The past tense is "added", such as panicked
Add ed after the verb
The verb ending in E is directly followed by D
I don't think so
Words ending in E are added D directly
Words ending with a non vowel + y, go to y and add ied
Words ending with ay, ey, iy, uy, oy, add ed
Others are added directly
There are also some double ones
For example: Shop shopped
Name, your, please, spell, last
please spell your last name .
Please spell your last name
Give me the value of wealth. I need it badly,
The past tense of English Verbs
"Jump walked swim silent clipped" is the wrong number for you? It's "clip" instead of "clip fought swing draw picked raised counted collected by". It's not the verb "turned bomb rod dived made live taken"
Can you spell your name please? Is there a comma between name and please
when will you have the item? When didn't you?
In the end of the sentence, please is preceded by a comma
There are commas!!!
I think it's OK to have it or not, but there are commas in the examples on the website. Sometimes please can be placed at the front.
There are commas
You can have it or you can't have it. It's always the same. There are commas for pauses.
What are the past tense of play and study? Why is it a direct ed and an IED?
Verbs ending with a consonant letter and y, change y to I and add - ed
study- studied
(study-d is a consonant)
Words ending with the original letter plus y, add - ed directly
(Play-A is the original letter)
Direct + ed ending with vowel + y
- y + ied ending with consonant + y