The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 7 and 11

The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 7 and 11

The greatest common factor is 1 and the least common multiple is 77
What is the greatest common factor of 7 and 9? What is the least common multiple of 17 68?
Because 7 and 9 are coprime numbers, the greatest common factor of 7 and 9 is 1
Because 68 is a multiple of 17, the least common multiple of 17 and 68 is 68
Calculating 3-1 / (3 + I) - (1-I) / (1 + I) by complex number method
The title should be (3-I) / (3 + I) - (1-I) / (1 + I)
When the series circuit resonates, why should the range of the meter be set in a larger gear when measuring the voltage on the capacitance and inductance?
Generally speaking, the internal resistance of the meter is larger when the range of the meter is set at a larger range, which has less influence on the resonance of the series circuit and makes the measurement more accurate
(2-I) (1 + I) complex operation,
The original formula = [1 + (1-I)] (1 + I) = (1 + I) + (1 ^ 2-I ^ 2) = 1 + I + 1 + 1 = 3 + I.
In the experiment of series resonant circuit and inductance parameter measuring circuit, why the measured Q value is much smaller than the theoretical value shows the cause of error
You use the nominal value of the component in the theoretical calculation, but in the actual circuit, the actual value of the component is not necessarily the nominal value, so this result is very normal
How to calculate the complex number (I + 1 / I) ^ 3
I think it should be (I + 1) / I
Otherwise 1 / I = - I
I-I = 0 is unlikely to ask
When the inductance of RLC series resonant circuit is increased to 4 times, how many times should the resonant frequency be? Why?
It can't resonate any more, because only the inductance is increased to 4 times of the original value and the capacitance is still the original value
How to calculate the conjugate complex number of complex z = (3 + I) / (1-I)
[measurement of RLC series circuit] what is the difference between the actual inductor and capacitor characteristics and the ideal LC characteristics?
[measurement of RLC series circuit] what is the difference between the measured characteristics of actual inductor and capacitor (i.e. impedance mode and amplitude) and ideal (pure) LC characteristics?
The impedance of an ideal LC circuit is a pure imaginary number, but the measured real circuit must have a real part. This is because the permittivity of the dielectric material of the capacitor is not infinite, and the permittivity of the inductor is not zero