There are ten plural or third person singular words with phonetic symbols / S / and / Z /, which must be simple, preferably in primary school

There are ten plural or third person singular words with phonetic symbols / S / and / Z /, which must be simple, preferably in primary school

After thinking about it for a long time, I'm not sure which words can be learned in primary school
apples /z/
eyes /z/
pens /z/
likes /s/
does /z/
looks /s/
has /z/
takes /s/
dogs /z/
flowers /z/
socks /s/
Is it Z or s
pencil boxes
ball pens
What about banana
pencils /s/
pens /s/
rulers /s/
pencil boxes /iz/
ball pens /s/
sharpeners /s/
rubbers /s/
books /s/
English phonetic alphabet of strawberry?
How to read strawberry in English?
What are their phonetic symbols?
Houses ['hauziz]
Horses [H &; rsiz]
Classes (plural number of classes) [KL: siz or KL & # 230; siz]
How does giraffe become plural?
Giraffe plural? Giraffes or giraffes?
This is a special word. There are two forms of plural, giraffe and giraffes. That's what the dictionary says. No problem
What are the plural and singular words in English?
It's commonly used in junior high school
What are the singular and plural words in junior high school English?
I only know about James, sheet, what else?
Only five: Chinese, Japanese, sheet, fish, deer
That's a lot
For example, Chinese is similar to a Chinese
Some collective nouns people police and so on
And what you said about sheep fish animals
I suggest you buy a grammar book with a detailed introduction. It's available everywhere:)
Giraffe's English is giraffe, but I can't read it after reading the phonetic alphabet. Is there a Chinese way to read it?
giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f]
Chinese pronunciation: Zhang Rua Fu
This is Ralph
American pronunciation zhe Ruai Fu, zhe three tone, Ruai four tone, Fu light tone
The English pronunciation is also three tones and four tones
giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f]
D &; I is similar to paper, a little bit, RA reads Riwu (read quickly together) or Rua (read in Pinyin) f reads Fu (soft voice)
Hope to adopt
More like
But don't read the final Fu too much, or it will sound very Chinese. Just read a light "F"
How to read giraffe?
Can giraffes bark
But the latest research of American scientists shows that giraffes can actually talk to each other. We can't hear their sound because the sound they emit belongs to infrasound. Infrasound is a kind of low-frequency sound wave, which is far lower than the range of human hearing