Practice of singular and plural English words There ( )some water in the bottle and there are some fish in the water.

Practice of singular and plural English words There ( )some water in the bottle and there are some fish in the water.

According to the principle of proximity, water is not countable
How to know if English words have plurals
Jiangsu examinee, the college entrance examination is coming soon. When doing single choice or task-based reading, the singular and plural words are sometimes difficult to grasp. For example, responsibility, there is no plural, but I don't know whether there is singular and plural. Also, when filling in the title, if it is a single noun, the answer is plural, why?
Most nouns have plural. If you can't judge whether a word has plural, I can teach you a way. You can think about whether the word can be expressed with quantifiers. For example, a chair can be called a chair, and a leaf can be called a leaf. These all have plural. If there is no plural, it can't be expressed with quantifiers. For example, the word responsibility can't be called a responsibility, There is no plural form. I hope it can help you
Is it singular or plural after my favorite
For example: should my favorite movie be singular or plural?
Put it in the sentence: my favorite movie is thrower. Or my favorite movies are throwers
I think it should be plural, because I like horror movies, there must be more than one... But most of the sentences are singular after my favorite. What's the matter?
Favorite refers to the person (or thing) who is especially fond of. Generally speaking, it is the odd number
, using my favorite movie is thriller.thriller Belongs to a type of film
Of course, it can also be used in this way:
These books are great favourites of mine.
These are my favorite books
What's the difference between the singular and the plural of my favorite?
And what about is and are?
Yes, it depends on uncountable or countable, one or more;
Use is when it is uncountable or singular, and are when it is plural
I should use singular here because my favorite means that my favorite should be one, so I should use singular. And you can check it out in the dictionary.
Apples and bananas are my favorite fruits.
My favorite movie star is Tom Hanks.
So it can be followed by the plural or the singular. The plural uses are and the singular uses is
Is the verb after my favorite food singular or plural
Use is for the singular and are for the plural
my favorite food is apple.
my favorite food are apples and bananas.
Food is an uncountable noun, so the noun after food should be singular, such as my favorite food is eggs and apples
Favorite followed by singular? My favorite sports?
In all English dialogues, "Sports" is the term used for more than one specific sport.For example,"football and swimming are my favourite spor...
My understanding is that there is only one favorite, so it should be followed by singular
In this case, is or are?
How many copies of transcripts are required?
How many copies of transcripts is required?
It could be 1 or 2. Is or are?
The singular and plural of the predicate form are determined by the words after how many
Are copies is plural
What's the meaning of singular and plural in English? How to use them? I know the singular is and the plural is, but I don't know how to fill in the sentence?
It's going to be an exam in a few days,
I am an English. I am an English. I am an English teacher. I am a boy. She is 13. She is 13 years old. It is a dog
When you don't know whether the answer is plural or singular, what form should you use? Is or are?
Is there a bag?
Are there some books?
When you use is or are, you need to see what is followed. If you use is when you use singular or uncountable nouns, or are when you use plural nouns
This is simple, just look at the things that are linked before and after and, if they are different things, then use the plural before. If it means the same thing, then use singular, for example, where are my bags and books? Where is
Application is
It should be singular, because I don't know who the other party is in English? We should use it
Basically, use the singular. If you use the singular is, use the singular form for countable nouns. There is a tree
If you use the plural are, the countable nouns after are use the plural. For example: there are trees
Is offspring followed by singular or plural is or are
Offspring has a singular. The plural of offspring can be offspring or offsprings. But offsprings are rarely used now
A concise English Chinese Dictionary
Children, offspring, offspring
John is her only offspring.
John is her only child.
Cubs (of animals)
How many offspring does a lion usually have?
How many cubs can a lion usually have?