Two composite numbers are prime numbers, and their least common multiple is 260

Two composite numbers are prime numbers, and their least common multiple is 260

I'm wrong
20 + 13 = 33 is not a prime number, it does not meet the conditions of the landlord
But I simulated it with VB, and I still can't figure out the answer
Is there such a number? Is the condition of the owner wrong?
Here is my code:
  Option Base 1
  Dim counter As Long
  Dim a() As Long
  Private Sub Command1_ Click()
  Dim x As Long
  Dim y As Long
  counter = 0
  For var = 1 To 260
  got var
  Next var
  Print counter
  For x = 1 To counter
  For y = 1 To counter
  If a(x) > a(y) Then
  If a(x) * a(y) / 260 = MOD_ (a(x),a(y)) Then
  Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(x) & "—" & a(y) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
  If pan(a(x) + a(y)) Then
  Text2.Text = Text2.Text & a(x) & "—" & a(y) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
  End If
  End If
  If a(x) * a(y) / 260 = MOD_ (a(y),a(x)) Then
  Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(x) & "—" & a(y) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
  If pan(a(x) + a(y)) Then
  Text2.Text = Text2.Text & a(x) & "—" & a(y) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
  End If
  End If
  End If
  Next y
  Next x
  End Sub
  Function MOD_ (ByVal x As Long,ByVal y As Long) As Long
  t = x Mod y
  x = y
  y = t
  Loop While t 0
  MOD_ = x
  End Function
  Private Sub got(ByVal var As Long)
  flag = 0
  For i = 2 To Int(Sqr(var))
  If var Mod i = 0 Then
  flag = flag + 1
  End If
  Next i
  If flag > 0 Then
  counter = counter + 1
  ReDim Preserve a(counter)
  a(counter) = var
  End If
  End Sub
  Function pan(ByVal var As Long) As Boolean
  flag = 0
  For i = 2 To Int(Sqr(var))
  If var Mod i = 0 Then
  flag = flag + 1
  End If
  Next i
  If flag = 0 Then
  pan = True
  pan = False
  End If
  End Function
The code is error free. I've tried it many times
If I am wrong, please let me know when you know the answer
There are two numbers that are coprime numbers and composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are ()
A. 9 and 10B. 2 and 45C. 6 and 15d. 5 and 18
A. 9 and 10, these two numbers are compound numbers and coprime numbers, and their least common multiple is 90; B, 2 and 45, 2 are prime numbers and 45 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; C, 6 and 15 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; d.5 and 18, 5 are prime numbers, which do not meet the requirements; therefore, a
How does the singular change into the plural?
In general, it is necessary to add - s directly, such as: book books, bag bags, cat cats, bed-beds2 At the end, add - es, such as: bus buses, box boxes, brush brushes, watch watches 3
Add s after
1. The formation of plural nouns
The plural nouns of rule change follow the following principles:
(1) In general, add the suffix - s:
Desk desk tree trees face faces
(2) Nouns ending with s, x, Z, SH, CH, etc., usually end with - es:
Bus → buses box → boxes box dish → dishes
1. The formation of plural nouns
The plural nouns of rule change follow the following principles:
(1) In general, add the suffix - s:
Desk desk tree trees face faces
(2) Nouns ending with s, x, Z, SH, CH, etc., usually end with - es:
Bus → buses box → boxes dish → dishes
(3) The plural of nouns ending with y can be divided into two situations: for nouns ending with "consonant + Y", y is changed to ies; for nouns ending with "vowel + Y", the suffix - s is added directly
City city boys boys keys
(4) For nouns ending with O, some end with - s, some end with - es, some end with - s or - es
Piano → pianos piano → tomatoes zero → zero (E) s
[note] in junior high school English, the nouns ending with "O" are zoo, photo, piano, etc. the nouns ending with "O" are tomato, potato, hero and Negro.
(5) For nouns ending with f or Fe, f / Fe is generally changed to ves:
Knife → knives knife → thieve thief life → lives
[note] in junior high school English, the main nouns are wife, life, knife, leaf, thief, half, self, loaf and wolf. Their plural form is to change f or Fe to ves. In addition, there are some nouns ending with f or Fe and ending with - s to form plural (such as roof → roof), but this is rare in junior high school English.
2. Singular and plural nouns
The main problems in junior high school English are as follows
Sheep fish
Deer deer Chinese
Japanese, Swiss, Swiss, etc
[note] fish sometimes uses plural forms such as fish, especially when it refers to species.
3. Irregular plural nouns
When some nouns change from singular to plural, there is no certain rule
Man → men man → women child → children
Tooth → tooth foot → feet mouse → mice
[note] some compound words ending with man and woman have the same change form as man and woman when they form plural
Policeman → policemen police Englishwoman → Englishwomen (female) Englishman
But human and German are not compound words. Their plural number can't imitate the law of man's change, but change according to the rules, that is, use human and German.
In addition, when man and woman are used as attributives before nouns, if the noun modified after them is plural, then man and woman should also be plural
Man nurse → man nurses woman doctor → woman doctors
Do you add plural nouns after have some
If it is an uncountable noun, such as milk, bread, and pleep, the plural can also be omitted
Singular to plural in English
Is she his aunt?
Are both persons plural or subject only?
Two people can say change
Are they his aunts?
Plural or singular of countable nouns after some
The plural number of countable nouns should be added after some. If it is not countable, it can be added directly, for example: some water
English singular to plural
That is his pen.
( ) are ( ) pens.
What's the second blank?
And the reason for filling in that word
Those are their pens.
In my opinion,
That -- those
His their
Since there are two blanks, they should be plural, not just those are his pens
O(∩_ ∩) O ~ what do you think?
those his
It's only nouns that change from singular to plural.
Don't worry about such a bad problem... This kind of question is very ambiguous. This time it's all changed, and the other question may only change one of them. don 't worry... Don't test this kind of thing...
Those are his pens.
Are is plural, that's plural is that, his is his
They, rabbit
So, such can be followed by countable nouns, plural and uncountable nouns. What's the difference? For example, such great fun, so beautiful flowers have been studied for a long time, but they haven't been understood,
So adverb, meaning "so, so", is often followed by an adjective or adverb; such adjective, meaning "so, so", modifies a noun, either countable or uncountable. For example: it's such a fine day.It ’It can be seen from the above two examples that
English topic (singular sentence changed to plural sentence), (plural sentence changed to singular sentence)
this is a bus.
that is a big peach
they are girls
they are old monkeys.
1.these are buses.
2.those are big peaches.
3.this is a girl.
4.this is old monkey.
these are some buses
those are some big peaches
she is a girl
it is an old monkey
Is some other countable or uncountable?
Both are in the plural form