a. B and C are prime numbers, a = a × a × a, B = a × B × C. The greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()

a. B and C are prime numbers, a = a × a × a, B = a × B × C. The greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()

a. B and C are prime numbers, a = a × a × a, B = a × B × C. The greatest common factor of a and B is (a), and the least common multiple is (a ^ 3bC)
The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 12 and 48
The greatest common factor is 12
The least common multiple is 48
Maximum common factor: 12
Least common multiple: 48
If Z satisfies iz = 2 + 3I (I is an imaginary unit), then Z=______ .
Let z = a + bi, (a, B are real numbers), then iz = AI + Bi2 = - B + AI ∵ iz = 2 + 3I ∵ - B + AI = 2 + 3I, we can get a = 3 and B = - 2, so z = 3-2i, so the answer is: 3-2i
Kneeling for the exercises of singular and plural nouns in grade seven English
No, it's hard, and it's not a lot
Make up lessons for junior one
What kind of multiple choice questions do I want
1. Boy - Boys 2. Girl - Girls 3. Pencil - pencils 4. Pen - pens 5. Book - books 6. Dictionary - Dictionaries 7. Watch - watches 8. Friends 9. Class - classes
Just buy some English brochures
1.I like to eat (A)
A.fruit B.fruits C.fruites
2.Koala likes to eat (C)
A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves
3.I’m a (B)
A.students B.student
4.They are good (B)
A.child B.children C.childs
Something like this will do```
Very good``
China (Chinese) sheep (sheep) dictionary (dictionaries)
If the complex Z satisfies izi = 4, then the maximum value of iz-3i
Let z = 4 (COSA + isina)
Then Z-3 = (4cosa-3) + 4isina
So max = 25-24 × (- 1) = 49
So | Z-3 | max = 7
Using the geometric meaning of complex modulus to find simplicity, that is, number shape combination method
The complex Z represents a circle with a radius of 4 centered on the origin of coordinates. Iz-3i uses the subtraction of complex numbers (similar to vector subtraction, complex numbers actually correspond to vectors) to know the module length of points (3,0) on a circle, that is, the distance between points on a circle and points (3,0). You can see at a glance that it is (- 4,0) on a circle, that is, the maximum value is 7 and the minimum value is 1,
It doesn't take one minute to get the correct answer. This question may be a multiple choice question or a blank question in the college entrance examination. This is the winning way to get high scores in the college entrance examination
Using the geometric meaning of complex modulus to find simplicity, that is, number shape combination method
The complex Z represents a circle with a radius of 4 centered on the origin of coordinates. Iz-3i uses the subtraction of complex numbers (similar to vector subtraction, complex numbers actually correspond to vectors) to know the module length of points (3,0) on a circle, that is, the distance between points on a circle and points (3,0). You can see at a glance that it is (- 4,0) on a circle, that is, the maximum value is 7 and the minimum value is 1,
It doesn't take one minute to get the correct answer. This question may be a multiple choice question or fill in the blanks in the college entrance examination. Solving the question in this way is the magic weapon to get high scores in the college entrance examination. It's a way to get the answer by looking at it. There's no need to calculate. It's suggested that you should practice this method more and put it away
Write the singular and plural forms of the following words: the title looks like this:________ apple________ .
The title looks like this:________ apple________ It's right to write "apples" in the back, but what should be written in the front. My child's apple teacher has a wrong number
The first line is singular and the second line is plural?
It's better to confirm with the questioner, the level is too high
Find the complex number Z (1) iz (Z has a transverse) + 2Z = 3I; (2) 2Z + | Z | (Z has a transverse) = - 1 + 8i
Let z = a + bi, then its conjugate complex Z '= a-bi (1), iz' + 2Z = 3I, I * (a-bi) + 2 (a + bi) = 3I is reduced to 2A + B + (a + 2b-3) I = 0, then 2A + B = 0, and a + 2b-3 = 0, the solution is a = - 1, B = 2, so z = - 1 + 2I (2), 2Z + | Z '= - 1 + 8i, that is, 2 (a + bi) + a-bi = - 1 + 8i, that is, 2A + radical [a ^ 2 + B ^ 2] + 2bi =
Change the following sentences into plural
1.what"s this?
2.what color is this blouse?
3.his father is a teacher.
4.is it your salad?
5.where is her computer?
6.that isn't CD .
1.What are they?
2.What color are these blouses?
3.Their father is a teacher.
4.Are these your salads?
5.Where are her computers?
6.They are not CDs.
If we know that Z, W is a complex number (1 + 3I), Z is a real number, w = Z / (2 + I), and | w | = 5 root sign 2, then w is a complex number=
Cell phone is not easy to input process, give you the answer, I worked it out, ensure correct
W = 1 + 7I or
Hope to help you, I use a mobile phone, can not receive follow-up, if you have any questions, please send me a message~
Plural English sentences
His father is a teacher.
Their fathers are teachers
his father is one of the teachers
His father is teachers of one.
Their fathers are teachers