a. B, C and D are different prime numbers. If a = a * a * b * C and B = a * b * b * c * D, what is the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of a and B? Is there an accurate value?

a. B, C and D are different prime numbers. If a = a * a * b * C and B = a * b * b * c * D, what is the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of a and B? Is there an accurate value?

The greatest common factor is a * b * C
The least common multiple is a * a * b * b * c * D
A = a * B, B = a * C (ABC is different prime), the greatest common factor of a and B is (), and the least common multiple is ()
That's a multiply sign
The greatest common factor of a and B is (a), and the least common multiple is (a * b * c). * is the X sign
What is the verb be followed by plural nouns like family and class?
Family, class and is
It depends on the meaning of the sentence, whether it means family as a whole or members, depending on the situation!
If it means a kind of substance, use the third person singular. If it means plural, use plural
Several simple plural problems
1. In the complex plane, the points corresponding to the complex number I, 1.4 + 2I are a.b.c. then the length of the diagonal BD of the plane quadrilateral ABCD is?
2. The value of complex number (1-I) ^ 10 / (1 + I) ^ 10 is
3. The conjugate complex of complex number 5 / 3 + 4I is
In addition, I would like to ask what is more horizontal on Z
Plural is a new lesson, so some questions are stuck,
Plural is not difficult, it's just relatively new Remember that the corresponding point of a + bi in the complex plane is the same as that of (a, b) in the coordinate plane. In other words, a + bi is the point (a, b) This is nonsense At the same time, a + bi also corresponds to vector (a, b), vector BD = vector a
If it's simple, why can't you do it
1 A + bi also corresponds to vector (a, b)
Vector BD = vector ad - vector ab
=Vector BC vector ab
=Vector OC vector ob vector ob + vector OA
And the length of BD is the module of BD, which is 13 under the root
2 (1-i)/(1+i)
3... Unfold
1 A + bi also corresponds to vector (a, b)
Vector BD = vector ad - vector ab
=Vector BC vector ab
=Vector OC vector ob vector ob + vector OA
And the length of BD is the module of BD, which is 13 under the root
2 (1-i)/(1+i)
3 5 / (3 + 4I) = [5 (3-4i)] / [(3 + 4I) (3-4i)] = (15-20i) / 25 = 0.6-0.8i] put away
Are family and people countable nouns? How to plural them?
Family can be changed into families
People can't be changed. It's plural. It refers to a group of people. The singular is person
When a family is a family member, the predicate is plural
The plural number is families
People itself is a plural noun
Sometimes family can be used as a countable noun, sometimes it is not
It's hard to count when it's a whole family
Emphasize that there are many families, which are countable. The plural number is families
People is a countable noun, but it already refers to people. It's plural
Or we can understand it like this: people are homomorphic
The plural of people or the expansion of people
Sometimes family can be used as a countable noun, sometimes it is not
It's hard to count when it's a whole family
Emphasize that there are many families, which are countable. The plural number is families
People is a countable noun, but it already refers to people. It's plural
Or we can understand it like this: people are homomorphic
The plural of people or people
People is the plural of person
But when people is interpreted as a family of names
It is a countable noun
The plural is people
People only add "s" when they are a nation. Other times they are plural
Family is singular when it comes to family, and plural when it comes to family
Ask a few questions about the plural. If it's good, you'll get extra points
1. Given z = Sina + (2-cos & sup2; a) I, 0 ≤ a ≤ 2 π, find the range of modules of Z
2. Calculation: (- √ 3 + I) to the 15th power
3. Let the module of Z be 1, and Z & sup2; + 2Z + 1 / Z < 0, find the complex Z
Because 0 ≤| Z | ^ 2 ≤ 1
So 1 ≤| Z | ^ 2 ≤ 5,
So 1 ≤ | Z | ^ 2 ≤ √ 5 if and only if cos & sup2; a = 1 | Z | = 1,
If and only if cos & sup2; a = 0 | Z | = √ 5
=(2 ^ 15) * (cos1800 + isin1800). Demover's theorem
=32768 i
3. Because | Z | ^ 2 = Z * Z conjugate = 1, 1 / z = Z conjugate
Z & sup2; + 2Z + (Z conjugate) < 0
In addition, because Z & sup2; + 2Z + (Z conjugate) can be larger than 0, it is a real number
So Z & sup2; + 2Z + (Z conjugate) = (Z conjugate) & sup2; + 2 (Z conjugate) + Z
So Z & sup2; - (Z conjugate) & sup2; + Z - (Z conjugate)
=(Z-Z conjugate) (Z + Z conjugate + 1) = 0
So Z-Z conjugate = 0, that is Z = 1
Or Z + Z conjugate + 1 = 0, let z = a + bi, then Z conjugate = a-bi, (a, B are real numbers)
So a = - 1 / 2
And because | Z | & sup2; = A & sup2; + B & sup2; = 1, B = - √ 3 / 2 or √ 3 / 2
In conclusion, z = 1 or Z = - 1 / 2 - √ 3 / 2I or Z = - 1 / 2 + √ 3 / 2I
Good brother, because of excessive consumption, I have changed from a rich man to a poor man, begging for tips!
Module of Z = radical Sin & sup2; a + (2-cos & sup2; a) & sup2;
=Root cos & sup2; a-5cosa + 5
=Root (cosa-5 / 2) & sup2; - 5 / 4
Maximum root 11
Minimum 1
2) : (- √ 3 + I) to the 15th power = (2 (cos5 / 6pi + I * sin5 / 6pi)) to the 15th power
=2 (cos75 / 6pi + I * sin75 / 6pi))
=2 (cos75 / 6pi + I * sin75 / 6pi))
=The 15th power I of 2
Can family be plural?
Families is the plural of family
Ask the plural
If a and B are real numbers, Z1 = cos a + isin a, Z2 = cos B + isin B, then if and only if a and B satisfy -- then Z1 = Z2. If and only if a and B satisfy -- then the real part of Z1 and the real part of Z2 are opposite numbers, and the imaginary part of Z1 and the imaginary part of Z2 are opposite numbers. If and only if a and B satisfy -- then the real parts of Z1 and Z2 are equal, and the imaginary parts are opposite numbers
(for detailed explanation)
1. If and only if A-B = 2K π (k is an integer), Z1 = Z2. If this can't be done, don't ask me
2. The real part of Z1 and Z2 are opposite numbers
In theory, just write this condition
If you want to simplify it a little bit, it can be reduced to A-B = (2k + 1) π or a + B = (2k + 1) π (k is an integer)
If you understand this, you can do it yourself
When family denotes family and family members respectively, what is the relationship between the singular and the plural?
Family stands for the family singular
Family means family members in the plural
1. Given Z ∈ C, | Z | = 1, find the value range of | Z-I |;
2. Given that complex Z satisfies | Z * Z | - 2 | Z | - 3 = 0, find the locus of the corresponding point of complex Z
|The Z-I | center should be (0,
In the complex plane, take the origin as the center and 1 as the radius to make a circle. The point on the circle is the point satisfying | Z | = 1
The distance from a point on the circle to (0,1) is transformed
When z = - I, | Z-I | = 2 is the maximum
When z = I, | Z-I | = 0 is the minimum
So 0 = 0
so |z|-3=0
A circle with center (0,0) and radius 3